bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及123嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
not very hopeful pupil!a stubborn little girl with a sulky
forehead察 a deep voice察 and an inanimate dissatisfied mamma!
whose case was certainly not rendered more hopeful by the
confusion into which we threw her preceptor。 The lesson at last
came to an end察after proceeding as discordantly as possible察and
when the little girl had changed her shoes察and had had her white
muslin extinguished in shawls察 she was taken away。 After a few
words of preparation察we then went in search of Mr Turveydrop察
whom we found察 grouped with his hat and gloves察 as a model of
Deportment察 on the sofa in his private apartment!the only
comfortable room in the house。 He appeared to have dressed at his
leisure察in the intervals of a light collation察and his dressing´case察
brushes察and so forth察all of quiet and elegant kind察lay about。
^Father察Miss Summerson察Miss Jellyby。 ̄
^Charmed Enchanted 院 said Mr Turveydrop察 rising with his
high´shouldered bow。 ^Permit me 院handing chairs。 ^Be seated 院
kissing the tips of his left fingers。 ^Overjoyed 院 shutting his eyes
and rolling。 ^My little retreat is made a Paradise。 ̄ Recomposing
himself on the sofa察like the second gentleman in Europe。
^Again you find us察Miss Summerson察院said he察 using our little
arts to polish察polish Again the sex stimulates us察and rewards us察
by the condescension of its lovely presence。 It is much in these
times and we have made an awfully degenerating business of it
since the days of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent!my
patron察if I may presume to say so to experience that Deportment
is not wholly trodden under foot by mechanics。 That it can yet
bask in the smile of Beauty察my dear madam。 ̄
I said nothing察which I thought a suitable reply察and he took a
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pinch of snuff。
^My dear son察院said Mr Turveydrop察 you have four schools this
afternoon。 I would recommend a hasty sandwich。 ̄
^Thank you察 father察院 returned Prince察 I will be sure to be
punctual。 My dear father察may I beg you to prepare your mind for
what I am going to say拭院
^Good Heaven 院 exclaimed the model察 pale and aghast察 as
Prince and Caddy察hand in hand察bent down before him。
^What is this拭Is this lunacy Or what is this拭院
^Father察院 returned Prince察 with great submission察 I love this
young lady察and we are engaged。 ̄
^Engaged 院 cried Mr Turveydrop察 reclining on the sofa察 and
shutting out the sight with his hand。 ^An arrow launched at my
brain察by my own child 院
^We have been engaged for some time察father察院faltered Prince察
^and Miss Summerson察 hearing of it察 advised that we should
declare the fact to you察and was so very kind as to attend on the
present occasion。 Miss Jellyby is a young lady who deeply respects
you察father。 ̄
Mr Turveydrop uttered a groan。
^No察 pray don¨t Pray don¨t察 father察院 urged his son。 ^Miss
Jellyby is a young lady who deeply respects you察 and our first
desire is to consider your comfort。 ̄
Mr Turveydrop sobbed。
^No察pray don¨t察father 院cried his son。
^Boy察院said Mr Turveydrop察 it is well that your sainted mother
is spared this pang。 Strike deep察and spare not。 Strike home察 sir察
strike home 院
^Pray察don¨t say so察father察院implored Prince察in tears。 ^It goes
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to my heart。 I do assure you察 father察 that our first wish and
intention is to consider your comfort。 Caroline and I do not forget
our duty!what is my duty is Caroline¨s察 as we have often said
together!and察 with your approval and consent察 father察 we will
devote ourselves to making your life agreeable。 ̄
^Strike home察院murmured Mr Turveydrop。 ^Strike home 院
But he seemed to listen察I thought察too。
^My dear father察院 returned Prince察 we well know what little
comforts you are accustomed to察 and have a right to察 and it will
always be our study察 and our pride察 to provide those before
anything。 If you will bless us with your approval and consent察
father察 we shall not think of being married until it is quite
agreeable to you察and when we are married察we shall always make
you!of course!our first consideration。 You must ever be the
Head and Master here察father察and we feel how truly unnatural it
would be in us察 if we failed to know it察 or if we failed to exert
ourselves in every possible way to please you。 ̄
Mr Turveydrop underwent a severe internal struggle察and came
upright on the sofa again察 with his cheeks puffing over his stiff
cravat此a perfect model of parental deportment。
^My son 院 said Mr Turveydrop。 ^My children I cannot resist
your prayer。 Be happy 院
His benignity察 as he raised his future daughter´in´law and
stretched out his hand to his son who kissed it with affectionate
respect and gratitude察was the most confusing sight I ever saw。
^My children察院 said Mr Turveydrop察 paternally encircling
Caddy with his left arm as she sat beside him察and putting his right
hand gracefully on his hip。 ^My son and daughter察your happiness
shall be my care。 I will watch over you。 You shall always live with
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me察院meaning察of course察I will always live with you察 this house is
henceforth as much yours as mine察 consider it your home。 May
you long live to share it with me 院
The power of his Deportment was such察that they really were as
much overcome with thankfulness as if察 instead of quartering
himself upon them for the rest of his life察 he were making some
munificent sacrifice in their favour。
^For myself察 my children察院 said Mr Turveydrop察 I am falling
into the sear and yellow leaf察and it is impossible to say how long
the last feeble traces of gentlemanly Deportment may linger in this
weaving and spinning age。 But察 so long察 I will do my duty to
society察and will show myself察as usual察about town。 My wants are
few and simple。 My little apartment here察my few essentials for the
toilet察my frugal morning meal察and my little dinner察will suffice。 I
charge your dutiful affection with the supply of these
requirements察and I charge myself with all the rest。 ̄
They were overpowered afresh by his uncommon generosity。
^My son察院said Mr Turveydrop察 for those little points in which
you are deficient!points of Deportment which are born with a
man!which may be improved by cultivation