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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及120嫗

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so amiable察mademoiselle。 ̄ 

    ^No  excuse is necessary察院  I   returned察   if  you  wish   to   speak   to 

me。 ̄ 

    ^That   is   my   desire察  mademoiselle。   A   thousand   thanks   for   the 

permission。  I   have   your   leave   to   speak。   Is   it  not拭院  she   said察  in   a 

quick察natural way。 

    ^Certainly察院said I。 

    ^Mademoiselle察you are so amiable Listen then察if you please。 I 

have left my Lady。 We could not agree。 My Lady is so high察so very 

high。    Pardon      Mademoiselle察      you    are   right 院  Her    quickness 

anticipated what I might have said presently察but as yet had only 

thought。   ^It  is   not  for  me   to  come   here   to   complain   of   my   Lady。 

But I say she is so high察so very high。 I will say not a word more。 

All the world knows that。 ̄ 

    ^Go on察if you please察院said I。 

    ^Assuredly察  mademoiselle察  I   am   thankful   for   your   politeness。 

Mademoiselle察I have an inexpressible desire to find service with a 

young   lady   who   is   good察  accomplished察  beautiful。   You   are   good察

accomplished察  and   beautiful   as   an       angel。   Ah察  could   I  have   the 

honour of being your domestic 院

    ^I am sorry! ̄ I began。 

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    ^Do not dismiss me so  soon察  mademoiselle 院 she  said察 with  an 

involuntary contraction of her fine black eyebrows。 ^Let me hope 

a   moment      Mademoiselle察       I  know    this  service    would    be   more 

retired   than   that  which  I   have   quitted。 Well  I   wish   that。   I   know 

this   service   would   be   less   distinguished   than   that   which   I   have 

quitted。   Well   I   wish   that。   I   know   that   I   should   win   less察  as   to 

wages here。 Good。 I am content。 ̄ 

    ^I   assure   you察院  said   I察  quite   embarrassed   by   the   mere   idea   of 

having such an attendant察 that I keep no maid! ̄ 

    ^Ah察mademoiselle察but why not拭Why not察when you can have 

one so devoted to you Who would be enchanted to serve you察who 

would      be   so   true察   so   zealous察   and     so   faithful察  every    day 

Mademoiselle察I wish with all my heart to serve you。 Do not speak 

of money at present。 Take me as I am。 For nothing 院

    She was so singularly earnest that I drew back察almost afraid of 

her。 Without appearing to notice it察in her ardour察she still pressed 

herself     upon    me察   speaking     in  a  rapid    subdued      voice察  though 

always with a certain grace and propriety。 

    ^Mademoiselle察  I  come   from   the South   country察  where   we   are 

quick察and where we like and dislike very strong。 My Lady was too 

high   for   me察  I   was   too   high   for   her。   It   is   done!past!finished 

Receive me as your domestic察and   I   will serve   you  well。   I   will do 

more       for   you察   than     you     figure    to   yourself      now。     Chut 

mademoiselle察I will!no  matter察  I   will   do my  utmost  possible察  in 

all   things。    If  you   accept    my    service察   you   will   not   repent    it。 

Mademoiselle察you will not repent it察and I will serve you well。 You 

don¨t know how well 院

    There was a lowering energy in her face察as she stood looking at 

me while I explained the impossibility of my engaging her without 

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thinking   it   necessary   to   say   how   very   little   I   desired   to   do   so察

which   seemed   to   bring   visibly   before   me   some   woman   from   the 

streets   of  Paris   in   the  reign   of   terror。   She   heard   me   out   without 

interruption察  and   then   said察  with   her   pretty   accent察  and   in   her 

mildest voice此 

    ^Hey察mademoiselle察I have received my answer I am sorry of 

it。 But I must go elsewhere察and seek what I have not found here。 

Will you graciously let me kiss your hand拭院

    She   looked   at  me  more   intently as   she   took it察  and   seemed   to 

take note察with her momentary touch察of every vein in it。 ^I fear I 

surprised you察mademoiselle察on the day of the storm拭院  she   said察

with a parting curtsey。 

    I confessed that she had surprised us all。 

    ^I took an oath察mademoiselle察院she said smiling察 and I wanted 

to  stamp   it  on   my  mind察  so  that   I   might   keep   it   faithfully。   And   I 

will Adieu察mademoiselle 院

    So  ended   our  conference察  which I   was   very  glad   to   bring   to   a 

close。 I suppose she went away from the village察for I saw her no 

more察and nothing  else   occurred   to  disturb   our  tranquil   summer 

pleasures察  until   six   weeks   were   out察  and   we   returned   home   as   I 

began just now by saying。 

    At   that   time察   and   for   a  good    many     weeks     after   that   time察

Richard was constant in his visits。 Besides coming every Saturday 

or   Sunday察     and    remaining      with   us   until  Monday       morning察     he 

sometimes   rode   out   on   horseback   unexpectedly察  and   passed   the 

evening  with  us察and   rode   back   again   early  next   day。   He   was   as 

vivacious as ever察and told us he was   very  industrious察but  I   was 

not    easy    in  my   mind     about    him。    It  appeared      to  me    that   his 

industry      was    all  misdirected。      I  could    not   find   that    it  led  to 

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anything察but the formation of delusive hopes   in   connection   with 

the suit already the pernicious cause of so much sorrow and ruin。 

He had got at the core of that mystery now察he told us察and nothing 

could be plainer than that the will under which he and Ada were 

to   take察  I   don¨t   know   how   many   thousands   of   pounds察  must   be 

finally established察if there were any sense or justice in the Court 

of Chancery!but O what a great if that sounded in my ears!and 

that this happy conclusion could not be much longer delayed。 He 

proved this to himself by all the weary arguments on that side he 

had     read察  and    every    one    of  them    sunk     him    deeper    in   the 

infatuation。 He had even begun to haunt the Court。 He told us how 

he saw Miss Flite there daily察how they talked together察and he did 

her little kindnesses察and how察while he laughed at her察he pitied 

her  from   his   heart。   But   he   never   thought!never察  my   poor   dear察

sanguine   Richard察  capable   of   so   much   happiness   then察  and   with 

such     better   things   before    him what       a  fatal  link   was   riveting 

between his fresh youth and her faded age察between his free hopes 

and   her   caged   birds察  and   her   hungry   garret察  and   her   wandering 


   Ada  loved   him   too   well察  to  mistrust   him   much   in   anything   he 

said or did察and my Guardian察though he frequently complained of 

the    east   wind     and   read    more     than    usual    in  the   Growlery察

preserved   a   strict   silence   on   the   subject。   So察  I   thought察  one   day 

when I went to London to meet Caddy Jellyby察at her solicitation察I 

would ask Richard to be in waiting for me at the coach´office察that 

we   might   have   a   little   talk   together。   I   found   him   there   when   I 

arrived察and we walked away arm in arm。 

    ^Well察Richard察院said I察as soon as I could begin to be grave with 

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