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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及117嫗

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unchanging as the great mourning ring on his little finger察or the 

brooch察composed of not much diamond and a good deal of setting察

which he wears in his shirt。 

    When they came at last to Tom´all´Alone¨s察Mr Bucket stops for 

a   moment   at   the   corner察  and   takes   a   lighted   bull¨s´eye   from   the 

constable on duty there察who then accompanies him with his own 

particular bull¨s´eye at his waist。 Between his two conductors Mr 

Snagsby passes along the middle of a villanous street察undrained察

unventilated察  deep   in   black   mud   and   corrupt   water!though   the 

roads are dry elsewhere!and reeking with such smells and sights 

that he察who has lived in London all his life察can scarce believe his 

senses。 Branching from this street and its heap of ruins察are other 

streets   and   courts   so   infamous   that   Mr   Snagsby   sickens   in   body 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

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                                   Bleak House                                     432 

and   mind察  and   feels   as   if   he   were   going察  every   moment   deeper 

down察into the infernal gulf。 

    ^Draw   off   a   bit   here察  Mr   Snagsby察院  says   Bucket察  as   a   kind   of 

shabby palanquin   is borne   towards   them察  surrounded by  a noisy 

crowd。 ^Here¨s the fever coming up the street 院

    As the unseen wretch goes by察the crowd察leaving that object of 

attraction察hovers round the three visitors察like a dream of horrible 

faces察and fades away up alleys and into ruins察and behind walls察

and     with     occasional     cries    and    shrill    whistles     of  warning察

thenceforth flits about them until they leave the place。 

    ^Are those the fever´houses察Darby拭院Mr Bucket coolly asks察as 

he turns his bull¨s´eye on a line of stinking ruins。 

    Darby   replies   that   ^all   them   are察院  and   further   that   in   all察  for 

months and months察the people ^have been down by dozens察院and 

have been carried out察  dead   and dying  ^like   sheep  with  the   rot。 ̄ 

Bucket observing to Mr Snagsby as they go on again察that he looks 

a little poorly察Mr Snagsby answers that he feels as if he couldn¨t 

breathe the dreadful air。 

    There is inquiry made at various houses察for a boy named Jo。 As 

few   people   are   known   in   Tom´all´Alone¨s   by   any   Christian   sign察

there is much reference to Snagsby whether he means Carrots察or 

the Colonel察or Gallows察or Young Chisel察or Terrier Tip察or Lanky察

or the Brick。 Mr Snagsby describes over and over again。 There are 

conflicting   opinions   respecting   the   original   of   his   picture。   Some 

think    it  must    be  Carrots察    some    say   the  Brick。    The   Colonel     is 

produced察but is not at all near the thing。 Whenever Mr Snagsby 

and   his   conductors   are   stationary察      the  crowd     flows   round察   and 

from its squalid depths obsequious advice heaves up to Mr Bucket。 

Whenever   they   move察        and   the   angry   bull¨s   eyes   glare察  it  fades 

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away察  and   flits   about   them   up   the   alleys察  and   in   the   ruins察  and 

behind the walls察as before。 

   At   last   there   is   a   lair   found   out   where   Toughy察  or   the   Tough 

Subject lays him down at night察and it is thought that  the   Tough 

Subject may be Jo。 Comparison of notes between Mr Snagsby and 

the   proprietress   of  the   house!a   drunken   face   tied   up in a   black 

bundle察  and   flaring   out   of   a   heap   of   rags   on   the   floor   of   a   dog´ 

hutch which is her private apartment!leads to the establishment 

of this conclusion。 Toughy has gone to the Doctor¨s to get a bottle 

of stuff for a sick woman察but will be here anon。 

    ^And who have we got here tonight拭院says Mr Bucket察opening 

another   door   and   glaring   in   with   his   bull¨s´eye。  ^Two   drunken 

men察eh拭And two women拭The men are sound enough察院turning 

back each  sleeper¨s arm   from   his   face   to  look at  him。 ^Are  these 

your good men察my dears拭院

    ^Yes察sir察院returns one of the women。 ^They are our husbands。 ̄ 


    ^Yes察sir。 ̄ 

    ^What are you doing here拭You don¨t belong to London拭院

    ^No察sir。 We belong to Hertfordshire。 ̄ 

    ^Whereabouts in Hertfordshire拭院

    ^Saint Albans。 ̄ 

    ^Come up on the tramp拭院

    ^We   walked   up   yesterday。   There¨s   no   work   down   with   us   at 

present察but we have done no good by coming here察and shall do 

none察I expect。 ̄ 

    ^That¨s not the way to do much good察院says Mr Bucket察turning 

his head in the direction of the unconscious figures on the ground。 

    ^It an¨t indeed察院replies the woman with a sigh。 ^Jenny and me 

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knows it full well。 ̄ 

    The room察though two or three feet higher than the door察is so 

low   that   the   head   of   the   tallest   of   the   visitors   would   touch   the 

blackened ceiling if he stood upright。 It is offensive to every sense察

even   the   gross   candle   burns   pale   and   sickly   in   the   polluted   air。 

There are a couple of benches察and a higher bench by way of table。 

The men lie asleep where they stumbled down察but the women sit 

by the candle。 Lying in the arms of the woman who has spoken察is 

a very young child。 

    ^Why察  what  age   do  you  call   that little   creature拭院  says   Bucket。 

^It looks as if it was born yesterday。 ̄ He is not at all rough about 

it察  and   as   he   turns   his   light   gently   on   the   infant察  Mr   Snagsby   is 

strangely reminded of another infant察encircled with light察that he 

has seen in pictures。 

    ^He is not three weeks old yet察sir察院says the woman。 

    ^Is he your child拭院

    ^Mine。 ̄ 

    The other woman察who was bending over it when they came in察

stoops down again察and kisses it as it lies asleep。 

    ^You   seem   as   fond   of   it   as   if   you   were   the   mother   yourself察院

says Mr Bucket。 

    ^I was the mother of one like it察master察and it died。 ̄ 

    ^Ah   Jenny察  Jenny 院  says   the   other   woman   to   her察   better   so。 

Much better to think of dead than alive察Jenny Much better。 ̄ 

    ^Why察    you   an¨t  such   an   unnatural      woman察    I  hope察院   returns 

Bucket察sternly察 as to wish your own child dead拭院

    ^God knows you are right察master察院she returns。 ^I am not。 I¨d 

stand between it and death察with my own life if I could察as true as 

any pretty lady。 ̄ 

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    ^Then     don¨t    talk  in  that   wrong     manner察院     says   Mr   Bucket察

mollified again。 ^Why do you do it拭院

    ^It¨s   brought   into   my   head察  master察院  returns   the   woman察  her 

eyes filling with tears察 when I look down at the child lying so。 If it 

was never to wake no more察you¨d think me mad察I should take on 

so。 I know that very well。 I was with Jenny  when   she lost  hers! 

warn¨t  I察  Jenny拭and   I know  how  she  grieved。   But  look around 

you察at this place。 Look at them察院glancing at the sleepers on the 

ground。 ^Look at the boy you¨re waiting for察who¨s gone out to do 

me a good turn。 Think of the children that your business lays with 

often and often察and that you see gro

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