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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及116嫗

弌傍 bleak house(奈噌議型徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

either of the windows。 There is a press in the room察but its hinges 

have not creaked察nor has a step been audible upon the floor。 Yet 

this third person stands there察with his attentive face察and his hat 

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and stick in his hands察and his hands behind him察a composed and 

quiet    listener。   He   is  a  stoutly´built察  steady´looking察     sharp´eyed 

man in black察of about the middle´age。 Except that he looks at Mr 

Snagsby as if he were going to take his portrait察  there   is   nothing 

remarkable       about   him   at   first   sight   but   his  ghostly   manner    of 


    ^Don¨t mind this gentleman察院says Mr Tulkinghorn察in his quiet 

way。 ^This is only Mr Bucket。 ̄ 

    ^Oh indeed察sir拭院returns the stationer察expressing by a cough 

that he is quite in the dark as to who Mr Bucket may be。 

    ^I wanted him   to  hear  this story察院  says   the   lawyer察   because   I 

have half a mind for a reason to know more of it察and he is very 

intelligent in such things。 What do you say to this察Bucket拭院

    ^It¨s very plain察sir。 Since our  people  have   moved   this boy  on察

and he¨s not to be found on his old lay察if Mr Snagsby don¨t object 

to go down with me to Tom´all´Alone¨s and point him out察we can 

have   him   here   in   less   than   a   couple   of   hours¨   time。   I   can   do   it 

without Mr Snagsby察of course察but this is the shortest way。 ̄ 

    ^Mr Bucket is a detective officer察Snagsby察院says the lawyer in 


    ^Is he indeed察sir拭院says Mr Snagsby察with a strong tendency in 

his clump of hair to stand on end。 

    ^And if you have no real objection to accompany Mr Bucket to 

the place in question察院pursues the lawyer察 I shall feel obliged to 

you if you will do so。 ̄ 

    In   a   moment¨s   hesitation   on   the   part   of   Mr   Snagsby察  Bucket 

dips down to the bottom of his mind。 

    ^Don¨t you be afraid of hurting the boy察院he says。 ^You won¨t do 

that。 It¨s all right as far as the boy¨s concerned。 We shall only bring 

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him here to ask him a question or so I want to put to him察and he¨ll 

be paid for his trouble察and sent away again。 It¨ll be a good job for 

him。 I promise you察as man察that you shall see the boy sent away 

all right。 Don¨t you be afraid of hurting him察you an¨t going to do 

that。 ̄ 

    ^Very well察Mr Tulkinghorn 院cries Mr Snagsby cheerfully察and 

reassured察 since that¨s the case! ̄ 

    ^Yes   and   lookee   here察  Mr   Snagsby察院  resumes   Bucket察  taking 

him   aside   by   the   arm察  tapping   him   familiarly   on   the   breast察  and 

speaking  in a   confidential   tone。  ^You¨re   a man   of  the   world察  you 

know察  and a   man   of   business察  and   a   man   of  sense。   ^That¨s   what 

you are。 ̄ 

    ^I   am  sure   I   am much   obliged   to   you   for   your   good   opinion察院

returns the stationer察with his cough of modesty察 but! ̄ 

    ^That¨s   what you   are察  you   know察院  says   Bucket。   ^Now察  it   an¨t 

necessary   to   say   to   a   man   like   you察  engaged     in   your   business察

which   is   a   business   of   trust   and   requires     a   person   to   be  wide 

awake   and   have   his   senses   about   him察  and   his   head   screwed   on 

tight I had an uncle in your  business   once!it  an¨t  necessary  to 

say to a man like you察that it¨s the best and wisest way to keep little 

matters like this quiet。 Don¨t you see拭Quiet 院

    ^Certainly察certainly察院returns the stationer。 

    ^I   don¨t   mind     telling  you察院   says    Bucket察    with   an   engaging 

appearance of frankness察 that察as far as I can understand it察there 

seems to be a doubt whether this dead person wasn¨t entitled to a 

little   property察  and   whether   this   female   hasn¨t   been   up   to   some 

games respecting that property察don¨t you see 院

    ^O 院says Mr Snagsby察but not appearing to see quite distinctly。 

    ^Now察     what   you    want察院   pursues      Bucket察   again    tapping     Mr 

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Snagsby on the breast in a comfortable and soothing manner察 is察

that   every   person   should   have   their   rights   according   to   justice。 

That¨s what you want。 ̄ 

    ^To be sure察院returns Mr Snagsby with a nod。 

    ^On account of which察and at the same time to oblige a!do you 

call it察in your business察customer or client拭I forget how my uncle 

used to call it。 ̄ 

    ^Why察I generally say customer myself察院replies Mr Snagsby。 

    ^You¨re     right 院 returns    Mr   Bucket察    shaking   hands     with   him 

quite affectionately察^on account of which察and at the same time 

to oblige a real good customer察you mean to go down with me察in 

confidence察to Tom´all´Alone¨s察and to keep the whole thing quiet 

ever   afterwards   and   never   mention   it   to   any   one。   That¨s   about 

your intentions if I understand you。 ̄ 

    ^You are right察sir。 You are right察院says Mr Snagsby。 

    ^Then      here¨s   your    hat察院  returns    his  new     friend察  quite   as 

intimate with it as if he had made it察 and if you¨re ready察I am。 ̄ 

    They leave Mr Tulkinghorn察without a   ruffle   on   the   surface   of 

his unfathomable depths察drinking his old wine察and go down into 

the streets。 

    ^You  don¨t   happen   to  know   a   very   good   sort   of   person   of   the 

name of Gridley察do you拭院says Bucket察in a   friendly  converse   as 

they descend the stairs。 

    ^No察院says Mr Snagsby察considering察 I don¨t know anybody of 

that name。 Why拭院

    ^Nothing   particular察院  says   Bucket察   only察      having   allowed   his 

temper      to   get  a   little  the   better   of  him察   and    having     been 

threatening some respectable people察he is keeping out of the way 

of a warrant I have got against him!which it¨s a pity that a man of 

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sense should do。 ̄ 

    As   they   walk   along察  Mr   Snagsby   observes察  as   a   novelty察  that察

however   quick   their   pace   may   be察  his   companion   still   seems   in 

some undefinable manner to lurk and lounge察also察that whenever 

he is going to turn to the right or left察he pretends to have a fixed 

purpose      in  his   mind    of  going    straight   ahead察    and   wheels     off察

sharply察at the very last moment。 Now and then察when they pass a 

police   constable   on   his   beat察  Mr   Snagsby   notices   that   both   the 

constable and his guide fall into a deep abstraction as they come 

towards   each   other察  and   appear   entirely   to   overlook   each   other 

and   to   gaze   into   space。   In   a   few   instances察  Mr   Bucket察  coming 

behind some undersized young man with a shining hat on察and his 

sleek hair twisted into one flat curl on each side of his head察almost 

without   glancing   at   him   touches   him   with   his   stick察  upon   which 

the young man察looking round察instantly evaporates。 For the most 

part     Mr    Bucket     notices     things    in   general     with    a   face   as 

unchanging as the great mourning ring on his little finger察or the 

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