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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及115嫗

弌傍 bleak house(奈噌議型徨) 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

           are   wide   open察and   the   room   is lofty察  gusty察  and   gloomy。 

These may not be desirable characteristics when November comes 

with  fog  and   sleet察  or   January   with   ice   and   snow察  but   they   have 

their    merits   in   the  sultry   long   vacation     weather。    They    enable 

Allegory察    though     it  has   cheeks     like  peaches察    and    knees    like 

bunches of blossoms察and rosy swellings for calves to its legs and 

muscles to its arms察to look tolerably cool tonight。 

    Plenty    of  dust   comes     in  at  Mr   Tulkinghorn¨s       windows察    and 

plenty more has generated among his furniture and papers。 It lies 

thick everywhere。 When a breeze from the country that has lost its 

way察  takes   fright察  and   makes   a   blind   hurry   to   rush   out   again察  it 

flings   as   much   dust   in   the   eyes   of   Allegory   as  the  law!or   Mr 

Tulkinghorn察one of its trustiest representatives!may scatter察on 

occasion察in the eyes of the laity。 

    In   his  lowering     magazine      of  dust察 the   universal    article   into 

which his papers and himself察and all his clients察and all things of 

earth察animate and inanimate察are resolving察Mr Tulkinghorn sits 

at one of the open windows察enjoying a bottle of old port。 Though a 

hard´grained   man察  close察  dry察  and   silent察  he   can   enjoy   old   wine 

with the best。 He has a priceless binn of port in some artful cellar 

under the Fields察which is one of his many secrets。 When he dines 

alone in chambers察as he has dined   today察  and   has   his  bit  of  fish 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 425´

                                    Bleak House                                     425 

and   his   steak    or   chicken   brought   in     from    the   coffee´house察    he 

descends with a candle to the echoing regions below the deserted 

mansion察  and察 heralded by  a   remote   reverberation   of  thundering 

doors察  comes   gravely   back察  encircled   by   an   earthy   atmosphere察

and  carrying a bottle   from   which  he   pours   a   radiant   nectar察  two 

score and ten years old察that  blushes in   the   glass   to  find  itself  so 

famous察  and   fills   the   whole   room   with   the   fragrance   of   southern 


    Mr   Tulkinghorn察  sitting   in   the   twilight   by   the   open   window察

enjoys his wine。 As if it whispered to him of its fifty years of silence 

and seclusion察it shuts him up the closer。 More impenetrable than 

ever察   he   sits察 and   drinks察   and    mellows     as   it  were   in  secrecy察

pondering察  at   that   twilight   hour察  on   all   the   mysteries   he   knows察

associated   with   darkening   woods   in   the   country察  and   vast   blank 

shut´up houses in town察and perhaps sparing a thought or two for 

himself察and his family history察and his money察and his will!all a 

mystery to everyone!and that one bachelor friend of his察a man of 

the same mould and a lawyer too察who lived the same kind of life 

until he was seventy´five years old察and then察suddenly conceiving 

as it is supposed an impression that it was too monotonous察gave 

his    gold   watch     to  his   hair´dresser     one    summer      evening察    and 

walked leisurely home to the Temple察and hanged himself。 

    But察Mr Tulkinghorn is not alone tonight察to ponder at his usual 

length。 Seated at  the   same   table察  though  with  his   chair  modestly 

and   uncomfortably   drawn   a   little   way   from   it察  sits   a   bald察  mild察

shining man察 who  coughs   respectfully  behind   his  hand   when  the 

lawyer bids him fill his glass。 

    ^Now察  Snagsby察院  says   Mr   Tulkinghorn察   to   go   over   this          odd 

story again。 ̄ 

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´ Page 426´

                                    Bleak House                                     426 

    ^If you please察sir。 ̄ 

    ^You told me when you were so good as to step round here察last 

night! ̄ 

    ^For which I must ask you to excuse me if it was a liberty察sir察

but   I   remember   that   you   had   taken   a   sort   of   an   interest   in   that 

person察and I thought it possible that you might´just´wish´to´ ̄ Mr 

Tulkinghorn   is not  the   man   to  help   him   to   any   conclusion察  or   to 

admit   anything   as   to   any   possibility   concerning   himself。   So   Mr 

Snagsby trails off into saying察with an awkward cough察 I must ask 

you to excuse the liberty察sir察I am sure。 ̄ 

    ^Not at all察院says Mr Tulkinghorn。 ^You told me察Snagsby察that 

you   put   on   your   hat   and   came   round   without   mentioning   your 

intention to your wife。 That was prudent I think察because it¨s not a 

matter of such importance that it requires to be mentioned。 ̄ 

    ^Well察sir察院returns Mr Snagsby察 you see my little woman is! 

not  to  put  too  fine   a   point  upon   it!inquisitive。   She¨s   inquisitive。 

Poor   little   thing察  she¨s   liable   to   spasms察  and   it¨s   good   for   her   to 

have   her  mind   employed。   In   consequence   of   which察  she   employs 

it!I   should say  upon   every  individual   thing  she   can   lay   hold   of察

whether   it   concerns   her   or   not!especially   not。   My   little   woman 

has a very active mind察sir。 ̄ 

    Mr    Snagsby      drinks察  and    murmurs察     with    an  admiring      cough 

behind his hand。 ^Dear me察very fine wine indeed 院

    ^Therefore you kept your visit to yourself察last night拭院says Mr 

Tulkinghorn。 ^And tonight察too拭院

    ^Yes察sir察and tonight察too。 My little woman is at present in!not 

to   put   too   fine  a  point   on   it!in   a  pious    state察 or   in   what   she 

considers   such察  and   attends   the   Evening   Exertions   which   is   the 

name they go by of a reverend party of the name of Chadband。 He 

Charles Dickens                                                       ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 427´

                                  Bleak House                                  427 

has a great deal of eloquence at his command undoubtedly察but I 

am not quite favourable to his style myself。 That¨s neither here nor 

there。 My little woman being engaged in that way察made it easier 

for me to step round in a quiet manner。 ̄ 

   Mr Tulkinghorn assents。 ^Fill your glass察Snagsby。 ̄ 

    ^Thank     you察  sir察 I  am  sure察院  returns   the  stationer察   with  his 

cough of deference。 ^This is wonderfully fine wine察sir 院

    ^It is a rare wine now察院says Mr Tulkinghorn。 ^It is fifty  years 

old。 ̄ 

    ^Is it indeed察sir拭But I am not surprised to hear it察I am sure。 It 

might be!any age almost。 ̄ After rendering this general tribute to 

the port察Mr Snagsby in his modesty coughs an apology behind his 

hand for drinking anything so precious。 

    ^Will   you   run   over察  once   again察  what   the   boy   said拭院  asks   Mr 

Tulkinghorn察putting his hands into the pockets of his rusty small´ 

clothes and leaning quietly back in his chair。 

    ^With pleasure察sir。 ̄ 

   Then察     with   fidelity察 though     with   some     prolixity察  the   law´ 

stationer repeats Jo¨s statement made to the assembled guests at 

his house。 On coming to the end of his narrative察he gives a great 

start察and breaks off with!^Dear me察sir察I wasn¨t aware there was 

any other gentleman present 院

   Mr Snagsby is dismayed to see察standing with an attentive face 

between himself and the lawyer察at a little distance from the table察

a person with a hat and stick in his hand who was not there when 

he himself  came   in察and   has  not  since  entered by  the  door  or  by 

either of the windows。 There is a press in the room察but its hing

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