bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及11嫗
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
^Of !! did you say察ma¨am拭院
^Of your guardian察Mr Jarndyce察院said Miss Donny。
I was so bewildered that Miss Donny thought the cold had been
too severe for me察and lent me her smelling´bottle。
^Do you know my!guardian察 Mr Jarndyce察 ma¨am拭院 I asked
after a good deal of hesitation。
^Not personally察Esther察院said Miss Donny察 merely through his
solicitors察Messrs。 Kenge and Carboy察of London。 A very superior
gentleman察Mr Kenge。 Truly eloquent indeed。 Some of his periods
quite majestic 院
I felt this to be very true察but was too confused to attend to it。
Our speedy arrival at our destination察before I had time to recover
myself察 increased my confusion察 and I never shall forget the
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uncertain and unreal air of every thing at Greenleaf Miss Donny¨s
house察that afternoon
But I soon became used to it。 I was so adapted to the routine of
Greenleaf before long察 that I seemed to have been there a great
while察 and almost to have dreamed察 rather than to have really
lived察 my old life at my godmother¨s。 Nothing could be more
precise察exact察and orderly察than Greenleaf。 There was a time for
everything all round the dial of the clock察and everything was done
at its appointed moment。
We were twelve boarders察 and there were two Miss Donnys察
twins。 It was understood that I would have to depend察by´and´by察
on my qualifications as a governess察and I was not only instructed
in everything that was taught at Greenleaf察 but was very soon
engaged in helping to instruct others。 Although I was treated in
every other respect like the rest of the school察this single difference
was made in my case from the first。 As I began to know more察 I
taught more察and so in course of time I had plenty to do察which I
was very fond of doing察because it made the dear girls fond of me。
At last察whenever a new pupil came who was a little downcast and
unhappy察she was so sure!indeed I don¨t know why!to make a
friend of me察that all newcomers were confided to my care。 They
said I was so gentle察but I am sure they were I often thought of the
resolution I had made on my birthday察 to try to be industrious察
contented and true´hearted察and to do some good to some one察and
win some love if I could察and indeed察indeed察I felt almost ashamed
to have done so little and have won so much。
I passed at Greenleaf six happy察quiet years。 I never saw in any
face there察thank Heaven察on my birthday察that it would have been
better if I had never been born。 When the day came round察 it
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brought me so many tokens of affectionate remembrance that my
room was beautiful with them from New Year¨s Day to Christmas。
In those six years I had never been away察 except on visits at
holiday time in the neighbourhood。 After the first six months or so察
I had taken Miss Donny¨s advice in reference to the propriety of
writing to Mr Kenge察 to say that I was happy and grateful察 and
with her approval I had written such a letter。 I had received a
formal answer acknowledging its receipt察and saying察 We note the
contents thereof察which shall be duly communicated to our client。 ̄
After that察I sometimes heard Miss Donny and her sister mention
how regularly my accounts were paid察 and about twice a year I
ventured to write a similar letter。 I always received by return of
post exactly the same answer察 in the same round hand察 with the
signature of Kenge and Carboy in another writing察 which I
supposed to be Mr Kenge¨s。
It seems so curious to me to be obliged to write all this about
myself As if this narrative were the narrative of my life But my
little body will soon fall into the background now。
Six quiet years I find I am saying it for the second time I had
passed at Greenleaf察seeing in those around me察as it might be in a
looking´glass察 every stage of my own growth and change there察
when察 one November morning察 I received this letter。 I omit the
Old Square察Lincoln¨s Inn。
Jarndyce and Jarndyce。
Our clt Mr Jarndyce being abt to rece into his house察 under an
Order of the Ct of Chy察a Ward of the Ct in this cause察for whom he
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wishes to secure an elgble compn察 directs us to inform you that he
will be glad of your serces in the afsd capacity。
We have arrngd for your being forded察 carriage free察 pr eight
o¨clock coach from Reading察 on Monday morning next察 to White
Horse Cellar察 Piccadilly察 London察 where one of our clks will be in
waiting to convey you to our offe as above。
We are察Madam察Your obedt Servts察
Kenge and Carboy。
Miss Esther Summerson。
O察 never察 never察 never shall I forget the emotion this letter
caused in the house It was so tender in them to care so much for
me察it was so gracious in that Father who had not forgotten me察to
have made my orphan way so smooth and easy察 and to have
inclined so many youthful natures towards me察that I could hardly
bear it。 Not that I would have had them less sorry!I am afraid
not察but the pleasure of it and the pain of it察and the pride and joy
of it察and the humble regret of it察 were so blended that my heart
seemed almost breaking while it was full of rapture。
The letter gave me only five days¨ notice of my removal。 When
every minute added to the proofs of love and kindness that were
given me in those five days察and when at last the morning came察
and when they took me through all the rooms that I might see
them for the last time察 and when some cried察 Esther察 dear察 say
goodbye to me here察 at my bedside察 where you first spoke so
kindly to me 院 and when others asked me only to write their
names察 With Esther¨s love察院 and when they all surrounded me
with their parting presents察 and clung to me weeping察 and cried察
^What shall we do when dear察 dear Esther¨s gone 院 and when I
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tried to tell them how forbearing察and how good they had all been
to me察 and how I blessed察 and thanked them every one察 what a
heart I had
And when the two Miss Donnys grieved as much to part with
me察as the least among them