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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及109嫗

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Judith Smallweed察twins。 During the whole time consumed in the 

slow   growth   of   this   family   tree察  the   house   of   Smallweed察  always 

early   to   go   out   and   late   to   marry察  has   strengthened   itself   in   its 

practical        character察       has       discarded         all     amusements察

discountenanced          all  storybooks察    fairy´tales察  fictions察  and    fables察

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´ Page 402´

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and   banished   all   levities   whatsoever。   Hence   the   gratifying   fact察

that it has had no child born to it察and that the complete little men 

and women whom it has produced察have been observed to bear a 

likeness     to  old   monkeys      with    something      depressing      on   their 


   At the present time察in the dark little parlour certain feet below 

the    level   of  the   street!a      grim察  hard察   uncouth     parlour察    only 

ornamented        with    the   coarsest    of  baize    table´covers察    and    the 

hardest      of  sheet´iron    tea´trays察   and    offering   in   its  decorative 

character       no   bad    allegorical     representation       of   Grandfather 

Smallweed¨s mind!seated in two black horsehair porter¨s chairs察

one on each side of the fireplace察the superannuated Mr and Mrs 

Smallweed wile away the rosy hours。 On the stove are a couple of 

trivets     for   the   pots    and     kettles    which     it   is  Grandfather 

Smallweed¨s   usual   occupation   to   watch察  and   projecting   from   the 

chimney´piece between them is a sort of brass gallows for roasting察

which      he  also   superintends       when     it  is  in  action。   Under     the 

venerable Mr Smallweeds seat察and guarded by his spindle legs察is 

a drawer  in   his chair察  reported   to  contain   property  to  a   fabulous 

amount。   Beside   him   is   a   spare   cushion察  with   which   he   is   always 

provided察  in   order   that   he   may   have   something   to   throw   at   the 

venerable   partner   of   his   respected   age   whenever   she   makes   an 

allusion to money!a subject on which he is particularly sensitive。 

    ^And where¨s Bart拭院Grandfather Smallweed inquires of Judy察

Bart¨s twin´sister。 

    ^He an¨t come in yet察院says Judy。 

    ^It¨s his tea time察isn¨t it拭院

    ^No。 ̄ 

    ^How much do you mean to say it wants then拭院

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    ^Ten minutes。 ̄ 


    ^Ten minutes。 ̄!Loud on the part of Judy。 

    ^Ho 院says Grandfather Smallweed。 ^Ten minutes。 ̄ 

    Grandmother Smallweed察who has been mumbling and shaking 

her head at the trivets察hearing figures mentioned察connects them 

with money察and screeches察like a horrible old parrot without any 

plumage察 Ten ten´pound notes 院

    Grandfather Smallweed immediately throws the cushion at her。 

    ^Drat you察be quite 院says the good old man。 

    The effect of this act of jaculation is twofold。 It not only doubles 

up   Mrs   Smallweed¨s   head   against   the   side   of   her   porter¨s   chair察

and causes her to present察when extricated by her grand´daughter察

a   highly    unbecoming       state  of  cap察  but   the   necessary    exertion 

recoils   on   Mr   Smallweed   himself察  whom   it   throws   back   into  his 

porter¨s chair察like a broken puppet。 The excellent old gentleman 

being察at these times察a mere clothes´bag with a black skull´cap on 

the top of it察does   not  present  a   very  animated appearance察  until 

he   has   undergone   the   two   operations   at   the   hands   of   his   grand´ 

daughter察  of   being   shaken   up   like   a   great   bottle察  and   poked   and 

punched   like      a   great   bolster。  Some   indication     of   a  neck  being 

developed in   him by  these   means察  he   and   the   sharer   of   his   life¨s 

evening again sit fronting one another in their two porter¨s chairs察

like a couple of sentinels long forgotten on their post by the Black 


   Judy the twin is worthy company for these associates。 She is so 

indubitably      sister  to  Mr    Smallweed      the   younger察   that   the  two 

kneaded  into  one   would   hardly  make  a   young  person   of   average 

proportions察      while    she    so    happily     exemplifies     the    before´ 

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mentioned   family  likeness   to   the   monkey   tribe察  that察  attired   in   a 

spangled robe and cap察  she might  walk   about  the   table!land   on 

the    top  of   a  barrel´organ     without   exciting   much   remark   as        an 

unusual specimen。 Under existing circumstances察however察she is 

dressed in a plain察spare gown of brown stuff。 

    Judy    never    owned     a  doll察  never    heard    of  Cinderella察   never 

played at any game。 She once or twice fell into children¨s company 

when she was about ten years old察but the children couldn¨t get on 

with Judy察and Judy couldn¨t  get  on   with  them。   She   seemed like 

an     animal     of   another      species察    and    there     was    instinctive 

repugnance on both sides。 It is very doubtful whether Judy knows 

how   to   laugh。   She   has   so   rarely   seen    the  thing   done察   that   the 

probabilities are strong the other way。 Of anything like a youthful 

laugh察she certainly can have no conception。 If she were to try one察

she would find her teeth in her way察modelling that action of her 

face察as she has unconsciously modelled all its other  expressions察

on her pattern of sordid age。 Such is Judy。 

    And   her   twin   brother   couldn¨t   wind   up   a   top   for   his   life。   He 

knows no more  of  Jack   the  Giant  Killer察  or  of Sinbad   the  Sailor察

than he knows of the people in the stars。 He could as soon play at 

leapfrog察or at cricket察as   change   into  a cricket  or  a  frog  himself。 

But察he is so much the better off than his sister察that on his narrow 

world of fact an opening has dawned察into such broader regions as 

lie   within    the   ken   of   Mr   Guppy。     Hence察    his   admiration      and 

emulation of that shining enchanter。 

    Judy察with a gong´like clash  and clatter察  sets   one   of  the   sheet´ 

iron   tea´trays   on   the   table察  and   arranges   cups   and   saucers。   The 

bread she puts on in an iron basket察and the butter and not much 

of it in a small   pewter  plate。   Grandfather  Smallweed looks   hard 

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after the tea as it is served out察and asks Judy where the girl is拭

   ^Charley察do you mean拭院says Judy。 

   ^Hey拭院from Grandfather Smallweed。 

   ^Charley do you mean拭院

   This     touches    a   spring   in   Grandmother       Smallweed察     who察

chuckling察as usual察at the trivets察cries!^Over the water Charley 

over the water察Charley over the water察over the water to Charley察

Charley over the water察over the water to Charley 院and becomes 

quite energetic about it。 Grandfather looks at the cushion察but has 

not sufficiently recovered his late exertion。 

   ^Ha 院he says察when there is silence!^if that¨s her name。   She 

eats a deal。 It would be better to allow her for her keep。 ̄ 

   Judy察with her brother¨s wink察shakes her head察and pu

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