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best of it。 

    But   what   Mr   Weevle       prizes   most察  of  all  his  few   possessions 

next after his light whiskers察for which he has an attachment that 

Charles Dickens                                                      ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 398´

                                    Bleak House                                      398 

only    whiskers      can   awaken      in  the   breast    of  man察   is  a  choice 

collection     of  copper´plate       impressions      from    that   truly   national 

work察the Divinities of Albion察or Galaxy Gallery of British Beauty察

representing  ladies   of   title   and   fashion   in   every   variety   of   smirk 

that    art察 combined      with    capital察  is  capable     of  producing。      With 

these     magnificent   portraits察     unworthily   confined   in       a   band´box 

during his seclusion among the market´gardens察he decorates his 

apartment察      and   as   the   Galaxy    Gallery     of  British   Beauty     wears 

every     variety    of   fancy    dress察   plays    every    variety    of   musical 

instrument察  fondles   every   variety   of   dog察  ogles        every   variety   of 

prospect察     and   is  backed     up   by   every    variety    of  flowerpot     and 

balustrade察the result is very imposing。 

    But fashion is Mr Weevle¨s察as it was Tony Jobling¨s weakness。 

To  borrow  yesterday¨s   paper  from   the   Sol¨s   Arms   of  an   evening察

and   read   about   the   brilliant   and   distinguished   meteors   that   are 

shooting       across     the   fashionable       sky    in   every     direction察    is 

unspeakable   consolation   to  him。   To   know   what   member   of   what 

brilliant   and   distinguished   circle   accomplished   the   brilliant   and 

distinguished   feat  of  joining  it  yesterday察  or   contemplates   the   no 

less brilliant and   distinguished   feat   of   leaving   it   tomorrow察  gives 

him   a   thrill   of   joy。   To   be   informed   what   the   Galaxy   Gallery   of 

British Beauty is about察and means to be about察and what Galaxy 

marriages       are   on   the   tapis察  and   what    Galaxy     rumours      are   in 

circulation察     is  to   become      acquainted       with    the   most    glorious 

destinies of mankind。 Mr Weevle reverts from this intelligence察to 

the Galaxy portraits implicated察and seems to know the originals察

and to be known of them。 

    For the rest he is a quiet lodger察full of handy shifts and devices 

as before mentioned察able to cook and clean for himself察as well as 

Charles Dickens                                                        ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 399´

                                     Bleak House                                       399 

to carpenter察and developing social inclinations after the shades of 

evening  have   fallen   on   the  court。   At  those   times察  when   he   is   not 

visited by Mr Guppy察or by a small light in his likeness quenched 

in   a   dark    hat察 he   comes     out   of   his  dull   room!where          he   has 

inherited   the   deal   wilderness   of   desk   bespattered   with   a   rain   of 

ink!and   talks   to   Krook察  or   is   ^very   free察院  as   they   call   it   in   the 

court察    commendingly察        with    any   one    disposed     for   conversation。 

Wherefore察Mrs Piper察who leads the court察is impelled to offer two 

remarks   to   Mrs   Perkins此  Firstly察  that   if   her   Johnny   was   to   have 

whiskers察     she   could    wish   ¨em   to   be    identically    like   that   young 

man¨s察and secondly察Mark my words察Mrs Perkins察ma¨am察don¨t 

you be surprised Lord bless you察if that young man comes in at last 

for old Krook¨s money 

Charles Dickens                                                          ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 400´

                                  Bleak House                                  400 

                                Chapter 21 

                       The Smallweed Family 

     n    a   rather    ill´favoured    and    ill´savoured    neighbourhood察

     though   one   of   its   rising   grounds   bears   the   name   of   Mount 


     Pleasant察the Elfin Smallweed察christened Bartholomew察and 

known on the domestic hearth as Bart察passes that limited portion 

of his time on which the office and its contingencies have no claim。 

He dwells in a little narrow street察always solitary察shady察and sad察

closely   bricked   in   on   all   sides   like   a   tomb察  but   where   there   yet 

lingers the stump of an old forest tree察  whose  flavour  is about  as 

fresh and natural as the Smallweed smack of youth。 

   There     has   been   only   one   child   in  the  Smallweed     family   for 

several   generations。  Little   old men   and   women   there   have   been察

but    no  child察  until  Mrs   Smallweed¨s      grandmother察      now   living察

became   weak   in   her   intellect察  and   fell   for   the   first   time   into   a 

childish    state。   With   such    infantine   graces    as  a   total  want    of 

observation察memory察understanding and interest察and an eternal 

disposition to fall asleep over the fire and into it察Mr Smallweed¨s 

grandmother has undoubtedly brightened the family。 

   Mr Smallweed¨s grandfather is likewise of the party。 He is in a 

helpless   condition   as   to   his   lower察  and   nearly   so   as   to   his   upper 

limbs察but his mind is unimpaired。 It holds察as well as it ever held察

the first four rules of arithmetic察and a certain small collection of 

the   hardest   facts。   In   respect   of   ideality察  reverence察  wonder察  and 

other such phrenological attributes察it is no worse off than it used 

to be。 Everything that Mr Smallweed¨s grandfather ever put away 

Charles Dickens                                                   ElecBook Classics 

´ Page 401´

                                    Bleak House                                     401 

in his mind was a grub at first察and is a grub at last。 In all his life 

he has never bred a single butterfly。 

    The father of this pleasant grandfather察of the neighbourhood of 

Mount Pleasant察was a horny´skinned察two´legged察money´getting 

species of spider察who spun webs to catch unwary flies察and retired 

into holes until they were entrapped。 The name of this old pagan¨s 

God was Compound Interest。 He lived for it察married it察died of it。 

Meeting with a heavy loss in an honest little enterprise in which all 

the   loss   was   intended   to   have   been   on   the   other   side察  he   broke 

something!something              necessary      to  his  existence察    therefore     it 

couldn¨t have been his heart!and made an end of his career。 As 

his   character   was   not   good察  and   he   had   been   bred   at   a   Charity 

School察in a complete course察according to question and answer察of 

those ancient people the Amorites and Hittites察he was frequently 

quoted as an example of the failure of education。 

    His    spirit  shone     through     his   son察  to  whom      he  had    always 

preached of ^going out ̄ early in life察and whom he made a clerk in 

a   sharp   scrivener¨s   office   at   twelve   years   old。   There察  the   young 

gentleman   improved   his   mind察  which   was   of   a   lean   and   anxious 

character察     and察  developing      the   family    gifts察 gradually     elevated 

himself into the discounting profession。 Going out early in life and 

marrying  late察  as   his   father  had   done before  him察  he   too   begat   a 

lean and anxious´minded son察who察in his turn察going out early in 

life   and   marrying   late察  became       the   father   of   Bartholomew   and 

Judith Smallweed察twins。 During the whole time consumed in the 

slow   growth   of   this   family   tre

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