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bleak house(奈噌議型徨)-及102嫗

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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

in something察ma¨am拭院  says   Mr  Guppy察  who  likes   nothing  better 

than to model his conversation on forensic principles。 

   ^Not   exactly   that察  either察院  replies   Mrs   Chadband察  humouring 

the joke with a hard´favoured smile。 

   ^Not exactly that察either 院repeats Mr Guppy。 ^Very good。 Pray察

ma¨am察     was   it  a  lady   of  your   acquaintance      who    had    some 

transactions   we   will   not   at   present   say   what   transactions   with 

Kenge      and   Carboy¨s     office察 or  was    it  a  gentleman     of  your 

acquaintance拭  Take   time察  ma¨am。   We   shall   come   to   it   presently。 

Man or woman察ma¨am拭院

   ^Neither察院says Mrs Chadband察as before。 

   ^Oh A child 院  says   Mr  Guppy察  throwing  on   the   admiring  Mrs 

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Snagsby   the   regular   acute   professional   eye   which   is   thrown   on 

British jurymen。 ^Now察ma¨am察 perhaps   you¨ll  have   the   kindness 

to tell us what child。 ̄ 

    ^You have got it at last察sir察院says Mrs Chadband察with another 

hard´favoured        smile。    ^Well察  sir察 it  was   before    your   time察  most 

likely察judging from your appearance。 I was left in charge of a child 

named   Esther   Summerson察  who   was   put   out   in   life   by   Messrs。 

Kenge and Carboy。 ̄ 

    ^Miss Summerson察ma¨am 院cries Mr Guppy察excited。 

    ^I   call  her   Esther     Summerson察院        says   Mrs    Chadband察      with 

austerity。   ^There   was   no   Miss´ing   of   the   girl   in   my   time。   It   was 

Esther。 `Esther察do this Esther察do that  and she was made to do 

it。 ̄ 

    ^My dear ma¨am察院returns Mr Guppy察moving across the small 

apartment察        the   humble      individual      who    now     addresses      you 

received   that   young   lady   in   London察  when   she   first   came   here 

from   the   establishment   to   which   you   have   alluded。   Allow   me   to 

have the pleasure of taking you by the hand。 ̄ 

    Mr     Chadband察      at   last  seeing     his   opportunity察     makes      his 

accustomed signal察and rises with a smoking head察which he dabs 

with his pocket´handkerchief。 Mrs Snagsby whispers ^Hush 院

    ^My      friends察院    says     Chadband察        we     have     partaken察     in 

moderation ̄   which   was   certainly   not   the   case   so   far   as   he   was 

concerned察   of   the   comforts   which   have   been   provided   for   us。 

May   this   house   live   upon   the   fatness   of   the   land察  may   corn   and 

wine     be   plentiful   therein察   may    it  grow察   may    it  thrive察  may    it 

prosper察  may   it   advance察  may   it   proceed察  may   it   press   forward 

But察my friends察have we partaken of anything else拭We have。 My 

friends察  of   what   else   have   we   partaken拭 Of   spiritual   profit拭  Yes。 

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From   whence   have   we   derived   that   spiritual   profit拭  My   young 

friend察stand forth 院

    Jo察  thus   apostrophised察  gives   a   slouch  backward察  and   another 

slouch forward察and another slouch to each side察and confronts the 

eloquent Chadband察with evident doubts of his intentions。 

    ^My  dear  friend察院  says   Chadband察   you   are   to   us   a   pearl察  you 

are   to  us   a   diamond察  you  are   to  us   a   gem察  you  are   to  us   a   jewel。 

And why察my young friend拭院

    ^I don¨t know察院replies Jo。 ^I don¨t know nothink。 ̄ 

    ^My   young   friend察院  says   Chadband察   it   is   because   you   know 

nothing that you are to us a gem and jewel。 For what are you察my 

young friend拭Are you a beast of the field拭No。 A bird of the air拭

No。 A fish of the sea or river拭No。 You are a human boy察my young 

friend。   A   human   boy。   O   glorious   to   be   a   human   boy   And   why 

glorious察my young friend拭 Because  you  are   capable   of  receiving 

the lessons of wisdom察because you are capable of profiting by this 

discourse which I now deliver for your good察because you are not a 

stick察or a staff察or a stock察or a stone察or a post察or a pillar。 

              O running stream of sparkling joy 

              To be a soaring human boy 

And   do   you   cool   yourself   in   that   stream   now察  my   young   friend拭

No。 Why do you not cool yourself in that stream now拭Because you 

are in a state of darkness察because you are in a state of obscurity察

because you are in a state of sinfulness察because you are in a state 

of bondage。 My young friend察what is bondage拭Let us察in a spirit 

of love察inquire。 ̄ 

    At   this   threatening   stage   of   the   discourse察  Jo察  who   seems   to 

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have been   gradually  going  out  of  his   mind察 smears   his   right  arm 

over his face察and gives a terrible yawn。 Mrs Snagsby indignantly 

expresses her belief that he is a limb of the archfiend。 

    ^My     friends察院   says   Mr   Chadband察      with   his   persecuted     chin 

folding itself into its fat smile again察as he looks round察 it is right 

that   I   should   be   humbled察  it   is   right   that   I   should   be   tired察  it   is 

right    that   I  should    be   mortified察   it  is  right   that   I  should    be 

corrected。 I stumbled察on Sabbath last察when I thought with pride 

of   my    three   hours¨    improving。     The    account     is  now   favourably 

balanced此  my   creditor   has   accepted   a   composition。   O   let   us        be 

joyful察joyful O let us be joyful 院

    Great sensation on the part of Mrs Snagsby。 

    ^My friends察院says Chadband察looking round him in conclusion察

^I   will   not   proceed    with   my   young   friend   now。     Will   you   come 

tomorrow察my young friend察and inquire of this good lady where I 

am to be found to deliver a discourse untoe you察and will you come 

like the thirsty swallow upon the next day察and upon the day after 

that察and upon the day after that察and upon many pleasant days察to 

hear discourses拭院。This察with a cow´like lightness。 

    Jo察  whose   immediate   object   seems   to   be   to   get   away   on   any 

terms察gives a shuffling nod。 Mr Guppy then throws him a penny察

and Mr Snagsby calls to Guster to see him safely out of the house。 

But察before he goes downstairs察Mr Snagsby loads him with some 

broken meats   from   the   table察  which   he   carries   away察  hugging   in 

his arms。 

    So察  Mr   Chadband!of   whom   the   persecutors   say   that   it   is   no 

wonder       he  should    go   on   for  any   length    of  time   uttering    such 

abominable nonsense察but that the wonder rather is that he should 

ever    leave    off察 having   once    the  audacity     to  begin!retires       into 

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private life until he invests a little capital of supper in the oil´trade。 

Jo    moves     on察 through     the   long    vacation察   down     to  Blackfriars 

Bridge察where he finds a baking stony corner察wherein to settle to 

his repast。 

    And   there   he   sits察  munching   and   gnawing察  and   looking   up   at 

the   great   Cross   on   the   summit   of   St。   Paul¨s   Cathedral察  glit

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