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treatise on taxes and contributions-第2章

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es of Power to act with。     4。 For if a great multitude of men should call one of their number King; unless this instituted Prince; appear in greater visible splendour then others; can reward those that obey and please him; and do the contrary to others; his Institution signifies little; even although he chance to have greater corporal or mental faculties; than any other of the number。     5。 There be Offices which are but pareria; as Sheriffs; Justices of the Peace; Constables; Churchwardens; etc。 which men may attend without much prejudice to their ordinary wayes of livelihood; and for which the honour of being trusted; and the pleasure of being feared; hath been thought a competent Reward。     6。 Unto this head; the Charge of the administring justice may be referred; as well between man and man; as between the whole State or Commonalty and particularly members of it; as well that of righting and punishing past injuries and crimes; as of preventing the same in time to come。     7。 A third branch of the Publick Charge is; that of the Pastorage of mens Souls; and the guidance of their Consciences; which; one would think (because it respects another world; and but the particular interest of each man there) should not be a publick Charge in this: Nevertheless; if we consider how easie it is to elude the Laws of man; to commit unproveable crimes; to corrupt and divert Testimonies; to wrest the sense and meaning of the Laws; etc。 there follows a necessity of contributing towards a publick Charge; wherewith to have men instructed in the Laws of God; that take notice of evil thoughts and designs; and much more of secret deeds; and that punisheth eternally in another world; what man can but slightly chastise in this。     8。 Now those who labour in this publick Service; must also be maintained in a proportionable splendour; and must withall have the means to allure men with some kinde of reward; even in this life; forasmuch; as many heretofore followed even Christ himself; but for the Loaves he gave them。     9。 Another branch is; the Charge of Schools and Universities; especially for so much as they teach above Reading; Writing and Arithmetick; these being of particular use to every man; as being helps and substitutes of Memory and Reason; Reckoning being of the latter; as Writing and Reading are of the former; for whether Divinity; etc。 ought to be made a private Trade; is to me a question。     10。 'Tis true; that Schools and Colledges are now for the most part but the Donations of particular men; or places where particular men spend their money and time upon their own private accounts; but no doubt it were not amiss; if the end of them were to furnish all imaginable helps unto the highest and finest Natural Wits; towards teh discovery of Nature in all its operations; in which sense they ought to be a publick Charge: The which Wits should not be selected for that work; according to the fond conceits of their own Parents and Friends; (Crows that think their own Birds ever fairest) but rather by the approbation of others more impartial; such as they are; who pick from out of the Christians Children the ablest Instruments and Support of the Turkish Governments。 Of which Selections more hereafter。     11。 Another branch; is that of the Maintenance of Orphans; found and exposed Children; which also are Orphans; as also of Impotents of all sorts; and moreover such as want employment。     12。 For the permitting of any to beg is a more chargeable way of maintaining them whom the law of Nature will not suffer to starve; where food may possibly be had: Besides; it is unjust to let any starve; when we think it just to limit the wages of the poor; so as they can lay up nothing against the time of their impotency and want of work。     13。 A last Branch may be; the Charge of High…wayes; Navigable Rivers; Aquaeducts; Bridges; Havens; and other things of universal good and concernment。     14。 Other Branches may be thought on; which let other men either refer unto these; or adde over and above。 For it suffices for my purpose to have for the present set down these the chief and most obvious of all the rest。

Chapter 2

Of the Causes which encrease and aggravate the several sorts of Publick Charges。

    Having thus spoken of the several sorts of Publick Charges; we shall next consider the Causes which encrease them both in general and in particular。     Among the general Causes is; First; the unwillingness of the people to pay them; arising from an opinion; that by delay and reluctancy they may wholly avoid them; with a suspition that what is imposed is too much; or that what is collected is embezelled or ill expended; or that it is unequally leavied and assessed。 All these resolving into an unnecessary Charge to collect them; and of forcing their Prince to hardships towards the people。     2。 Another Cause which aggravates Taxes is; the force of paying them in money at a certain time; and not in commodities; at the most convenient seasons。     3。 Thirdly; Obscurities and doubts concerning the right of imposing。     4。 Fourthly; Scarcity of Money; and Confusion of Coins。     5。 Fifthly; Fewness of people; especially of Labourers and Artifiers。     6。 Sixthly; Ignorance of the numbers; Wealth and Trade of the people; causing a needless repetition of the charge and trouble of new additional Levies; in order to amend mistakes。     7。 As to particulars。 The Causes of encreasing the Military Charge are the same with those that encrease Wars; or fear of Wars; which are Foreign or Civil。     8。 An Offensive Forreign War is caused by many; and those very various; secret; personal distastes coloured  with publick pretences; of which we can say nothing; but that the common encouragement unto them particularly here in England is a false opinion; that of Countrey is full peopled; or that if we wanted more Territory; we could take it with less charge from our neighbours; then purchase it from the Americans; and a mistake; that the greatness and glory of a Prince lyeth rather in the extent of his Territory; then in the number; art; and industry of his people; well united and governed。 And moreover; that it is more glorious to take from others by fraud or rapine; then to gain ones self out of the bowels of the Earth and Sea。     9。 Now those States are free from Forreign Offensive Wars (arising as abovesaid out of Personal and Private Causes) where the chief Governours Revenue is but small; and not sufficient to carry on such Wars; the which if they happen to be begun; and so far carryed on; as to want more Contributions; then those who have the power to impose them; do commonly enquire what private persons and Ends occasioned the War; and so fall upon the Authors; rather then contribute to the Effect; otherwise then to quench it。     10。 Defensive Wars are caused from unpreparedness of the offended State for War; as when defective Stores are served into the Magazines by corrupt Officers at the rate of good; when Armies are falsly Mustered; when Souldiers are either Tenants or Servants to their Commanders; or else persons; who for their Crimes or Debts; want protection from Justice; when the Officiers are ignorant of their business; and absent from their Commands; and withal afraid to punish; because unwilling to pay。 Wherefore; to be alwayes in a posture of War at home; is the cheapest way to keep off War from abroad。     11。 The causes of Civil Wars here in Europe proceed very much from Religion; viz。 the punishing of Believers heterodox from the Authorized way; in publike and open places; before great multitudes of ignorant people; with loss of life; liberty; and limbs; rather then by well proportioned tolerable pecuniary mulcts; such as every conscientious Non…Conformist would gladly pay; and Hypocrites by refusing; discover themselves to be such。     12。 Civil Wars are likewise caused by peoples fansying; that their own uneasie condition may be best remedied by an universal confusion; although indeed upon the upshot of such disorders they shall probably be in a worse; even although they survive and succeed; but more probably perish in the contest。     13。 Moreover; the peoples believing that Forms of Government shall in a few years produce any considerable alt

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