dead souls(死魂灵)-第68章
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y would become greater than ever; and; believing that happiness did not exist on earth; he would relapse into increased ennui; increased neglect of his responsibilities。
But one morning he noticed; on moving to the window after breakfast; that not a word was proceeding either from the butler or the housekeeper; but that; on the contrary; the courtyard seemed to smack of a certain bustle and excitement。 This was because through the entrance gates (which the kitchen maid and the scullion had run to open) there were appearing the noses of three horsesone to the right; one in the middle; and one to the left; after the fashion of triumphal groups of statuary。 Above them; on the box seat; were seated a coachman and a valet; while behind; again; there could be discerned a gentleman in a scarf and a fur cap。 Only when the equipage had entered the courtyard did it stand revealed as a light spring britchka。 And as it came to a halt; there leapt on to the verandah of the mansion an individual of respectable exterior; and possessed of the art of moving with the neatness and alertness of a military man。
Upon this Tientietnikov's heart stood still。 He was unused to receiving visitors; and for the moment conceived the new arrival to be a Government official; sent to question him concerning an abortive society to which he had formerly belonged。 (Here the author may interpolate the fact that; in Tientietnikov's early days; the young man had become mixed up in a very absurd affair。 That is to say; a couple of philosophers belonging to a regiment of hussars had; together with an aesthete who had not yet completed his student's course and a gambler who had squandered his all; formed a secret society of philanthropic aims under the presidency of a certain old rascal of a freemason and the ruined gambler aforesaid。 The scope of the society's work was to be extensive: it was to bring lasting happiness to humanity at large; from the banks of the Thames to the shores of Kamtchatka。 But for this much money was needed: wherefore from the noble…minded members of the society generous contributions were demanded; and then forwarded to a destination known only to the supreme authorities of the concern。 As for Tientietnikov's adhesion; it was brought about by the two friends already alluded to as 〃embittered〃good…hearted souls whom the wear and tear of their efforts on behalf of science; civilisation; and the future emancipation of mankind had ended by converting into confirmed drunkards。 Perhaps it need hardly be said that Tientietnikov soon discovered how things stood; and withdrew from the association; but; meanwhile; the latter had had the misfortune so to have engaged in dealings not wholly creditable to gentlemen of noble origin as likewise to have become entangled in dealings with the police。 Consequently; it is not to be wondered at that; though Tientietnikov had long severed his connection with the society and its policy; he still remained uneasy in his mind as to what might even yet be the result。)
However; his fears vanished the instant that the guest saluted him with marked politeness and explained; with many deferential poises of the head; and in terms at once civil and concise; that for some time past he (the newcomer) had been touring the Russian Empire on business and in the pursuit of knowledge; that the Empire abounded in objects of interestnot to mention a plenitude of manufactures and a great diversity of soil; and that; in spite of the fact that he was greatly struck with the amenities of his host's domain; he would certainly not have presumed to intrude at such an inconvenient hour but for the circumstance that the inclement spring weather; added to the state of the roads; had necessitated sundry repairs to his carriage at the hands of wheelwrights and blacksmiths。 Finally he declared that; even if this last had NOT happened; he would still have felt unable to deny himself the pleasure of offering to his host that meed of homage which was the latter's due。
This speecha speech of fascinating bonhomiedelivered; the guest executed a sort of shuffle with a half…boot of patent leather studded with buttons of mother…of…pearl; and followed that up by (in spite of his pronounced rotundity of figure) stepping backwards with all the elan of an india…rubber ball。
From this the somewhat reassured Tientietnikov concluded that his visitor must be a literary; knowledge…seeking professor who was engaged in roaming the country in search of botanical specimens and fossils; wherefore he hastened to express both his readiness to further the visitor's objects (whatever they might be) and his personal willingness to provide him with the requisite wheelwrights and blacksmiths。 Meanwhile he begged his guest to consider himself at home; and; after seating him in an armchair; made preparations to listen to the newcomer's discourse on natural history。
But the newcomer applied himself; rather; to phenomena of the internal world; saying that his life might be likened to a barque tossed on the crests of perfidious billows; that in his time he had been fated to play many parts; and that on more than one occasion his life had stood in danger at the hands of foes。 At the same time; these tidings were communicated in a manner calculated to show that the speaker was also a man of PRACTICAL capabilities。 In conclusion; the visitor took out a cambric pocket…handkerchief; and sneezed into it with a vehemence wholly new to Tientietnikov's experience。 In fact; the sneeze rather resembled the note which; at times; the trombone of an orchestra appears to utter not so much from its proper place on the platform as from the immediate neighbourhood of the listener's ear。 And as the echoes of the drowsy mansion resounded to the report of the explosion there followed upon the same a wave of perfume; skilfully wafted abroad with a flourish of the eau…de…Cologne…scented handkerchief。
By this time the reader will have guessed that the visitor was none other than our old and respected friend Paul Ivanovitch Chichikov。 Naturally; time had not spared him his share of anxieties and alarms; wherefore his exterior had come to look a trifle more elderly; his frockcoat had taken on a suggestion of shabbiness; and britchka; coachman; valet; horses; and harness alike had about them a sort of second…hand; worse…for…wear effect。 Evidently the Chichikovian finances were not in the most flourishing of conditions。 Nevertheless; the old expression of face; the old air of breeding and refinement; remained unimpaired; and our hero had even improved in the art of walking and turning with grace; and of dexterously crossing one leg over the other when taking a seat。 Also; his mildness of diction; his discreet moderation of word and phrase; survived in; if anything; increased measure; and he bore himself with a skill which caused his tactfulness to surpass itself in sureness of aplomb。 And all these accomplishments had their effect further heightened by a snowy immaculateness of collar and dickey; and an absence of dust from his frockcoat; as complete as though he had just arrived to attend a nameday festival。 Lastly; his cheeks and chin were of such neat clean…shavenness that no one but a blind man could have failed to admire their rounded contours。
From that moment onwards great changes took place in Tientietnikov's establishment; and certain of its rooms assumed an unwonted air of cleanliness and order。 The rooms in question were those assigned to Chichikov; while one other apartmenta little front chamber opening into the hallbecame permeated with Petrushka's own peculiar smell。 But this lasted only for a little while; for presently Petrushka was transferred to the servants' quarters; a course which ought to have been adopted in the first instance。
During the initial days of Chichikov's sojourn; Tientietnikov feared rather to lose his independence; inasmuch as he thought that his guest might hamper his movements; and bring about alterations in the established routine of the place。 But these fears proved groundless; for Paul Ivanovitch displayed an extraordinary aptitude for accommodating himself to his new position。 To begin with; he encouraged his host in his philosophical inertia by s