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then to plunge this two…edged sword through my own heart; upon the top

of the sepulchre; that our streaming blood may trickle down the

tomb; and our two corpses will be lying side by side upon this

polished slab; a source of deathless grief to thee; and to thy sire

reproach。 Never shall thy brother wed Helen; nor shall any other; I

will bear her hence myself; if not to my house; at any rate to

death。 And why this stern resolve? Were I to resort to women's ways

and weep; I should be a pitiful creature; not a man of action。 Slay

me; if it seems thee good; I will not die ingloriously; but better

yield to what I say; that thou mayst act with justice; and I regain my



    On thee; maiden; it rests to judge between these arguments。 Decide

in such a way as to please one and all。


    My nature and my inclination lean towards piety; myself; too; I

respect; and I will never sully my father's fair name; or gratify my

brother at the cost of bringing myself into open dishonour。 For

justice hath her temple firmly founded in my nature; and since I

have this heritage from Nereus I will strive to save Menelaus;

wherefore; seeing it is Hera's will to stand thy friend; I will give

my vote with her。 May Cypris be favourable to me! though in me she

hath no part; and I will try to remain a maid alway。 As for thy

reproaches against my father at this tomb; lo! I have the same words

to utter; I should be wronging thee; did I not restore thy wife; for

my sire; were he living; would have given her back into thy keeping;

and thee to her。 Yea; for there is recompense for these things as well

amongst the dead as amongst all those who breathe the breath of

life。 The soul indeed of the dead lives no more; yet hath it a

consciousness that lasts for ever; eternal as the ether into which

it takes the final plunge。 Briefly then to end the matter; I will

observe strict silence on all that ye prayed I should; and never

with my counsel will I aid my brother's wanton will。 For I am doing

him good service; though he little thinks it; if turn him from his

godless life to holiness。 Wherefore devise yourselves some way of

escape; my lips are scaled; I will not cross your path。 First with the

goddesses begin; and of the one;…and that one Cypris;…Crave permission

to return unto thy country; and of Hera; that her goodwill may abide

in the same quarter; even her scheme to save thee and thy husband。 And

thou; my own dead sire; shalt never; in so far as rests with me;

lose thy holy name to rank with evil…doers。

                      (THEONOE and her attendants enter the palace。)


    No man ever prospered by unjust practices; but in a righteous

cause there is hope of safety。


    Menelaus; on the maiden's side are we quite safe。 Thou must from

that point start; and by contributing thy advice; devise with me a

scheme to save ourselves。


    Hearken then; thou hast been a long while in the palace; and art

intimate with the king's attendants。


    What dost thou mean thereby? for thou art suggesting hopes; as

if resolved on some plan for our mutual help。


    Couldst thou persuade one of those who have charge of cars and

steeds to furnish us with a chariot?


    I might; but what escape is there for us who know nothing of the

country and the barbarian's kingdom?


    True; 'tis impossible。 Well; supposing I conceal myself in the

palace and slay the king with this two…edged sword?


    His sister would never refrain from telling her brother that

thou wert meditating his death。


    We have not so much as a ship to make our escape in; for the

sea。 hath swallowed the one we had。


    Hear me; if haply even a woriian can utter words of wisdom。 Dost

thou consent to be dead in word; though not really so?


    'Tis a bad omen; still; if by saying so I shall gain aught; I am

ready to be dead in word; though not in deed。


    I; too; will mourn thee with hair cut short and dirges; as is

women's way; before this impious wretch。


    What saving remedy doth this afford us twain? There is deception

in thy scheme。


    I will beg the king of this country leave to bury thee in a

cenotaph; as if thou hadst really died at sea。


    Suppose he grant it; how; e'en then; are we to escape without a

ship; after having committed me to my empty tomb?


    I will bid him give me a vessel; from which to let drop into the

sea's embrace thy funeral offerings。


    A clever plan in truth; save in one particular; suppose he bid

thee rear the tomb upon the strand; thy pretext comes to naught。


    But I shall say it is not the custom in Hellas to bury those who

die at sea upon the shore。


    Thou removest this obstacle too; I then will sail with thee and

help stow the funeral garniture in the same ship。


    Above all; it is necessary that thou and all thy sailors who

escaped from the wreck should be at hand。


    Be sure if once I find a ship at her moorings; they shall be there

man for man; each with his sword。


    Thou must direct everything; only let there be winds to waft our

rails and a good ship to speed before them!


    So shall it be; for the deities will cause my troubles to cease。

But from whom wilt thou say thou hadst tidings of my death?


    From thee; declare thyself the one and only survivor; telling

how thou wert sailing with the son of Atreus; and didst see him



    Of a truth the garments I have thrown about me; will bear out my

tale that they were rags collected from the wreckage。


    They come in most opportunely; but they were near being lost

just at the wrong time。 Maybe that misfortune will turn to fortune。


    Am I to enter the palace with thee; or are we to sit here at the

tomb quietly?


    Abide here; for if the king attempts to do thee any mischief; this

tomb and thy good sword will protect thee。 But I will go within and

cut off my hair; and exchange my white robe for sable weeds; and

rend my cheek with this hand's blood…thirsty nail。 For 'tis a mighty

struggle; and I see two possible issues; either I must die if detected

in my plot; or else to my country shall I come and save thy soul

alive。 O Hera! awful queen; who sharest the couch of Zeus; grant

some respite from their toil to two unhappy wretches; to thee I

pray; tossing my arms upward to heaven; where thou hast thy home in

the star…spangled firmament。 Thou; too; that didst win the prize of

beauty at the price of my marriage; O Cypris! daughter of Dione;

destroy me not utterly。 Thou hast injured me enough aforetime;

delivering up my name; though not my person; to live amongst

barbarians。 Oh! suffer me to die; if death is thy desire; in my native

land。 Why art thou so insatiate in mischief; employing every art of

love; of fraud; and guileful schemes; and spells that bring

bloodshed on families? Wert thou but moderate; only that!…in all

else thou art by nature man's most well; come deity; and I have reason

so to say。

    (HELEN enters the palace and MENELAUS withdraws into the


  CHORUS (singing)

                                                            strophe 1

    Thee let me invoke; tearful Philomel; lurking 'neath the leafy

covert in thy place of song; most tuneful of all feathered

songsters; oh! come to aid me in my dirge; trilling through thy

tawny throat; as I sing the piteous woes of Helen; and the tearful

fate of Trojan dames made subject to Achaea's spear; on the day that

there came to their plains one who sped with foreign oar across the

dashing billows; bringing to Priam's race from Lacedaemon thee his

hapless bride; Helen;…even Paris; luckless bridegroom; by the 

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