theologico-political treatise p3(神学与政治专题研究3)-第4章
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Scripture or God's Word; and I have made no assertions which I could not
prove by most plain argument to be true。 (9) I can; therefore; rest assured
that I have advanced nothing which is impious or even savours of impiety。
(10) from what I have said; assume a licence to sin; and without any
reason; at I confess that some profane men; to whom religion is a burden;
may; the simple dictates of their lusts conclude that Scripture is
everywhere faulty and falsified; and that therefore its authority is null; but
such men are beyond the reach of help; for nothing; as the pro verb has it;
can be said so rightly that it cannot be twisted into wrong。 (11) Those who
wish to give rein to their lusts are at no loss for an excuse; nor were those
men of old who possessed the original Scriptures; the ark of the covenant;
nay; the prophets and apostles in person among them; any better than the
people of to…day。 (12) Human nature; Jew as well as Gentile; has always
been the same; and in every age virtue has been exceedingly rare。
(13) Nevertheless; to remove every scruple; I will here show in what
sense the Bible or any inanimate thing should be called sacred and Divine;
also wherein the law of God consists; and how it cannot be contained in a
certain number of books; and; lastly; I will show that Scripture; in so far as
it teaches what is necessary for obedience and salvation; cannot have been
corrupted。 (14) From these considerations everyone will be able to judge
that I have neither said anything against the Word of God nor given any
foothold to impiety。
(15) A thing is called sacred and Divine when it is designed for
promoting piety; and continues sacred so long as it is religiously used: if
the users cease to be pious; the thing ceases to be sacred: if it be turned to
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base uses; that which was formerly sacred becomes unclean and profane。
(16) For instance; a certain spot was named by the patriarch Jacob the
house of God; because he worshipped God there revealed to him: by the
prophets the same spot was called the house of iniquity (see Amos v:5; and
Hosea x:5); because the Israelites were wont; at the instigation of
Jeroboam; to sacrifice there to idols。 (17) Another example puts the matter
in the plainest light。 (18) Words gain their meaning solely from their usage;
and if they are arranged according to their accepted signification so as to
move those who read them to devotion; they will become sacred; and the
book so written will be sacred also。 (19) But if their usage afterwards dies
out so that the words have no meaning; or the book becomes utterly
neglected; whether from unworthy motives; or because it is no longer
needed; then the words and the book will lose both their use and their
sanctity: lastly; if these same words be otherwise arranged; or if their
customary meaning becomes perverted into its opposite; then both the
words and the book containing them become; instead of sacred; impure
and profane。
(20) From this it follows that nothing is in itself absolutely sacred; or
profane; and unclean; apart from the mind; but only relatively thereto。 (21)
Thus much is clear from many passages in the Bible。 (22) Jeremiah (to
select one case out of many) says (chap。 vii:4); that the Jews of his time
were wrong in calling Solomon's Temple; the Temple of God; for; as he
goes on to say in the same chapter; God's name would only be given to the
Temple so long as it was frequented by men who worshipped Him; and
defended justice; but that; if it became the resort of murderers; thieves;
idolaters; and other wicked persons; it would be turned into a den of
(23) Scripture; curiously enough; nowhere tells us what became of the
Ark of the Covenant; though there is no doubt that it was destroyed; or
burnt together with the Temple; yet there was nothing which the Hebrews
considered more sacred; or held in greater reverence。 (24) Thus Scripture
is sacred; and its words Divine so long as it stirs mankind to devotion
towards God: but if it be utterly neglected; as it formerly was by the Jews;
it becomes nothing but paper and ink; and is left to be desecrated or
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corrupted: still; though Scripture be thus corrupted or destroyed; we must
not say that the Word of God has suffered in like manner; else we shall be
like the Jews; who said that the Temple which would then be the Temple
of God had perished in the flames。 (25) Jeremiah tells us this in respect to
the law; for he thus chides the ungodly of his time; 〃Wherefore; say you
we are masters; and the law of the Lord is with us? (26) Surely it has been
given in vain; it is in vain that the pen of the scribes 〃 (has been made) …
that is; you say falsely that the Scripture is in your power; and that you
possess the law of God; for ye have made it of none effect。
(27) So also; when Moses broke the first tables of the law; he did not
by any means cast the Word of God from his hands in anger and shatter it …
such an action would be inconceivable; either of Moses or of God's Word …
he only broke the tables of stone; which; though they had before been holy
from containing the covenant wherewith the Jews had bound themselves
in obedience to God; had entirely lost their sanctity when the covenant had
been violated by the worship of the calf; and were; therefore; as liable to
perish as the ark of the covenant。 (28) It is thus scarcely to be wondered at;
that the original documents of Moses are no longer extant; nor that the
books we possess met with the fate we have described; when we consider
that the true original of the Divine covenant; the most sacred object of all;
has totally perished。
(29) Let them cease; therefore; who accuse us of impiety; inasmuch as
we have said nothing against the Word of God; neither have we corrupted
it; but let them keep their anger; if they would wreak it justly; for the
ancients whose malice desecrated the Ark; the Temple; and the Law of
God; and all that was held sacred; subjecting them to corruption。 (30)
Furthermore; if; according to the saying of the Apostle in 2 Cor。 iii:3; they
possessed 〃the Epistle of Christ; written not with ink; but with the Spirit of
the living God; not in tables of stone; but in the fleshy tables of the heart;〃
let them cease to worship the letter; and be so anxious concerning it。
(31) I think I have now sufficiently shown in what respect Scripture
should be accounted sacred and Divine; we may now see what should
rightly be understood by the expression; the Word of the Lord; debar (the
Hebrew original) signifies word; speech; command; and thing。 (32) The
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causes for which a thing is in Hebrew said to be of God; or is referred to
Him; have been already detailed in Chap。 I。; and we can therefrom easily
gather what meaning Scripture attaches to the phrases; the word; the
speech; the command; or the thing of God。 (33) I