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the boss and the machine-第13章

小说: the boss and the machine 字数: 每页4000字

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and thugs shared with the police their profits; as did
corporations and others seeking not only favors but their rights。
The committee in its statement to the Grand Jury (March; 1892)
estimated that the annual plunder from these sources was over

During the committee's sessions Croker was in Europe on important
business。 But he found time to order the closing of disreputable
resorts; and; though he was only a private citizen and three
thousand miles away; his orders were promptly obeyed。

Aroused by these disclosures and stimulated by the lashing
sermons of the Rev。 Charles H。 Parkhurst; the citizens of New
York; in 1894; elected a reform government; with William L。
Strong as Mayor。 His administration set up for the metropolis a
new standard of city management。 Colonel George E。 Waring
organized; for the first time in the city's history; an efficient
streetcleaning department。 Theodore Roosevelt was appointed
Police Commissioner。 These men and their associates gave to New
York a period of thrifty municipal housekeeping。

But the city returned to its filth。 After the incorporation of
Greater New York and the election of Robert A。 Van Wyck as its
mayor; the great beast of Tammany arose and extended its eager
claws over the vast area of the new city。

The Mazet Committee was appointed by the legislature in 1899 to
investigate rumors of renewed corruption。 But the inquiry which
followed was not as penetrating nor as free from partizan bias as
thoughtful citizens wished。 The principal exposure was of the Lee
Trust; an attempt to monopolize the city's ice supply; in which
city officials were stockholders; the mayor to the extent of 5000
shares; valued at 500;000。 It was shown; too; that Tammany
leaders were stockholders in corporations which received favors
from the city。 Governor Roosevelt; however; refused to remove
Mayor Van Wyck because the evidence against him was insufficient。

The most significant testimony before the Mazet Committee was
that given by Boss Croker himself。 His last public office had
been that of City Chamberlain; 1889…90; at a salary of 25;000。
Two years later he purchased for 250;000 an interest in a
stock…farm and paid over 100;000 for some noted race…horses。 He
spent over half a million dollars on the English racetrack in
three years and was reputed a millionaire; owning large blocks of
city real estate。 He told the committee that he virtually
determined all city nominations; and that all candidates were
assessed; even judicial candidates; from 10;000 to 25;000 for
their nominations。 〃We try to have a pretty effective
organizationthat's what we are there for;〃 he explained。 〃We
are giving the people pure organization government;〃 even though
the organizing took 〃a lot of time〃 and was 〃very hard work。〃
Tammany members stood by one another and helped each other; not
only in politics but in business。 〃We want the whole business
'city business' if we can get it。〃 If 〃we win; we expect everyone
to stand by us。〃 Then he uttered what must have been to every
citizen of understanding a self…evident truth; 〃I am working for
my pockets all the time。〃

Soon afterwards Croker retired to his Irish castle; relinquishing
the leadership to Charles Murphy; the present boss。 The growing
alertness of the voters; however; makes Murphy's task a more
difficult one than that of any of his predecessors。 It is
doubtful if the nature of the machine has changed during all the
years of its history。 Tweed and Croker were only natural products
of the system。 They typify the vulgar climax of organized

In 1913 the Independent Democrats; Republicans; and Progressives
united in a fusion movement。 They nominated and; after a most
spirited campaign; elected John Purroy Mitchel as mayor。 He was a
young man; not yet forty; had held important city offices; and
President Wilson had appointed him Collector of the Port of New
York。 His experience; his vigor; ability; and straightdealing
commended him to the friends of good government; and they were
not disappointed。 The Mitchel regime set a new record for clean
and efficient municipal administration。 Men of high character and
ability were enlisted in public service; and the Police
Department; under Commissioner Woods; achieved a new usefulness。
The decent citizens; not alone in the metropolis; but throughout
the country; believed with Theodore Roosevelt that Mr。 Mitchel
was 〃the best mayor。 New York ever had。〃 But neither the
effectiveness of his administration nor the combined efforts of
the friends of good government could save him from the designs of
Tammany Hall when; in 1917; he was a candidate for reelection。
Through a tactical blunder of the Fusionists; a small Republican
group was permitted to control the party primaries and nominate a
candidate of its own; the Socialists; greatly augmented by
various pacifist groups; made heavy inroads among the
foreign…born voters。 And; while the whole power and finesse of
Tammany were assiduously undermining the mayor's strength;
ethnic; religious; partizan; and geographical prejudices combined
to elect the machine candidate; Judge Hylan; a comparatively
unknown Brooklyn magistrate。

How could Tammany regain its power; and that usually within two
years; after such disclosures as we have seen? The main reason is
the scientific efficiency of the organization。 The victory of
Burr in New York in 1800 was the first triumph of the first ward
machine in America; and Tammany has forgotten neither this
victory nor the methods by which it was achieved。 The
organization which was then set in motion has simply been
enlarged to keep easy pace with the city's growth。 There are; in
fact; two organizations; Tammany Hall; the political machine; and
Tammany Society; the 〃Columbian Order〃 organized by Mooney; which
is ruled by sachems elected by the members。 Both organizations;
however; are one in spirit。 We need concern ourselves only with
the organization of Tammany Hall。

The framework of Tammany Hall's machinery has always been the
general committee; still known; in the phraseology of Burr's day;
as 〃the Democratic…Republican General Committee。〃 It is a very
democratic body composed of representatives from every assembly
district; apportioned according to the number of voters in the
district。 The present apportionment is one committeeman for every
fifteen votes。 This makes a committee of over 9000; an unwieldy
number。 It is justified; however; on two very practical grounds:
first; that it is large enough to keep close to the voters; and
second; that its assessment of ten dollars a member brings in
90;000 a year to the war chest。 This general committee holds
stated meetings and appoints subcommittees。 The executive
committee; composed of the leaders of the assembly districts and
the chairman and treasurer of the county committee; is the real
working body of the great committee。 It attends to all important
routine matters; selects candidates for office; and conducts
their campaigns。 It is customary for the members of the general
committee to designate the district leaders for the executive
committee; but they are elected by their own districts
respectively at the annual primary elections。 The district leader
is a very important wheel in the machine。 He not only leads his
district but represents it on the executive committee; and this
brotherhood of leaders forms the potent oligarchy of Tammany。 Its
sanction crowns the high chieftain; the boss; who; in turn; must
be constantly on the alert that his throne is not undermined;
that is to say; he and his district leaders must 〃play politics〃
within their own bailiwicks to keep their heads on their own
shoulders。 After their enfranchisement in New York (1917) women
were made eligible to the general and executive committees。
Thirty…seven were at once elected to the executive committee; and
plans were made to give them one…half of the representation on
the general committee。

Each of the twenty…three assembly districts is in turn divided
into election districts of about 400 voters; each with a
precinct captain who is acquainted with every voter in his
precinct and ke

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