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by Hans Christian Andersen
FAR away in the land to which the swallows fly when it is
winter; dwelt a king who had eleven sons; and one daughter; named
Eliza。 The eleven brothers were princes; and each went to school
with a star on his breast; and a sword by his side。 They wrote with
diamond pencils on gold slates; and learnt their lessons so quickly
and read so easily that every one might know they were princes。

Their sister Eliza sat on a little stool of plate…glass; and had a
book full of pictures; which had cost as much as half a kingdom。 Oh;
these children were indeed happy; but it was not to remain so
always。 Their father; who was king of the country; married a very
wicked queen; who did not love the poor children at all。 They knew
this from the very first day after the wedding。 In the palace there
were great festivities; and the children played at receiving
company; but instead of having; as usual; all the cakes and apples
that were left; she gave them some sand in a tea…cup; and told them to
pretend it was cake。 The week after; she sent little Eliza into the
country to a peasant and his wife; and then she told the king so
many untrue things about the young princes; that he gave himself no
more trouble respecting them。

〃Go out into the world and get your own living;〃 said the queen。

〃Fly like great birds; who have no voice。〃 But she could not make them ugly as she wished; for they were turned into eleven beautiful wild swans。 Then; with a strange cry; they flew through the windows of the palace; over the park; to the forest beyond。 It was early
morning when they passed the peasant's cottage; where their sister
Eliza lay asleep in her room。 They hovered over the roof; twisted
their long necks and flapped their wings; but no one heard them or saw them; so they were at last obliged to fly away; high up in the clouds; and over the wide world they flew till they came to a thick; dark wood; which stretched far away to the seashore。 Poor little Eliza
was alone in her room playing with a green leaf; for she had no
other playthings; and she pierced a hole through the leaf; and
looked through it at the sun; and it was as if she saw her brothers'
clear eyes; and when the warm sun shone on her cheeks; she thought
of all the kisses they had given her。 One day passed just like
another; sometimes the winds rustled through the leaves of the
rose…bush; and would whisper to the roses; 〃Who can be more
beautiful than you!〃 But the roses would shake their heads; and say;
〃Eliza is。〃 And when the old woman sat at the cottage door on
Sunday; and read her hymn…book; the wind would flutter the leaves; and say to the book; 〃Who can be more pious than you?〃 and then the hymn…book would answer 〃Eliza。〃 And the roses and the hymn…book told the real truth。 At fifteen she returned home; but when the queen saw how beautiful she was; she became full of spite and hatred towards her。 Willingly would she have turned her into a swan; like her
brothers; but she did not dare to do so yet; because the king wished
to see his daughter。 Early one morning the queen went into the
bath…room; it was built of marble; and had soft cushions; trimmed with the most beautiful tapestry。 She took three toads with her; and kissed them; and said to one; 〃When Eliza comes to the bath; seat yourself upon her head; that she may become as stupid as you are。〃 
Then she said to another; 〃Place yourself on her forehead; that she may become as ugly as you are; and that her father may not know her。〃 〃Rest on her heart;〃 she whispered to the third; 〃then she will have evil inclinations; and suffer in consequence。〃 So she put the toads into the clear water; and they turned green immediately。 She next called Eliza; and helped her to undress and get into the bath。 As
Eliza dipped her head under the water; one of the toads sat on her
hair; a second on her forehead; and a third on her breast; but she did
not seem to notice them; and when she rose out of the water; there
were three red poppies floating upon it。 Had not the creatures been
venomous or been kissed by the witch; they would have been changed into red roses。 At all events they became flowers; because they had rested on Eliza's head; and on her heart。 She was too good and too innocent for witchcraft to have any power over her。 When the wicked queen saw this; she rubbed her face with walnut…juice; so that she was quite brown; then she tangled her beautiful hair and smeared it with disgusting ointment; till it was quite impossible to recognize the
beautiful Eliza。

When her father saw her; he was much shocked; and declared she was not his daughter。 No one but the watch…dog and the swallows knew her; and they were only poor animals; and could say nothing。 
Then poor Eliza wept; and thought of her eleven brothers; who were all away。

Sorrowfully; she stole away from the palace; and walked; the whole
day; over fields and moors; till she came to the great forest。 She
knew not in what direction to go; but she was so unhappy; and longed so for her brothers; who had been; like herself; driven out into the world; that she was determined to seek them。 She had been but a
short time in the wood when night came on; and she quite lost the
path; so she laid herself down on the soft moss; offered up her
evening prayer; and leaned her head against the stump of a tree。 All
nature was still; and the soft; mild air fanned her forehead。 The
light of hundreds of glow…worms shone amidst the grass and the moss; like green fire; and if she touched a twig with her hand; ever so
lightly; the brilliant insects fell down around her; like

All night long she dreamt of her brothers。 She and they were
children again; playing together。 She saw them writing with their
diamond pencils on golden slates; while she looked at the beautiful
picture…book which had cost half a kingdom。 They were not writing
lines and letters; as they used to do; but descriptions of the noble
deeds they had performed; and of all they had discovered and seen。
In the picture…book; too; everything was living。 The birds sang; and
the people came out of the book; and spoke to Eliza and her
brothers; but; as the leaves turned over; they darted back again to
their places; that all might be in order。

When she awoke; the sun was high in the heavens; yet she could not
see him; for the lofty trees spread their branches thickly over her
head; but his beams were glancing through the leaves here and there;
like a golden mist。 There was a sweet fragrance from the fresh green
verdure; and the birds almost perched upon her shoulders。 She heard
water rippling from a number of springs; all flowing in a lake with
golden sands。 Bushes grew thickly round the lake; and at one spot an
opening had been made by a deer; through which Eliza went down to
the water。 The lake was so clear that; had not the wind rustled the
branches of the trees and the bushes; so that they moved; they would
have appeared as if painted in the depths of the lake; for every
leaf was reflected in the water; whether it stood in the shade or
the sunshine。 As soon as Eliza saw her own face; she was quite
terrified at finding it so brown and ugly; but when she wetted her
little hand; and rubbed her eyes and forehead; the white skin
gleamed forth once more; and; after she had undressed; and dipped
herself in the fresh water; a more beautiful king's daughter could not
be found in the wide world。 As soon as she had dressed herself
again; and braided her long hair; she went to the bubbling spring; and
drank some water out of the hollow of her hand。 Then she wandered
far into the forest; not knowing whither she went。 She thought of
her brothers; and felt sure that God would not forsake her。 It is
God who makes the wild apples grow in the wood; to satisfy the hungry; and He now led her to one of these trees; which was so loaded with fruit; that the boughs bent beneath the weight。 Here she held her noonday repast; placed props under the boughs; and then went into the gloomiest depths of the forest。 It was so still that she could hear the sound of her own footsteps; as wel

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