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love and freindship-第21章

小说: love and freindship 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Well; I give you Joy of your conquest; replied Lady Scudamore; and I beleive it to have been a very complete one; I am sure it is not a contemptible one; for my Cousin is a charming young fellow; has seen a great deal of the World; and writes the best Love…letters I ever read。〃

This made me very happy; and I was excessively pleased with my conquest。  However; I thought it was proper to give myself a few Airsso I said to her

〃This is all very pretty Lady Scudamore; but you know that we young Ladies who are Heiresses must not throw ourselves away upon Men who have no fortune at all。〃

〃My dear Miss Halton said she; I am as much convinced of that as you can be; and I do assure you that I should be the last person to encourage your marrying anyone who had not some pretensions to expect a fortune with you。  Mr  Musgrove is so far from being poor that he has an estate of several hundreds an year which is capable of great Improvement; and an excellent House; though at Present it is not quite in repair。〃

〃If that is the case replied I; I have nothing more to say against him; and if as you say he is an informed young Man and can write a good Love…letter; I am sure I have no reason to find fault with him for admiring me; tho' perhaps I may not marry him for all that Lady Scudamore。〃

〃You are certainly under no obligation to marry him answered her Ladyship; except that which love himself will dictate to you; for if I am not greatly mistaken you are at this very moment unknown to yourself; cherishing a most tender affection for him。〃

〃Law; Lady Scudamore replied I blushing how can you think of such a thing?〃

〃Because every look; every word betrays it; answered she; Come my dear Henrietta; consider me as a freind; and be sincere with me Do not you prefer Mr Musgrove to any man of your acquaintance?〃

〃Pray do not ask me such questions Lady Scudamore; said I turning away my head; for it is not fit for me to answer them。〃

〃Nay my Love replied she; now you confirm my suspicions。 But why Henrietta should you be ashamed to own a well…placed Love; or why refuse to confide in me?〃

〃I am not ashamed to own it; said I taking Courage。  I do not refuse to confide in you or blush to say that I do love your cousin Mr Musgrove; that I am sincerely attached to him; for it is no disgrace to love a handsome Man。  If he were plain indeed I might have had reason to be ashamed of a passion which must have been mean since the object would have been unworthy。  But with such a figure and face; and such beautiful hair as your Cousin has; why should I blush to own that such superior merit has made an impression on me。〃

〃My sweet Girl (said Lady Scudamore embracing me with great affection) what a delicate way of thinking you have in these matters; and what a quick discernment for one of your years!  Oh! how I honour you for such Noble Sentiments!〃

〃Do you Ma'am said I; You are vastly obliging。  But pray Lady Scudamore did your Cousin himself tell you of his affection for me I shall like him the better if he did; for what is a Lover without a Confidante?〃

〃Oh!  my Love replied she; you were born for each other。 Every word you say more deeply convinces me that your Minds are actuated by the invisible power of simpathy; for your opinions and sentiments so exactly coincide。  Nay; the colour of your Hair is not very different。  Yes my dear Girl; the poor despairing Musgrove did reveal to me the story of his Love。  Nor was I surprised at itI know not how it was; but I had a kind of presentiment that he would be in love with you。〃

〃Well; but how did he break it to you?〃

〃It was not till after supper。  We were sitting round the fire together talking on indifferent subjects; though to say the truth the Conversation was cheifly on my side for he was thoughtful and silent; when on a sudden he interrupted me in the midst of something I was saying; by exclaiming in a most Theatrical tone

Yes I'm in love I feel it now And Henrietta Halton has undone me

〃Oh!  What a sweet way replied I; of declaring his Passion!  To make such a couple of charming lines about me!  What a pity it is that they are not in rhime!〃

〃I am very glad you like it answered she; To be sure there was a great deal of Taste in it。  And are you in love with her; Cousin? said I。  I am very sorry for it; for unexceptionable as you are in every respect; with a pretty Estate capable of Great improvements; and an excellent House tho' somewhat out of repair; yet who can hope to aspire with success to the adorable Henrietta who has had an offer from a Colonel and been toasted by a Baronet〃〃THAT I have〃 cried I。  Lady Scudamore continued。 〃Ah dear Cousin replied he; I am so well convinced of the little Chance I can have of winning her who is adored by thousands; that I need no assurances of yours to make me more thoroughly so。  Yet surely neither you or the fair Henrietta herself will deny me the exquisite Gratification of dieing for her; of falling a victim to her Charms。  And when I am dead〃continued her

〃Oh Lady Scudamore; said I wiping my eyes; that such a sweet Creature should talk of dieing!〃

〃It is an affecting Circumstance indeed; replied Lady Scudamore。〃 〃When I am dead said he; let me be carried and lain at her feet; and perhaps she may not disdain to drop a pitying tear on my poor remains。〃

〃Dear Lady Scudamore interrupted I; say no more on this affecting subject。  I cannot bear it。〃

〃Oh!  how I admire the sweet sensibility of your Soul; and as I would not for Worlds wound it too deeply; I will be silent。〃

〃Pray go on。〃 said I。  She did so。

〃And then added he; Ah!  Cousin imagine what my transports will be when I feel the dear precious drops trickle on my face!  Who would not die to haste such extacy!  And when I am interred; may the divine Henrietta bless some happier Youth with her affection; May he be as tenderly attached to her as the hapless Musgrove and while HE crumbles to dust; May they live an example of Felicity in the Conjugal state!〃

Did you ever hear any thing so pathetic?  What a charming wish; to be lain at my feet when he was dead!  Oh! what an exalted mind he must have to be capable of such a wish!  Lady Scudamore went on。

〃Ah!  my dear Cousin replied I to him; such noble behaviour as this; must melt the heart of any woman however obdurate it may naturally be; and could the divine Henrietta but hear your generous wishes for her happiness; all gentle as is her mind; I have not a doubt but that she would pity your affection and endeavour to return it。〃  〃Oh!  Cousin answered he; do not endeavour to raise my hopes by such flattering assurances。  No; I cannot hope to please this angel of a Woman; and the only thing which remains for me to do; is to die。〃  〃True Love is ever desponding replied I; but I my dear Tom will give you even greater hopes of conquering this fair one's heart; than I have yet given you; by assuring you that I watched her with the strictest attention during the whole day; and could plainly discover that she cherishes in her bosom though unknown to herself; a most tender affection for you。〃

〃Dear Lady Scudamore cried I; This is more than I ever knew!〃

〃Did not I say that it was unknown to yourself?  I did not; continued I to him; encourage you by saying this at first; that surprise might render the pleasure still Greater。〃  〃No Cousin replied he in a languid voice; nothing will convince me that I can have touched the heart of Henrietta Halton; and if you are deceived yourself; do not attempt deceiving me。〃  〃In short my Love it was the work of some hours for me to Persuade the poor despairing Youth that you had really a preference for him; but when at last he could no longer deny the force of my arguments; or discredit what I told him; his transports; his Raptures; his Extacies are beyond my power to describe。〃

〃Oh!  the dear Creature; cried I; how passionately he loves me! But dear Lady Scudamore did you tell him that I was totally dependant on my Uncle and Aunt?〃

〃Yes; I told him every thing。〃

〃And what did he say。〃

〃He exclaimed with virulence against Uncles and Aunts; Accused the laws of England for allowing them to Possess their Estates when wanted by their Nephews or Neices; and wish

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