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count bunker-第21章

小说: count bunker 字数: 每页4000字

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perceived the makings of an argumentative evening。

〃Sometimes you interfere too moch;〃 the Baron began without preamble。

〃Do you mind being a little more specific?〃 replied the Count with smiling composure。

〃Zere vas no hurry to lonch mit Maddison。〃

〃I didn't name the date。〃

〃You might have said next veek。〃

〃By next week Miss Maddison may be snapped up by some one else。〃

〃Zen vould Tollyvoddle be more lucky!  I have nearly got for him ze most charming girl; mit as moch money as he vants。  Ach; you do interfere!  You should gonsider ze happiness of Tollyvoddle。〃

〃That is the only consideration that affects yourself; Baron?〃

〃Of course!  I cannot marry more zan vonce。〃 (Bunker thought he perceived a symptom of a sigh。)  〃And I most be faithful to Alicia。  I most!  Ach; yes; Bonker; do not fear for me!  I am so constant asach; I most keep faithful!〃

As he supplied this remarkable testimony to his own fidelity; the Baron paced the floor with an agitation that clearly showed how firmly his constancy was based。

Nevertheless the Count was smiling oddly at something he espied upon the mantelpiece; and stepping up to it he observed

〃Here is a singular phenomenona bunch of white heather that has got itself tied together with ribbon!〃

The Baron started; and took the tiny bouquet from his hand; his eyes sparkling with delight。

〃It must be a gift from〃 he began; and then laid it down again; though his gaze continued fixed upon it。  〃How did it gom in?〃 he mused。  〃Ach! she most have brought it herself。  How vary nice!〃

He turned suddenly and met his friend's humorous eyes。

〃I shall be faithful; Bonker!  You can trust me!〃 he exclaimed; 〃I shall put it in my letter to Alicia; and send it mit my love!  See; Bonker!〃

He took a letter from his deskits envelope still openhurriedly slipped in the white heather; and licked the gum while his resolution was hot。  Then; having exhibited this somewhat singular evidence of his constancy; he sighed again。

〃It vas ze only safe vay;〃 he said dolefully。  〃Vas I not right; Bonker?〃

〃Quite; my dear Baron;〃 replied the Count sympathetically。  〃Believe me; I appreciate your self…sacrifice。  In fact; it was to relieve the strain upon your too generous heart that I immediately accepted Mr。 Maddison's invitation for to…morrow。〃

〃How so?〃 demanded the Baron with perhaps excusable surprise。

〃You will be able to decide at once which is the most suitable bride for Tulliwuddle; and then; if you like; we can leave in a day or two。〃

〃Bot I do not vish to leave so soon!〃

〃Well then; while you stay; you can at least make sure that you are engaging the affections of the right girl。〃

Though Bunker spoke with an air of desiring merely to assist his friend; the speech seemed to arouse some furious thinking in the Baron's mind。

For some moments he made no reply; and then at last; in a troubled voice; he said

〃I have already a leetle gommitted Tollyvoddle to Eva。  Ach; bot not moch!  Still it vas a leetle。  Miss Maddisonvat is she like?〃

To the best of his ability the Count sketched the charms of Eleanor Maddisonher enthusiasm for large and manly noblemen; and the probable effects of the Baron's stalwart form set off by the tartan which (in deference; he declared; to the Wraith's injunctions) he now invariably wore。  Also; he touched upon her father's colossal fortune; and the genuine Tulliwuddle's necessities。

The Baron listened with growing interest。

〃Vell;〃 he said; 〃I soppose I most make a goot impression for ze sake of Tollyvoddle。  For instance; ven we drive up〃

〃Drive? my dear Baron; we shall march!  Leave it to me; I have a very pretty design shaping in my head。〃

〃Aha!〃 smiled the Baron; 〃my showman again; eh?〃

His expression sobered; and he added as a final contribution to the debate

〃But I may tell you; Bonker; I do not eggspect to like Miss Maddison。  Ah; my instinct he is vonderful!  It vas my instinct vich said。  'Chose Miss Gallosh for Tollyvoddle!' 〃


While the Baron was thus loyally doing his duty; his Baroness; being ignorant of the excellence of his purpose; and knowing only that he had deceived her in one matter; and that the descent to Avernus is easy; passed a number of very miserable days。  That heart… breaking 〃us both〃 kept her awake at nights and distraught throughout the day; and when for a little she managed to explain the phrase away; and tried to anchor her trust in Rudolph once more; the vision of the St。 Petersburg window overlooking the crops would come to shatter her confidence。  She wrote a number of passionate replies; but as the Baron in making his arrangements with his Russian friend had forgotten to provide him with his Scotch address; these letters only reached him after the events of this chronicle had passed into history。  Strange to say; her only consolation was that neither her mother nor Sir Justin was able to supply any further evidence of any kind whatsoever。  One would naturally suppose that the assistance they had gratuitously given would have made her feel eternally indebted to them; but; on the contrary; she was actually inconsistent enough to resent their head…shakings nearly as much as her Rudolph's presumptive infidelity。  So that her lot was indeed to be deplored。

At last a second letter came; and with trembling fingers; locked in her room; the forsaken lady tore the curiously bulky envelope apart。  Then; at the sight of the enclosure that had given it this shape; her heart lightened once more。

〃A sprig of white heather!〃 she cried。  〃Ah; he loves me still!〃

With eager eyes she next devoured the writing accompanying this token; and as the Baron's head happened to be clearer when he composed this second epistle; and his friend's hints peculiarly judicious; it conveyed so plausible an account of his proceedings; and contained so many expressions of his unaltered esteem; that his character was completely reinstated in her regard。

Having read every affectionate sentence thrice over; and given his exceedingly interesting statements of fact the attention they deserved; she once more took up the little bouquet and examined it more curiously and intently。  She even untied the ribbon; when; lo and behold! there fell a tiny and tightly folded twist of paper upon the floor。  Preparing herself for a delicious bit of sentiment; she tenderly unfolded and smoothed it out。

〃Verses!〃 she exclaimed rapturously; but the next instant her pleasure gave place to a look of the extremest mystification。

〃What does this mean?〃 she gasped。

There was; in fact; some excuse for her perplexity; since the precise text of the enclosure ran thus:


     〃O Chieftain; trample on this heath      Which lies thy springing foot beneath!      It can recover from thy tread;      And once again uplift its head!      But spare; O Chief; the tenderer plant;      Because when trampled on; it can't!                               〃EVA。〃

Too confounded for coherent speculation; the Baroness continued to stare at this baffling effusion。  Who Lord Tulliwuddle and Eva were; why this glimpse into their drama (for such it appeared to be) should be forwarded to her; and where the Baron von Blitzenberg came into the storythese; among a dozen other questions; flickered chaotically through her mind for some minutes。  Again and again she studied the cryptogram; till at last a few definite conclusions began to crystallize out of the confusion。  That the 〃tenderer plant〃 symbolized the lady herself; that she was a person to be regarded with extreme suspicion; and that emphatically the bouquet was never originally intended for the Baroness von Blitzenberg; all became settled convictions。  The fact that she knew Tulliwuddle to be an existing peerage afforded her some relief; yet the longer she pondered on the problem of Rudolph's part in the episode; the more uneasy grew her mind。

Composing her face before the mirror till it resumed its normal round…eyed placidity; she locked the letter and its contents in a safe place; and sought out her mother。

〃Did you get any letter; dear; by the last post?〃 inquired the Countess as soon as she had entered the room。

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