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the crystal stopper-第25章

小说: the crystal stopper 字数: 每页4000字

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; to pocket him; as he put it; to have him at his bidding by fair means or foul; to extract his secret from him。  He dreamt of tortures fit to unloose the tongue of the most silent of men。  The boot; the rack; red…hot pincers; nailed planks: no form of suffering; he thought; was more than the enemy deserved; and the end to be attained justified every means。

〃Oh;〃 he said to himself; 〃oh; for a decent bench of inquisitors and a couple of bold executioners!。。。  What a time we should have!〃

Every afternoon the Growler and the Masher watched the road which Daubrecq took between the Square Lamartine; the Chamber of Deputies and his club。  Their instructions were to choose the most deserted street and the most favourable moment and; one evening; to hustle him into a motor…car。

Lupin; on his side; got ready an old building; standing in the middle of a large garden; not far from Paris; which presented all the necessary conditions of safety and isolation and which he called the Monkey's Cage。

Unfortunately; Daubrecq must have suspected something; for every time; so to speak; he changed his route; or took the underground or a tram; and the cage remained unoccupied。

Lupin devised another plan。  He sent to Marseilles for one of his associates; an elderly retired grocer called Brindebois; who happened to live in Daubrecq's electoral district and interested himself in politics。 Old Brindebois wrote to Daubrecq from Marseilles; announcing his visit。 Daubrecq gave this important constituent a hearty welcome; and a dinner was arranged for the following week。

The elector suggested a little restaurant on the left bank of the Seine; where the food; he said; was something wonderful。  Daubrecq accepted。

This was what Lupin wanted。  The proprietor of the restaurant was one of his friends。  The attempt; which was to take place on the following Thursday; was this time bound to succeed。

Meanwhile; on the Monday of the same week; the trial of Gilbert and Vaucheray opened。

The reader will remember … and the case took place too recently for me to recapitulate its details … the really incomprehensible partiality which the presiding judge showed in his cross…examination of Gilbert。 The thing was noticed and severely criticised at the time。  Lupin recognized Daubrecq's hateful influence。

The attitude observed by the two prisoners differed greatiy。  Vaucheray was gloomy; silent; hard…faced。  He cynically; in curt; sneering; almost defiant phrases; admitted the crimes of which he had formerly been guilty。  But; with an inconsistency which puzzled everybody except Lupin; he denied any participation in the murder of Leonard the valet and violently accused Gilbert。  His object; in thus linking his fate with Gilbert's; was to force Lupin to take identical measures for the rescue of both his accomplices。

Gilbert; on the other hand; whose frank countenance and dreamy; melancholy eyes won every sympathy; was unable to protect himself against the traps laid for him by the judge or to counteract Vaucheray's lies。 He burst into tears; talked too much; or else did not talk when he should have talked。  Moreover; his counsel; one of the Leaders of the bar; was taken ill at the last moment … and here again Lupin saw the hand of Daubrecq … and he was replaced by a junior who spoke badiy; muddied the whole case; set the jury against him and failed to wipe out the impression produced by the speeches of the advocate…general and of Vaucheray's counsel。

Lupin; who had the inconceivable audacity to be present on the last day of the trial; the Thursday; had no doubt as to the result。  A verdict of gullty was certain in both cases。

It was certain because all the efforts of the prosecution; thus supporting Vaucheray's tactics; had tended to link the two prisoners closely together。  It was certain; also and above all; because it concerned two of Lupin's accomplices。  From the opening of the inquiry before the magistrate until the delivery of the verdict; all the proceedings had been directed against Lupin; and this in spite of the fact that the prosecution; for want of sufficient evidence and also in order not to scatter its efforts over too wide an area; had decided not to include Lupin in the indictment。  He was the adversary aimed at; the leader who must be punished in the person of his friends; the famous and popular scoundrel whose fascination in the eyes of the crowd must be destroyed for good and all。  With Gilbert and Vaucheray executed; Lupin's halo would fade away the legend would be exploded。

Lupin 。。。 Lupin。。。 Arsene Lupin: it was the one name heard throughout the four days。  The advocate…general; the presiding judge; the jury; the counsel; the witnesses had no other words on their lips。  Every moment; Lupin was mentioned and cursed at; scoffed at; insulted and held responsible for all the crimes committed。  It was as though Gilbert and Vaucheray figured only as supernumeraries; while the real criminal undergoing trial was he; Lupin; Master Lupin; Lupin the burglar; the leader of a gang of thieves; the forger; the incendiary; the hardened offender; the ex…convict; Lupin the murderer; Lupin stained with the blood of his victim; Lupin lurking in the shade; like a coward; after sending his friends to the foot of the scaffold。

〃Oh; the rascals know what they're about!〃 he muttered。  〃It's my debt which they are making my poor old Gilbert pay。〃

And the terrible tragedy went on。

At seven o'clock in the evening; after a long deliberation; the jury returned to court and the foreman read out the answers to the questions put from the bench。  The answer was 〃Yes〃 to every count of the indictment; a verdict of guilty without extenuating circumstances。

The prisoners were brought in。  Standing up; but staggering and white…faced; they received their sentence of death。

And; amid the great; solemn silence; in which the anxiety of the onlookers was mingled with pity; the assize…president asked:

〃Have you anything more to say; Vaucheray?〃

〃Nothing; monsieur le president。  Now that my mate is sentenced as well as myself; I am easy。。。  We are both on the same footing。。。  The governor must find a way to save the two of us。〃

〃The governor?〃

〃Yes; Arsene Lupin。〃

There was a laugh among the crowd。

The president asked:

〃And you; Gilbert?〃

Tears streamed down the poor lad's cheeks and he stammered a few inarticulate sentences。  But; when the judge repeated his question; he succeeded in mastering himself and replied; in a trembling voice:

〃I wish to say; monsieur le president; that I am guilty of many things; that's true。。。  I have done a lot of harm。。。  But; all the same; not this。 No; I have not committed murder。。。  I have never committed murder。。。 And I don't want to die。。。 it would be too horrible。。。 〃

He swayed from side to side; supported by the warders; and he was heard to cry; like a child calling for help:

〃Governor。。。 save me!。。。 Save me!。。。 I don't want to die!〃

Then; in the crowd; amid the general excitement; a voice rose above the surrounding clamour:

〃Don't be afraid; little ‘un!。。。 The governor's here!〃

A tumult and hustling followed。  The municipal guards and the policemen rushed into court and laid hold of a big; red…faced man; who was stated by his neighbours to be the author of that outburst and who struggled hand and foot。

Questioned without delay; he gave his name; Philippe Bonel; an undertaker's man; and declared that some one sitting beside him had offered him a hundred…franc note if he would consent; at the proper moment; to shout a few words which his neighbour scribbled on a bit of paper。  How could he refuse?

In proof of his statements; he produced the hundred…franc note and the scrap of paper。

Philippe Bonel was let go。

Meanwhile; Lupin; who of course had assisted energetically in the individual's arrest and handed him over to' the guards; left the law…courts; his heart heavy with anguish。  His car was waiting for him on the quay。  He flung himself into it; in despair; seized with so great a sorrow that he had to make an effort to restrain his tears。  Gilbert's cry; his voice wrung with affliction; his distorted features; his tottering frame: all this haunted his brain; a

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