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the crystal stopper-第15章

小说: the crystal stopper 字数: 每页4000字

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embling; whimpering thing。

Suddenly understanding; he stood for a moment motionless and dismayed; at a loss what to do with his conquered prey。  But the others were shouting and stamping outside the door。  Thereupon; dreading lest Daubrecq should wake up; he slipped the little thing under his jacket; against his chest; stopped the crying with his handkerchief rolled into a ball and hurried up the three flights of stairs。

〃Here;〃 he said to Victoire; who woke with a start。  〃I've brought you the indomitable chief of our enemies; the Hercules of the gang。  Have you a feeding…bottle about you?〃

He put down in the easy…chair a child of six or seven years of age; the tiniest little fellow in a gray jersey and a knitted woollen cap; whose pale and exquisitely pretty features were streaked with the tears that streamed from the terrified eyes。

〃Where did you pick that up?〃 asked Victoire; aghast。

〃At the foot of the stairs; as it was coming out of Daubrecq's bedroom;〃 replied Lupin; feeling the jersey in the hope that the child had brought a booty of some kind from that room。

Victoire was stirred to pity:

〃Poor little dear!  Look; he's trying not to cry!。。。 Oh; saints above; his hands are like ice!  Don't be afraid; sonnie; we sha'n't hurt you: the gentleman's all right。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Lupin; 〃the gentleman's quite all right; but there's another very wicked gentleman who'll wake up if they go on making such a rumpus outside the hall…door。  Do you hear them; Victoire?〃

〃Who is it?〃

〃The satellites of our young Hercules; the indomitable leader's gang。〃

〃Well。。。 ?〃 stammered Victoire; utterly unnerved。

〃Well; as I don't want to be caught in the trap; I shall start by clearing out。  Are you coming; Hercules?〃

He rolled the child in a blanket; so that only its head remained outside; gagged its mouth as gently as possible and made Victoire fasten it to his shoulders:

〃See; Hercules?  We're having a game。  You never thought you'd find gentlemen to play pick…a…back with you at three o'clock in the morning! Come; whoosh; let's fly away!  You don't get giddy; I hope?〃

He stepped across the window…ledge and set foot on one of the rungs of the ladder。  He was in the garden in a minute。

He had never ceased hearing and now heard more plainly still the blows that were being struck upon the front…door。  He was astounded that Daubrecq was not awakened by so violent a din:

〃If I don't put a stop to this; they'll spoil everything;〃 he said to himself。

He stood in an angle of the house; invisible in the darkness; and measured the distance between himself and the gate。  The gate was open。 To his right; he saw the steps; on the top of which the people were flinging themselves about; to his left; the building occupied by the portress。

The woman had come out of her lodge and was standing near the people; entreating them:

〃Oh; do be quiet; do be quiet!  He'll come!〃

〃Capital!〃 said Lupin。  〃The good woman is an accomplice of these as well。  By Jingo; what a pluralist!〃

He rushed across to her and; taking her by the scruff of the neck; hissed:

〃Go and tell them I've got the child。。。 They can come and fetch it at my place; Rue Chateaubriand。〃

A little way off; in the avenue; stood a taxi which Lupin presumed to be engaged by the gang。  Speaking authoritatively; as though he were one of the accomplices; he stepped into the cab and told the man to drive him home。

〃Well;〃 he said to the child; 〃that wasn't much of a shake…up; was it?。。。 What do you say to going to bye…bye on the gentleman's bed?〃

As his servant; Achille; was asleep; Lupin made the little chap comfortable and stroked his hair for him。  The child seemed numbed。  His poor face was as though petrified into a stiff expression made up; at one and the same time; of fear and the wish not to show fear; of the longing to scream and a pitiful effort not to scream。

〃Cry; my pet; cry;〃 said Lupin。  〃It'll do you good to cry。〃

The child did not cry; but the voice was so gentle and so kind that he relaxed his tense muscles; and; now that his eyes were calmer and his mouth less contorted; Lupin; who was examining him closely; found something that he recognized; an undoubted resemblance。

This again confirmed certain facts which he suspected and which he had for some time been linking in his mind。  Indeed; unless he was mistaken; the position was becoming very different and he would soon assume the direction of events。  After that。。。

A ring at the bell followed; at once; by two others; sharp ones。

〃Hullo!〃 said Lupin to the child。  〃Here's mummy come to fetch you。 Don't move。〃

He ran and opened the door。

A woman entered; wildly:

〃My son!〃 she screamed。  〃My son!  Where is he?〃

〃In my room;〃 said Lupin。

Without asking more; thus proving that she knew the way; she rushed to the bedroom。

〃As I thought;〃 muttered Lupin。  〃The youngish woman with the gray hair: Daubrecq's friend and enemy。〃

He walked to the window and looked through the curtains。  Two men were striding up and down the opposite pavement: the Growler and the Masher。

〃And they're not even hiding themselves;〃 he said to himself。  〃That's a good sign。  They consider that they can't do without me any longer and that they've got to obey the governor。  There remains the pretty lady with the gray hair。  That will be more difficult。  It's you and I now; mummy。〃

He found the mother and the boy clasped in each other's arms; and the mother; in a great state of alarm; her eyes moist with tears; was saying:

〃You're not hurt?  You're sure?  Oh; how frightened you must have been; my poor little Jacques!〃

〃A fine little fellow;〃 said Lupin。

She did not reply。  She was feeling the child's jersey; as Lupin had done; no doubt to see if he had succeeded in his nocturnal mission; and she questioned him in a whisper。

〃No; mummy;〃 said the child。  〃No; really。〃

She kissed him fondly and petted him; until; in a little while; the child; worn out with fatigue and excitement; fell asleep。  She remained leaning over him for a long time。  She herself seemed very much worn out and in need of rest。

Lupin did not disturb her contemplation。  He looked at her anxiously; with an attention which she did not perceive; and he noticed the wider rings round her eyes and the deeper marks of wrinkles。  Yet he considered her handsomer than he had thought; with that touching beauty which habitual suffering gives to certain faces that are more human; more sensitive than others。

She wore so sad an expression that; in a burst of instinctive sympathy; he went up to her and said: 〃I do not know what your plans are; but; whatever they may be; you stand in need of help。  You cannot succeed alone。〃

〃I am not alone。〃

〃The two men outside?  I know them。  They're no good。  I beseech you; make use of me。  You remember the other evening; at the theatre; in the private box?  You were on the point of speaking。  Do not hesitate to…day。〃

She turned her eyes on him; looked at him long and fixedly and; as though unable to escape that opposing will; she said:

〃What do you know exactiy?  What do you know about me?〃

〃There are many things that I do not know。  I do not know your name。 But I know。。。 〃

She interrupted him with a gesture; and; resolutely; in her turn; dominating the man who was compelling her to speak:

〃It doesn't matter;〃 she exclaimed。  〃What you know; after all; is not much and is of no importance。  But what are your plans?  You offer me your help:  with what view?  For what work?  You have flung yourself headlong into this business; I have been unable to undertake anything without meeting you on my path: you must be contemplating some aim。。。 What aim?〃

〃What aim?  Upon my word; it seems to me that my conduct。。。 〃

〃No; no;〃 she said; emphatically; 〃no phrases!  What you and I want is certainties; and; to achieve them; absolute frankness。  I will set you the example。 M。 Daubrecq possesses a thing of unparalleled value; not in itself; but for what it represents。  That thing you know。  You have twice held it in your hands。  I have twice taken it from you。  Well; I am entitled to believe that; when you tried to obtain possession of it; you meant to use 

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