贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the crystal stopper >


the crystal stopper-第13章

小说: the crystal stopper 字数: 每页4000字

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he police would make much of it either。

Nor; on the other hand; did it look as though the police would consider that mystery a reason for delaying proceedings。  They would send Vaucheray's accomplice for trial … under his name of Gilbert or any other name … and visit him with the same inevitable punishment。

〃Poor boy!〃 repeated Lupin。  〃They're persecuting him like this only because of me。  They are afraid of his escaping and they are in a hurry to finish the business: the verdict first and then。。。 the execution。

Oh; the butchers!。。。 A lad of twenty; who has committed no murder; who is not even an accomplice in the murder。。。

Alas; Lupin well knew that this was a thing impossible to prove and that he must concentrate his efforts upon another point。  But upon which? Was he to abandon the trail of the crystal stopper?

He could not make up his mind to that。  His one and only diversion from the search was to go to Enghien; where the Growler and the Masher lived; and make sure that nothing had been seen of them since the murder at the Villa Marie…Therese。  Apart from this; he applied himself to the question of Daubrecq and nothing else。

He refused even to trouble his head about the problems set before him: the treachery of the Growler and the Masher; their connection with the gray…haired lady; the spying of which he himself was the object。

〃Steady; Lupin;〃 he said。  〃One only argues falsely in a fever。  So hold your tongue。  No inferences; above all things!  Nothing is more foolish than to infer one fact from another before finding a certain starting…point。 That's where you get up a tree。 Listen to your instinct。 Act according to your instinct。  And as you are persuaded; outside all argument; outside all logic; one might say; that this business turns upon that confounded stopper; go for it boldly。  Have at Daubrecq and his bit of crystal!〃

Lupin did not wait to arrive at these conclusions before settling his actions accordingly。  At the moment when he was stating them in his mind; three days after the scene at the Vaudeville; he was sitting; dressed like a retired tradesman; in an old overcoat; with a muffler round his neck; on a bench in the Avenue Victor…Hugo; at some distance from the Square Lamartine。  Victoire had his instructions to pass by that bench at the same hour every morning。

〃Yes;〃 he repeated to himself; 〃the crystal stopper: everything turns on that。。。 Once I get hold of it。。。 〃

Victoire arrived; with her shopping…basket on her arm。  He at once noticed her extraordinary agitation and pallor:

〃What's the matter?〃 asked Lupin; walking beside his old nurse。

She went into a big grocer's; which was crowded with people; and; turning to him:

〃Here;〃 she said; in a voice torn with excitement。  〃Here's what you've been hunting for。〃

And; taking something from her basket; she gave it to him。

Lupin stood astounded: in his hand lay the crystal stopper。

〃Can it be true?  Can it be true?〃 he muttered; as though the ease of the solution had thrown him off his balance。

But the fact remained; visible and palpable。  He recognized by its shape; by its size; by the worn gilding of its facets; recognized beyond any possible doubt the crystal stopper which he had seen before。  He even remarked a tiny; hardly noticeable little scratch on the stem which he remembered perfectly。

However; while the thing presented all the same characteristics; it possessed no other that seemed out of the way。  It was a crystal stopper; that was all。  There was no really special mark to distinguish it from other stoppers。  There was no sign upon it; no stamp; and; being cut from a single piece; it contained no foreign object。

〃What then?〃

And Lupin received a quick insight into the depth of his mistake。  What good could the possession of that crystal stopper do him so long as he was ignorant of its value?  That bit of glass had no existence in itself; it counted only through the meaning that attached to it。  Before taking it; the thing was to be certain。  And how could he tell that; in taking it; in robbing Daubrecq of it; he was not committing an act of folly?

It was a question which was impossible of solution; but which forced itself upon him with singular directness。

〃No blunders!〃 he said to himself; as he pocketed the stopper。  〃In this confounded business; blunders are fatal。〃

He had not taken his eyes off Victoire。  Accompanied by a shopman; she went from counter to counter; among the throng of customers。  She next stood for some little while at the pay…desk and passed in front of Lupin。

He whispered her instructions:

〃Meet me behind the Lycee Janson。〃

She joined him in an unfrequented street:

〃And suppose I'm followed?〃 she said。

〃No;〃 he declared。  〃I looked carefully。  Listen to me。  Where did you find the stopper?〃

〃In the drawer of the table by his bed。〃

〃But we had felt there already。〃

〃Yes; and I did so again this morning。  I expect he put it there last night。〃

〃And I expect he'll want to take it from there again;〃 said Lupin。

〃Very likely。〃

〃And suppose he finds it gone?〃

Victoire looked frightened。

〃Answer me;〃 said Lupin。  〃If he finds it gone; he'll accuse you of taking it; won't he?〃


〃Then go and put it back; as fast as you can。〃

Oh dear; oh dear!〃 she moaned。  〃I hope he won't have had time to find out。  Give it to me; quick。〃

Here you are;〃 said Lupin。

He felt in the pocket of his overcoat。

〃Well?〃 said Victoire; holding out her hand。

〃Well;〃 he said; after a moment; 〃it's gone。〃


〃Yes; upon my word; it's gone。。。 somebody's taken it from me。〃

He burst into a peal of laughter; a laughter which; this time; was free from all bitterness。

Victoire flew out at him:

〃Laugh away! 。。。 Putting me in such a predicament!。。。 〃

〃How can I help laughing?  You must confess that it's funny。  It's no longer a tragedy that we're acting; but a fairy…tale; as much a fairy…tale as Puss in Boots or Jack the Beanstalk。  I must write it when I get a few weeks to myself: The Magic Stopper; or; The Mishaps of Poor Arsene。〃

〃Well。。。 who has taken it from you?〃

〃What are you talking about?。。。 It has flown away。。。 vanished from my pocket: hey presto; begone!〃

He gave the old servant a gentle push and; in a more serious tone:

〃Go home; Victoire; and don't upset yourself。  Of course; some one saw you give me the stopper and took advantage of the crowd in the shop to pick my pocket of it。  That only shows that we are watched more closely than I thought and by adversaries of the first rank。  But; once more; be easy。  Honest men always come by their own。。。 Have you anything else to tell me?〃

〃Yes。  Some one came yesterday evening; while M。 Daubrecq was out。  I saw lights reflected upon the trees in the garden。〃

〃The portress' bedroom?〃

〃The portress was up。〃

〃Then it was some of those detective…fellows; they are still hunting。 I'll see you later; Victoire。  You must let me in again。〃

〃What! You want to。。。 〃

〃What do I risk?  Your room is on the third floor。  Daubrecq suspects nothing。〃

〃But the others!〃

〃The others?  If it was to their interest to play me a trick; they'd have tried before now。  I'm in their way; that's all。  They're not afraid of me。  So till later; Victoire; at five o'clock exactly。〃

One further surprise awaited Lupin。  In the evening his old nurse told him that; having opened the drawer of the bedside table from curiosity; she had found the crystal stopper there again。

Lupin was no longer to be excited by these miraculous incidents。  He simply said to himself:

〃So it's been brought back。  And the person who brought it back and who enters this house by some unexplained means considered; as I did; that the stopper ought not to disappear。  And yet Daubrecq; who knows that he is being spied upon to his very bedroom; has once more left the stopper in a drawer; as though he attached no importance to it at all!  Now what is one to make of that?

Though Lupin did not make anything of it; nevertheless he could not escape certain arguments; certain associations of ideas that gave him the same vague foretaste of light which one receives on approaching the outlet o

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