贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the antiquities of the jews-1 >


the antiquities of the jews-1-第125章

小说: the antiquities of the jews-1 字数: 每页4000字

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as not giving credit to what was reported; on account of its
being almost incredible: they also demonstrated the regard they
had for him by the presents they made him; for they sent him
vessels of gold; and silver; and purple garments; and many sorts
of spices; and horses; and chariots; and as many mules for his
carriages as they could find proper to please the king's eyes; by
their strength and beauty。 This addition that he made to those
chariots and horses which he had before from those that were sent
him; augmented the number of his chariots by above four hundred;
for he had a thousand before; and augmented the number of his
horses by two thousand; for he had twenty thousand before。 These
horses also were so much exercised; in order to their making a
fine appearance; and running swiftly; that no others could; upon
the comparison; appear either finer or swifter; but they were at
once the most beautiful of all others; and their swiftness was
incomparable also。 Their riders also were a further ornament to
them; being; in the first place; young men in the most delightful
flower of their age; and being eminent for their largeness; and
far taller than other men。 They had also very long heads of hair
hanging down; and were clothed in garments of Tyrian purple。 They
had also dust of gold every day sprinkled on their hair; so that
their heads sparkled with the reflection of the sun…beams from
the gold。 The king himself rode upon a chariot in the midst of
these men; who were still in armor; and had their bows fitted to
them。 He had on a white garment; and used to take his progress
out of the city in the morning。 There was a certain place about
fifty furlongs distant from Jerusalem; which is called Etham;
very pleasant it is in fine gardens; and abounding in rivulets of
water; (18) thither did he use to go out in the morning; sitting
on high 'in his chariot。'

4。 Now Solomon had a divine sagacity in all things; and was very
diligent and studious to have things done after an elegant
manner; so he did not neglect the care of the ways; but he laid a
causeway of black stone along the roads that led to Jerusalem;
which was the royal city; both to render them easy for travelers;
and to manifest the grandeur of his riches and government。 He
also parted his chariots; and set them in a regular order; that a
certain number of them should be in every city; still keeping a
few about him; and those cities he called the cities of his
chariots。 And the king made silver as plentiful in Jerusalem as
stones in the street; and so multiplied cedar trees in the plains
of Judea; which did not grow there before; that they were like
the multitude of common sycamore trees。 He also ordained the
Egyptian merchants that brought him their merchandise to sell him
a chariot; with a pair of horses; for six hundred drachmae of
silver; and he sent them to the kings of Syria; and to those
kings that were beyond Euphrates。

5。 But although Solomon was become the most glorious of kings;
and the best beloved by God; and had exceeded in wisdom and
riches those that had been rulers of the Hebrews before him; yet
did not he persevere in this happy state till he died。 Nay; he
forsook the observation of the laws of his fathers; and came to
an end no way suitable to our foregoing history of him。 He grew
mad in his love of women; and laid no restraint on himself in his
lusts; nor was he satisfied with the women of his country alone;
but he married many wives out of foreign nations; Sidontans; and
Tyrians; and Ammonites; and Edomites; and he transgressed the
laws of Moses; which forbade Jews to marry any but those that
were of their own people。 He also began to worship their gods;
which he did in order to the gratification of his wives; and out
of his affection for them。 This very thing our legislator
suspected; and so admonished us beforehand; that we should not
marry women of other countries; lest we should be entangled with
foreign customs; and apostatize from our own; lest we should
leave off to honor our own God; and should worship their gods。
But Solomon was Gllen headlong into unreasonable pleasures; and
regarded not those admonitions; for when he had married seven
hundred wives; (19) the daughters of princes and of eminent
persons; and three hundred concubines; and those besides the king
of Egypt's daughter; he soon was governed by them; till he came
to imitate their practices。 He was forced to give them this
demonstration of his kindness and affection to them; to live
according to the laws of their countries。 And as he grew into
years; and his reason became weaker by length of time; it was not
sufficient to recall to his mind the institutions of his own
country; so he still more and more contemned his own God; and
continued to regard the gods that his marriages had introduced
nay; before this happened; he sinned; and fell into an error
about the observation of the laws; when he made the images of
brazen oxen that supported the brazen sea; (20) and the images of
lions about his own throne; for these he made; although it was
not agreeable to piety so to do; and this he did; notwithstanding
that he had his father as a most excellent and domestic pattern
of virtue; and knew what a glorious character he had left behind
him; because of his piety towards God。 Nor did he imitate David;
although God had twice appeared to him in his sleep; and exhorted
him to imitate his father。 So he died ingloriously。 There came
therefore a prophet to him; who was sent by God; and told him
that his wicked actions were not concealed from God; and
threatened him that he should not long rejoice in what he had
done; that; indeed; the kingdom should not be taken from him
while he was alive; because God had promised to his father David
that he would make him his successor; but that he would take care
that this should befall his son when he :was dead; not that he
would withdraw all the people from him; but that he would give
ten tribes to a servant of his; and leave only two tribes to
David's grandson for his sake; because he loved God; and for the
sake of the city of Jerusalem; wherein he should have a temple。

6。 When Solomon heard this he was grieved; and greatly
confounded; upon this change of almost all that happiness which
had made him to be admired; into so bad a state; nor had there
much time passed after the prophet had foretold what was coming
before God raised up an enemy against him; whose name was Ader;
who took the following occasion of his enmity to him。 He was a
child of the stock of the Edomites; and of the blood royal; and
when Joab; the captain of David's host; laid waste the land of
Edom; and destroyed all that were men grown; and able to bear
arms; for six months' time; this Hadad fled away; and came to
Pharaoh the king of Egypt; who received him kindly; and assigned
him a house to dwell in; and a country to supply him with food;
and when he was grown up he loved him exceedingly; insomuch that
he gave him his wife's sister; whose name was Tahpenes; to wife;
by whom he had a son; who was brought up with the king's
children。 When Hadad heard in Egypt that both David and Joab were
dead; he came to Pharaoh; and desired that he would permit him to
go to his own country; upon which the king asked what it was that
he wanted; and what hardship he had met with; that he was so
desirous to leave him。 And when he was often troublesome to him;
and entreated him to dismiss him; he did not then do it; but at
the time when Solomon's affairs began to grow worse; on account
of his forementioned transgressions (21) and God's anger against
him for the same; Hadad; by Pharaoh's permission; came to Edom;
and when he was not able to make the people forsake Solomon; for
it was kept under by many garrisons; and an innovation was not to
be made with safety; he removed thence; and came into Syria;
there he lighted upon one Rezon; who had run away from Hadadezer;
king of Zobah; his master; and was become a robber in that
country; and joined friendship with him; who had already a band
of robbers about him。 So he went up; and seized upon that part of
Syria; and was made king thereof。 He al

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