贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the return of tarzan >


the return of tarzan-第6章

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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your African jungle; when you tore the raw meat of your

kills with mighty jaws; like some wild beast; and wiped your

greasy hands upon your thighs。  Even then; before there was

the slightest proof to the contrary; I knew that you were

mistaken in the belief that Kala was your mother。

〃And now; with your father's diary of the terrible life

led by him and your mother on that wild African shore;

with the account of your birth; and; final and most

convincing proof of all; your own baby finger prints upon the

pages of it; it seems incredible to me that you are willing

to remain a nameless; penniless vagabond。〃

〃I do not need any better name than Tarzan;〃 replied the

ape…man; 〃and as for remaining a penniless vagabond; I

have no intention of so doing。  In fact; the next; and let us

hope the last; burden that I shall be forced to put upon your

unselfish friendship will be the finding of employment for me。〃

〃Pooh; pooh!〃 scoffed D'Arnot。  〃You know that I did not

mean that。  Have I not told you a dozen times that I have

enough for twenty men; and that half of what I have is

yours?  And if I gave it all to you; would it represent even

the tenth part of the value I place upon your friendship;

my Tarzan?  Would it repay the services you did me in Africa?

I do not forget; my friend; that but for you and your

wondrous bravery I had died at the stake in the village

of Mbonga's cannibals。  Nor do I forget that to your self…

sacrificing devotion I owe the fact that I recovered from the

terrible wounds I received at their handsI discovered later

something of what it meant to you to remain with me in the

amphitheater of apes while your heart was urging you on to

the coast。

〃When we finally came there; and found that Miss Porter

and her party had left; I commenced to realize something of

what you had done for an utter stranger。  Nor am I trying to

repay you with money; Tarzan。  It is that just at present you

need money; were it sacrifice that I might offer you it were

the samemy friendship must always be yours; because our

tastes are similar; and I admire you。  That I cannot command;

but the money I can and shall。〃

〃Well;〃 laughed Tarzan; 〃we shall not quarrel over the money。

I must live; and so I must have it; but I shall be more

contented with something to do。  You cannot show me your

friendship in a more convincing manner than to find

employment for meI shall die of inactivity in a short while。

As for my birthrightit is in good hands。  Clayton is not

guilty of robbing me of it。  He truly believes that he

is the real Lord Greystoke; and the chances are that he will

make a better English lord than a man who was born and

raised in an African jungle。  You know that I am but half

civilized even now。  Let me see red in anger but for a moment;

and all the instincts of the savage beast that I really

am; submerge what little I possess of the milder ways of

culture and refinement。

〃And then again; had I declared myself I should have

robbed the woman I love of the wealth and position that

her marriage to Clayton will now insure to her。  I could

not have done thatcould I; Paul?

〃Nor is the matter of birth of great importance to me;〃

he went on; without waiting for a reply。  〃Raised as I have

been; I see no worth in man or beast that is not theirs by

virtue of their own mental or physical prowess。  And so I

am as happy to think of Kala as my mother as I would be

to try to picture the poor; unhappy little English girl who

passed away a year after she bore me。  Kala was always kind

to me in her fierce and savage way。  I must have nursed at

her hairy breast from the time that my own mother died。

She fought for me against the wild denizens of the forest;

and against the savage members of our tribe; with the

ferocity of real mother love。

〃And I; on my part; loved her; Paul。  I did not realize

how much until after the cruel spear and the poisoned arrow

of Mbonga's black warrior had stolen her away from me。  I

was still a child when that occurred; and I threw myself

upon her dead body and wept out my anguish as a child

might for his own mother。  To you; my friend; she would

have appeared a hideous and ugly creature; but to me she

was beautifulso gloriously does love transfigure its object。

And so I am perfectly content to remain forever the son of

Kala; the she…ape。〃

〃I do not admire you the less for your loyalty;〃 said

D'Arnot; 〃but the time will come when you will be glad

to claim your own。  Remember what I say; and let us hope

that it will be as easy then as it is now。  You must bear in

mind that Professor Porter and Mr。 Philander are the only

people in the world who can swear that the little skeleton

found in the cabin with those of your father and mother was

that of an infant anthropoid ape; and not the offspring of

Lord and Lady Greystoke。  That evidence is most important。

They are both old men。  They may not live many years longer。

And then; did it not occur to you that once Miss Porter

knew the truth she would break her engagement with Clayton?

You might easily have your title; your estates; and the

woman you love; Tarzan。  Had you not thought of that?〃

Tarzan shook his head。  〃You do not know her;〃 he said。

〃Nothing could bind her closer to her bargain than some

misfortune to Clayton。  She is from an old southern family in

America; and southerners pride themselves upon their loyalty。〃

Tarzan spent the two following weeks renewing his former

brief acquaintance with Paris。  In the daytime he haunted

the libraries and picture galleries。  He had become an

omnivorous reader; and the world of possibilities that were

opened to him in this seat of culture and learning fairly

appalled him when he contemplated the very infinitesimal

crumb of the sum total of human knowledge that a single

individual might hope to acquire even after a lifetime of

study and research; but he learned what he could by day;

and threw himself into a search for relaxation and amusement

at night。  Nor did he find Paris a whit less fertile field

for his nocturnal avocation。

If he smoked too many cigarettes and drank too much

absinth it was because he took civilization as he found it;

and did the things that he found his civilized brothers

doing。  The life was a new and alluring one; and in addition

he had a sorrow in his breast and a great longing which he

knew could never be fulfilled; and so he sought in study and

in dissipationthe two extremesto forget the past and

inhibit contemplation of the future。

He was sitting in a music hall one evening; sipping his

absinth and admiring the art of a certain famous Russian

dancer; when he caught a passing glimpse of a pair of evil

black eyes upon him。  The man turned and was lost in the

crowd at the exit before Tarzan could catch a good look at

him; but he was confident that he had seen those eyes before

and that they had been fastened on him this evening

through no passing accident。  He had had the uncanny feeling

for some time that he was being watched; and it was in

response to this animal instinct that was strong within him

that he had turned suddenly and surprised the eyes in the

very act of watching him。

Before he left the music hall the matter had been forgotten;

nor did he notice the swarthy individual who stepped

deeper into the shadows of an opposite doorway as Tarzan

emerged from the brilliantly lighted amusement hall。

Had Tarzan but known it; he had been followed many times

from this and other places of amusement; but seldom if

ever had he been alone。  Tonight D'Arnot had had another

engagement; and Tarzan had come by himself。

As he turned in the direction he was accustomed to taking

from this part of Paris to his apartments; the watcher across

the street ran from his hiding…place and hurried on ahead

at a rapid pace。

Tarzan had been wont to traverse the Rue Maule

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