贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the return of tarzan >


the return of tarzan-第43章

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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came forced the demoralized Manyuema to take up their

burdens of death and stagger on into the jungle。

For three days the withering column kept up its frightful march。

Each hour was marked by its deadly arrow or cruel spear。

The nights were made hideous by the barking of the invisible

gun that made sentry duty equivalent to a death sentence。

On the morning of the fourth day the Arabs were compelled

to shoot two of their blacks before they could compel

the balance to take up the hated ivory; and as they did so a

voice rang out; clear and strong; from the jungle:  〃Today

you die; oh; Manyuema; unless you lay down the ivory。

Fall upon your cruel masters and kill them!  You have guns;

why do you not use them?  Kill the Arabs; and we will not

harm you。  We will take you back to our village and feed

you; and lead you out of our country in safety and in peace。

Lay down the ivory; and fall upon your masterswe will

help you。  Else you die!〃

As the voice died down the raiders stood as though turned

to stone。  The Arabs eyed their Manyuema slaves; the slaves

looked first at one of their fellows; and then at anotherthey

were but waiting for some one to take the initiative。

There were some thirty Arabs left; and about one hundred

and fifty blacks。  All were armedeven those who were

acting as porters had their rifles slung across their backs。

The Arabs drew together。  The sheik ordered the Manyuema

to take up the march; and as he spoke he cocked his rifle

and raised it。  But at the same instant one of the blacks

threw down his load; and; snatching his rifle from his back;

fired point…black at the group of Arabs。  In an instant the

camp was a cursing; howling mass of demons; fighting with

guns and knives and pistols。  The Arabs stood together; and

defended their lives valiantly; but with the rain of lead

that poured upon them from their own slaves; and the shower

of arrows and spears which now leaped from the surrounding

jungle aimed solely at them; there was little question

from the first what the outcome would be。  In ten minutes

from the time the first porter had thrown down his load the

last of the Arabs lay dead。

When the firing had ceased Tarzan spoke again to the Manyuema:

〃Take up our ivory; and return it to our village; from

whence you stole it。  We shall not harm you。〃

For a moment the Manyuema hesitated。  They had no

stomach to retrace that difficult three days' trail。

They talked together in low whispers; and one turned

toward the jungle; calling aloud to the voice that had

spoken to them from out of the foliage。

〃How do we know that when you have us in your village you

will not kill us all?〃 he asked。

〃You do not know;〃 replied Tarzan; 〃other than that we

have promised not to harm you if you will return our

ivory to us。  But this you do know; that it lies within our

power to kill you all if you do not return as we direct;

and are we not more likely to do so if you anger us than

if you do as we bid?〃

〃Who are you that speaks the tongue of our Arab masters?〃

cried the Manyuema spokesman。  〃Let us see you; and then

we shall give you our answer。〃

Tarzan stepped out of the jungle a dozen paces from them。

〃Look!〃 he said。  When they saw that he was white they

were filled with awe; for never had they seen a white savage

before; and at his great muscles and giant frame they were

struck with wonder and admiration。

〃You may trust me;〃 said Tarzan。  〃So long as you do as

I tell you; and harm none of my people; we shall do you

no hurt。  Will you take up our ivory and return in peace to

our village; or shall we follow along your trail toward the

north as we have followed for the past three days?〃

The recollection of the horrid days that had just passed

was the thing that finally decided the Manyuema; and so;

after a short conference; they took up their burdens and set

off to retrace their steps toward the village of the Waziri。

At the end of the third day they marched into the village gate;

and were greeted by the survivors of the recent massacre;

to whom Tarzan had sent a messenger in their temporary camp

to the south on the day that the raiders had quitted the

village; telling them that they might return in safety。

It took all the mastery and persuasion that Tarzan possessed

to prevent the Waziri falling on the Manyuema tooth

and nail; and tearing them to pieces; but when he had

explained that he had given his word that they would not be

molested if they carried the ivory back to the spot from

which they had stolen it; and had further impressed upon

his people that they owed their entire victory to him; they

finally acceded to his demands; and allowed the cannibals

to rest in peace within their palisade。

That night the village warriors held a big palaver to

celebrate their victories; and to choose a new chief。

Since old Waziri's death Tarzan had been directing the

warriors in battle; and the temporary command had been

tacitly conceded to him。  There had been no time to choose

a new chief from among their own number; and; in fact;

so remarkably successful had they been under the ape…man's

generalship that they had had no wish to delegate the supreme

authority to another for fear that what they already had

gained might be lost。  They had so recently seen the results

of running counter to this savage white man's advice in the

disastrous charge ordered by Waziri; in which he himself

had died; that it had not been difficult for them to accept

Tarzan's authority as final。

The principal warriors sat in a circle about a small fire

to discuss the relative merits of whomever might be suggested

as old Waziri's successor。  It was Busuli who spoke first:

〃Since Waziri is dead; leaving no son; there is but one

among us whom we know from experience is fitted to make

us a good king。  There is only one who has proved that he

can successfully lead us against the guns of the white man;

and bring us easy victory without the loss of a single life。

There is only one; and that is the white man who has led

us for the past few days;〃 and Busuli sprang to his feet; and

with uplifted spear and half…bent; crouching body commenced

to dance slowly about Tarzan; chanting in time to his steps:

〃Waziri; king of the Waziri; Waziri; killer of Arabs;

Waziri; king of the Waziri。〃

One by one the other warriors signified their acceptance

of Tarzan as their king by joining in the solemn dance。

The women came and squatted about the rim of the circle;

beating upon tom…toms; clapping their hands in time to

the steps of the dancers; and joining in the chant of

the warriors。  In the center of the circle sat Tarzan

of the ApesWaziri; king of the Waziri; for; like his

predecessor; he was to take the name of his tribe as his own。

Faster and faster grew the pace of the dancers; louder and

louder their wild and savage shouts。  The women rose and

fell in unison; shrieking now at the tops of their voices。

The spears were brandishing fiercely; and as the dancers stooped

down and beat their shields upon the hard…tramped earth of

the village street the whole sight was as terribly primeval

and savage as though it were being staged in the dim dawn

of humanity; countless ages in the past。

As the excitement waxed the ape…man sprang to his feet

and joined in the wild ceremony。  In the center of the

circle of glittering black bodies he leaped and roared and

shook his heavy spear in the same mad abandon that enthralled

his fellow savages。  The last remnant of his civilization was

forgottenhe was a primitive man to the fullest now; reveling

in the freedom of the fierce; wild life he loved; gloating in

his kingship among these wild blacks。

Ah; if Olga de Coude had but seen him thencould she

have recognized the well…dressed; quiet young man whose

well…bred face and irreproachable manners had so captivated

her b

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