贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the return of tarzan >


the return of tarzan-第42章

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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body of the sentry; falling with wide…sprawled arms and

legs; assumed the likeness of a great beast of prey。  In their

anxiety to escape; many of the blacks scaled the palisade;

while others tore down the bars from the gates and rushed

madly across the clearing toward the jungle。

For a time no one turned back toward the thing that had

frightened them; but Tarzan knew that they would in a moment;

and when they discovered that it was but the dead

body of their sentry; while they would doubtless be still

further terrified; he had a rather definite idea as to what

they would do; and so he faded silently away toward the

south; taking the moonlit upper terrace back toward the

camp of the Waziri。

Presently one of the Arabs turned and saw that the thing

that had leaped from the tree upon them lay still and quiet

where it had fallen in the center of the village street。

Cautiously he crept back toward it until he saw that it was

but a man。  A moment later he was beside the figure; and in

another had recognized it as the corpse of the Manyuema

who had stood on guard at the village gate。

His companions rapidly gathered around at his call; and

after a moment's excited conversation they did precisely

what Tarzan had reasoned they would。  Raising their guns to

their shoulders; they poured volley after volley into the tree

from which the corpse had been thrownhad Tarzan remained

there he would have been riddled by a hundred bullets。

When the Arabs and Manyuema discovered that the only

marks of violence upon the body of their dead comrade

were giant finger prints upon his swollen throat they were

again thrown into deeper apprehension and despair。

That they were not even safe within a palisaded village

at night came as a distinct shock to them。  That an enemy

could enter into the midst of their camp and kill their

sentry with bare hands seemed outside the bounds of reason;

and so the superstitious Manyuema commenced to attribute

their ill luck to supernatural causes; nor were the Arabs

able to offer any better explanation。

With at least fifty of their number flying through the black

jungle; and without the slightest knowledge of when their

uncanny foemen might resume the cold…blooded slaughter

they had commenced; it was a desperate band of cut…throats

that waited sleeplessly for the dawn。  Only on the

promise of the Arabs that they would leave the village at

daybreak; and hasten onward toward their own land; would

the remaining Manyuema consent to stay at the village a

moment longer。  Not even fear of their cruel masters was

sufficient to overcome this new terror。

And so it was that when Tarzan and his warriors returned

to the attack the next morning they found the raiders

prepared to march out of the village。  The Manyuema were

laden with stolen ivory。  As Tarzan saw it he grinned; for he

knew that they would not carry it far。  Then he saw something

which caused him anxietya number of the Manyuema

were lighting torches in the remnant of the camp…fire。

They were about to fire the village。

Tarzan was perched in a tall tree some hundred yards from

the palisade。  Making a trumpet of his hands; he called loudly

in the Arab tongue:  〃Do not fire the huts; or we shall kill

you all!  Do not fire the huts; or we shall kill you all!〃

A dozen times he repeated it。  The Manyuema hesitated;

then one of them flung his torch into the campfire。

The others were about to do the same when an Arab sprung

upon them with a stick; beating them toward the huts。

Tarzan could see that he was commanding them to fire the

little thatched dwellings。  Then he stood erect upon the

swaying branch a hundred feet above the ground; and;

raising one of the Arab guns to his shoulder; took careful aim

and fired。  With the report the Arab who was urging on his

men to burn the village fell in his tracks; and the

Manyuema threw away their torches and fled from the village。

The last Tarzan saw of them they were racing toward the jungle;

while their former masters knelt upon the ground and fired at them。

But however angry the Arabs might have been at the

insubordination of their slaves; they were at least convinced

that it would be the better part of wisdom to forego the

pleasure of firing the village that had given them two such

nasty receptions。  In their hearts; however; they swore to

return again with such force as would enable them to sweep

the entire country for miles around; until no vestige of

human life remained。

They had looked in vain for the owner of the voice

which had frightened off the men who had been detailed

to put the torch to the huts; but not even the keenest eye

among them had been able to locate him。  They had seen

the puff of smoke from the tree following the shot that

brought down the Arab; but; though a volley had immediately

been loosed into its foliage; there had been no indication

that it had been effective。

Tarzan was too intelligent to be caught in any such trap;

and so the report of his shot had scarcely died away before

the ape…man was on the ground and racing for another tree

a hundred yards away。  Here he again found a suitable perch

from which he could watch the preparations of the raiders。

It occurred to him that he might have considerable more

fun with them; so again he called to them through

his improvised trumpet。

〃Leave the ivory!〃 he cried。  〃Leave the ivory!  Dead men

have no use for ivory!〃

Some of the Manyuema started to lay down their loads;

but this was altogether too much for the avaricious Arabs。

With loud shouts and curses they aimed their guns full

upon the bearers; threatening instant death to any who

might lay down his load。  They could give up firing the

village; but the thought of abandoning this enormous

fortune in ivory was quite beyond their conceptionbetter

death than that。

And so they marched out of the village of the Waziri; and

on the shoulders of their slaves was the ivory ransom of a

score of kings。  Toward the north they marched; back toward

their savage settlement in the wild and unknown country

which lies back from the Kongo in the uttermost depths

of The Great Forest; and on either side of them traveled

an invisible and relentless foe。

Under Tarzan's guidance the black Waziri warriors stationed

themselves along the trail on either side in the densest underbrush。

They stood at far intervals; and; as the column passed;

a single arrow or a heavy spear; well aimed; would pierce

a Manyuema or an Arab。  Then the Waziri would melt into the

distance and run ahead to take his stand farther on。

They did not strike unless success were sure and the

danger of detection almost nothing; and so the arrows

and the spears were few and far between; but so persistent

and inevitable that the slow…moving column of heavy…laden

raiders was in a constant state of panicpanic at

the uncertainty of who the next would be to fall; and when。

It was with the greatest difficulty that the Arabs prevented

their men a dozen times from throwing away their burdens and

fleeing like frightened rabbits up the trail toward the north。

And so the day wore ona frightful nightmare of a day for the

raidersa day of weary but well…repaid work for the Waziri。

At night the Arabs constructed a rude BOMA in a little

clearing by a river; and went into camp。

At intervals during the night a rifle would bark close

above their heads; and one of the dozen sentries which

they now had posted would tumble to the ground。  Such a

condition was insupportable; for they saw that by means of

these hideous tactics they would be completely wiped out; one

by one; without inflicting a single death upon their enemy。

But yet; with the persistent avariciousness of the

white man; the Arabs clung to their loot; and when morning

came forced the demoralized Manyuema to take up their

burdens of death and stagger on into th

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