贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the return of tarzan >


the return of tarzan-第22章

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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Tarzan had learned enough about Arab character since

he had been in Algeria to know that this was no real motive;

for the Arab is never overfond of the companionship of

strangers; and especially of French soldiers。  So his

suspicions were aroused; and he decided to keep a sharp eye

on the little party that trailed behind the column at a distance

of about a quarter of a mile。  But they did not come close

enough even during the halts to enable him to obtain a

close scrutiny of them。

He had long been convinced that there were hired assassins

on his trail; nor was he in great doubt but that Rokoff was

at the bottom of the plot。  Whether it was to be revenge for

the several occasions in the past that Tarzan had defeated the

Russian's purposes and humiliated him; or was in some way

connected with his mission in the Gernois affair; he could not

determine。  If the latter; and it seemed probable since the

evidence he had had that Gernois suspected him; then he

had two rather powerful enemies to contend with; for there

would be many opportunities in the wilds of Algeria; for

which they were bound; to dispatch a suspected enemy

quietly and without attracting suspicion。

After camping at Djelfa for two days the column moved to the

southwest; from whence word had come that the marauders were

operating against the tribes whose DOUARS were situated

at the foot of the mountains。

The little band of Arabs who had accompanied them from

Bou Saada had disappeared suddenly the very night that

orders had been given to prepare for the morrow's march

from Djelfa。  Tarzan made casual inquiries among the men;

but none could tell him why they had left; or in what

direction they had gone。  He did not like the looks of it;

especially in view of the fact that he had seen Gernois in

conversation with one of them some half hour after Captain

Gerard had issued his instructions relative to the new move。

Only Gernois and Tarzan knew the direction of the proposed march。

All the soldiers knew was that they were to be prepared to

break camp early the next morning。  Tarzan wondered if

Gernois could have revealed their destination to the Arabs。

Late that afternoon they went into camp at a little oasis in

which was the DOUAR of a sheik whose flocks were being

stolen; and whose herdsmen were being killed。  The Arabs

came out of their goatskin tents; and surrounded the soldiers;

asking many questions in the native tongue; for the soldiers

were themselves natives。  Tarzan; who; by this time; with the

assistance of Abdul; had picked up quite a smattering of

Arab; questioned one of the younger men who had accompanied

the sheik while the latter paid his respects to Captain Gerard。

No; he had seen no party of six horsemen riding from

the direction of Djelfa。  There were other oases scattered

aboutpossibly they had been journeying to one of these。

Then there were the marauders in the mountains above

they often rode north to Bou Saada in small parties; and

even as far as Aumale and Bouira。  It might indeed have been

a few marauders returning to the band from a pleasure trip

to one of these cities。

Early the next morning Captain Gerard split his command

in two; giving Lieutenant Gernois command of one party;

while he headed the other。  They were to scour the mountains

upon opposite sides of the plain。

〃And with which detachment will Monsieur Tarzan ride?〃

asked the captain。  〃Or maybe it is that monsieur does not

care to hunt marauders?〃

〃Oh; I shall be delighted to go;〃 Tarzan hastened to explain。

He was wondering what excuse he could make to accompany Gernois。

His embarrassment was short…lived; and was relieved from a most

unexpected source。  It was Gernois himself who spoke。

〃If my captain will forego the pleasure of Monsieur Tarzan's

company for this once; I shall esteem it an honor indeed

to have monsieur ride with me today;〃 he said; nor was his

tone lacking in cordiality。  In fact; Tarzan imagined

that he had overdone it a trifle; but; even so; he was both

astounded and pleased; hastening to express his delight at

the arrangement。

And so it was that Lieutenant Gernois and Tarzan rode

off side by side at the head of the little detachment of

SPAHIS。  Gernois' cordiality was short…lived。  No soone

had they ridden out of sight of Captain Gerard and his men

than he lapsed once more into his accustomed taciturnity。

As they advanced the ground became rougher。  Steadily it ascended

toward the mountains; into which they filed through a narrow

canon close to noon。  By the side of a little rivulet

Gernois called the midday halt。  Here the men prepared and

ate their frugal meal; and refilled their canteens。

After an hour's rest they advanced again along the canon;

until they presently came to a little valley; from which

several rocky gorges diverged。  Here they halted; while

Gernois minutely examined the surrounding heights from

the center of the depression。

〃We shall separate here;〃 he said; 〃several riding into each

of these gorges;〃 and then he commenced to detail his various

squads and issue instructions to the non…commissioned officers

who were to command them。  When he had done he turned to Tarzan。

〃Monsieur will be so good as to remain here until we return。〃

Tarzan demurred; but the officer cut him short。  〃There may

be fighting for one of these sections;〃 he said; 〃and

troops cannot be embarrassed by civilian noncombatants

during action。〃

〃But; my dear lieutenant;〃 expostulated Tarzan; 〃I am

most ready and willing to place myself under command

of yourself or any of your sergeants or corporals; and to

fight in the ranks as they direct。  It is what I came for。〃

〃I should be glad to think so;〃 retorted Gernois; with a

sneer he made no attempt to disguise。  Then shortly:

〃You are under my orders; and they are that you remain here

until we return。  Let that end the matter;〃 and he turned and

spurred away at the head of his men。  A moment later Tarzan

found himself alone in the midst of a desolate mountain fastness。

The sun was hot; so he sought the shelter of a nearby

tree; where he tethered his horse; and sat down upon the

ground to smoke。  Inwardly he swore at Gernois for the trick

he had played upon him。  A mean little revenge; thought

Tarzan; and then suddenly it occurred to him that the man

would not be such a fool as to antagonize him through a

trivial annoyance of so petty a description。  There must be

something deeper than this behind it。  With the thought he

arose and removed his rifle from its boot。  He looked to its

loads and saw that the magazine was full。  Then he inspected

his revolver。  After this preliminary precaution he scanned the

surrounding heights and the mouths of the several gorges

he was determined that he should not be caught napping。

The sun sank lower and lower; yet there was no sign of

returning SPAHIS。  At last the valley was submerged in

shadow Tarzan was too proud to go back to camp until he had

given the detachment ample time to return to the valley;

which he thought was to have been their rendezvous。

With the closing in of night he felt safer from attack; for

he was at home in the dark。  He knew that none might approach

him so cautiously as to elude those alert and sensitive

ears of his; then there were his eyes; too; for he could

see well at night; and his nose; if they came toward him

from up…wind; would apprise him of the approach of an enemy

while they were still a great way off。

So he felt that he was in little danger; and thus lulled

to a sense of security he fell asleep; with his back against

the tree。

He must have slept for several hours; for when he was

suddenly awakened by the frightened snorting and plunging

of his horse the moon was shining full upon the little valley;

and there; not ten paces before him; stood the grim cause of

the terror of his mount。

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