贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the return of tarzan >


the return of tarzan-第12章

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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surprised; but not displeased。

〃If there is a drop of red blood in the man the count

will break in upon a very pretty love scene in about fifteen

minutes from now。  I think we have planned marvelously; my

dear Alexis。  Let us go out and drink to the very good

health of Monsieur Tarzan in some of old Plancon's

unparalleled absinth; not forgetting that the Count de Coude

is one of the best swordsmen in Paris; and by far the best

shot in all France。〃

When Tarzan reached Olga's; Jacques was awaiting him at

the entrance。

〃This way; Monsieur;〃 he said; and led the way up the broad;

marble staircase。  In another moment he had opened a door;

and; drawing aside a heavy curtain; obsequiously bowed

Tarzan into a dimly lighted apartment。  Then Jacques vanished。

Across the room from him Tarzan saw Olga seated before

a little desk on which stood her telephone。  She was tapping

impatiently upon the polished surface of the desk。  She had

not heard him enter。

〃Olga;〃 he said; 〃what is wrong?〃

She turned toward him with a little cry of alarm。

〃Jean!〃 she cried。  〃What are you doing here?

Who admitted you?  What does it mean?〃

Tarzan was thunderstruck; but in an instant he realized

a part of the truth。

〃Then you did not send for me; Olga?〃

〃Send for you at this time of night?  MON DIEU!  Jean; do

you think that I am quite mad?〃

〃Francois telephoned me to come at once; that you were

in trouble and wanted me。〃

〃Francois?  Who in the world is Francois?〃

〃He said that he was in your service。  He spoke as though

I should recall the fact。〃

〃There is no one by that name in my employ。  Some one

has played a joke upon you; Jean;〃 and Olga laughed。

〃I fear that it may be a most sinister ‘joke;' Olga;〃 he replied。

〃There is more back of it than humor。〃

〃What do you mean?  You do not think that〃

〃Where is the count?〃 he interrupted。

〃At the German ambassador's。〃

〃This is another move by your estimable brother。

Tomorrow the count will hear of it。  He will question

the servants。  Everything will point toto what Rokoff

wishes the count to think。〃

〃The scoundrel!〃 cried Olga。  She had arisen; and come close

to Tarzan; where she stood looking up into his face。

She was very frightened。  In her eyes was an expression that the

hunter sees in those of a poor; terrified doepuzzledquestioning。

She trembled; and to steady herself raised her hands to his

broad shoulders。  〃What shall we do; Jean?〃 she whispered。

〃It is terrible。  Tomorrow all Paris will read of

ithe will see to that。〃

Her look; her attitude; her words were eloquent of the age…

old appeal of defenseless woman to her natural protectorman。

Tarzan took one of the warm little hands that lay on his

breast in his own strong one。  The act was quite involuntary;

and almost equally so was the instinct of protection that

threw a sheltering arm around the girl's shoulders。

The result was electrical。  Never before had he been so close

to her。  In startled guilt they looked suddenly into each

other's eyes; and where Olga de Coude should have been

strong she was weak; for she crept closer into the man's arms;

and clasped her own about his neck。  And Tarzan of the Apes?

He took the panting figure into his mighty arms; and covered

the hot lips with kisses。

Raoul de Coude made hurried excuses to his host after he

had read the note handed him by the ambassador's butler。

Never afterward could he recall the nature of the excuses

he made。  Everything was quite a blur to him up to the

time that he stood on the threshold of his own home。

Then he became very cool; moving quietly and with caution。

For some inexplicable reason Jacques had the door open before

he was halfway to the steps。  It did not strike him at the

time as being unusual; though afterward he remarked it。

Very softly he tiptoed up the stairs and along the gallery

to the door of his wife's boudoir。  In his hand was a

heavy walking stickin his heart; murder。

Olga was the first to see him。  With a horrified shriek she

tore herself from Tarzan's arms; and the ape…man turned just

in time to ward with his arm a terrific blow that De Coude

had aimed at his head。  Once; twice; three times the heavy

stick fell with lightning rapidity; and each blow aided in the

transition of the ape…man back to the primordial。

With the low; guttural snarl of the bull ape he sprang for

the Frenchman。  The great stick was torn from his grasp and

broken in two as though it had been matchwood; to be flung aside

as the now infuriated beast charged for his adversary's throat。

Olga de Coude stood a horrified spectator of the terrible

scene which ensued during the next brief moment; then

she sprang to where Tarzan was murdering her husband

choking the life from himshaking him as a terrier might

shake a rat。

Frantically she tore at his great hands。  〃Mother of

God!〃 she cried。  〃You are killing him; you are killing him!

Oh; Jean; you are killing my husband!〃

Tarzan was deaf with rage。  Suddenly he hurled the body

to the floor; and; placing his foot upon the upturned breast;

raised his head。  Then through the palace of the Count de

Coude rang the awesome challenge of the bull ape that has

made a kill。  From cellar to attic the horrid sound searched

out the servants; and left them blanched and trembling。

The woman in the room sank to her knees beside the body

of her husband; and prayed。

Slowly the red mist faded from before Tarzan's eyes。

Things began to take formhe was regaining the perspective of

civilized man。  His eyes fell upon the figure of the kneeling woman。

〃Olga;〃 he whispered。  She looked up; expecting to see the

maniacal light of murder in the eyes above her。

Instead she saw sorrow and contrition。

〃Oh; Jean!〃 she cried。  〃See what you have done。  He was

my husband。  I loved him; and you have killed him。〃

Very gently Tarzan raised the limp form of the Count de

Coude and bore it to a couch。  Then he put his ear to the

man's breast。

〃Some brandy; Olga;〃 he said。

She brought it; and together they forced it between his lips。

Presently a faint gasp came from the white lips。

The head turned; and De Coude groaned。

〃He will not die;〃 said Tarzan。  〃Thank God!〃

〃Why did you do it; Jean?〃 she asked。

〃I do not know。  He struck me; and I went mad。  I have

seen the apes of my tribe do the same thing。  I have never

told you my story; Olga。  It would have been better had you

known itthis might not have happened。  I never saw my father。

The only mother I knew was a ferocious she…ape。 Until I was

fifteen I had never seen a human being。  I was twenty before

I saw a white man。  A little more than a year ago I was a

naked beast of prey in an African jungle。

〃Do not judge me too harshly。  Two years is too short a time

in which to attempt to work the change in an individual that

it has taken countless ages to accomplish in the white race。〃

〃I do not judge at all; Jean。  The fault is mine。

You must go nowhe must not find you here when he

regains consciousness。  Good…by。〃

It was a sorrowful Tarzan who walked with bowed head

from the palace of the Count de Coude。

Once outside his thoughts took definite shape; to the end

that twenty minutes later he entered a police station not

far from the Rue Maule。  Here he soon found one of the

officers with whom he had had the encounter several weeks

previous。  The policeman was genuinely glad to see again

the man who had so roughly handled him。  After a moment

of conversation Tarzan asked if he had ever heard of

Nikolas Rokoff or Alexis Paulvitch。

〃Very often; indeed; monsieur。  Each has a police record;

and while there is nothing charged against them now; we

make it a point to know pretty well where they may be found

should the occasion demand。  It is only the same precaution

that we

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