贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the return of tarzan >


the return of tarzan-第10章

小说: the return of tarzan 字数: 每页4000字

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without; was to notify the purser that I was entertaining a

man other than my husband behind the locked doors of my

cabin。  He was to tell every one he met on the boat; and

when we landed he was to have given the whole story to the

newspaper men。

〃Was it not too horrible?  But I happened to know something

of Monsieur Paulvitch that would send him to the gallows

in Russia if it were known by the police of St。 Petersburg。

I dared him to carry out his plan; and then I leaned

toward him and whispered a name in his ear。  Like that〃and

she snapped her fingers〃he flew at my throat as a madman。

He would have killed me had you not interfered。〃

〃The brutes!〃 muttered Tarzan。

〃They are worse than that; my friend;〃 she said。

〃They are devils。  I fear for you because you have gained

their hatred。  I wish you to be on your guard constantly。

Tell me that you will; for my sake; for I should never forgive

myself should you suffer through the kindness you did me。〃

〃I do not fear them;〃 he replied。  〃I have survived grimmer

enemies than Rokoff and Paulvitch。〃  He saw that she knew

nothing of the occurrence in the Rue Maule; nor did he

mention it; fearing that it might distress her。

〃For your own safety;〃 he continued; 〃why do you not turn

the scoundrels over to the authorities?  They should make

quick work of them。〃

She hesitated for a moment before replying。

〃There are two reasons;〃 she said finally。  〃One of them

it is that keeps the count from doing that very thing。

The other; my real reason for fearing to expose them; I have

never toldonly Rokoff and I know it。  I wonder;〃 and

then she paused; looking intently at him for a long time。

〃And what do you wonder?〃 he asked; smiling。

〃I was wondering why it is that I want to tell you the

thing that I have not dared tell even to my husband。

I believe that you would understand; and that you could tell

me the right course to follow。  I believe that you would not

judge me too harshly。〃

〃I fear that I should prove a very poor judge; madame;〃

Tarzan replied; 〃for if you had been guilty of murder I

should say that the victim should be grateful to have met

so sweet a fate。〃

〃Oh; dear; no;〃 she expostulated; 〃it is not so terrible as that。

But first let me tell you the reason the count has for not

prosecuting these men; then; if I can hold my courage; I

shall tell you the real reason that I dare not。  The first is

that Nikolas Rokoff is my brother。  We are Russians。

Nikolas has been a bad man since I can remember。  He was

cashiered from the Russian army; in which he held a captaincy。

There was a scandal for a time; but after a while it was

partially forgotten; and my father obtained a position for him

in the secret service。

〃There have been many terrible crimes laid at Nikolas' door;

but he has always managed to escape punishment。  Of late

he has accomplished it by trumped…up evidence convicting

his victims of treason against the czar; and the Russian

police; who are always only too ready to fasten guilt of

this nature upon any and all; have accepted his version

and exonerated him。〃

〃Have not his attempted crimes against you and your

husband forfeited whatever rights the bonds of kinship might

have accorded him?〃 asked Tarzan。  〃The fact that you are his

sister has not deterred him from seeking to besmirch your honor。

You owe him no loyalty; madame。〃

〃Ah; but there is that other reason。  If I owe him no loyalty

though he be my brother; I cannot so easily disavow the

fear I hold him in because of a certain episode in my life of

which he is cognizant。

〃I might as well tell you all;〃 she resumed after a pause;

〃for I see that it is in my heart to tell you sooner or later。

I was educated in a convent。  While there I met a man whom

I supposed to be a gentleman。  I knew little or nothing about

men and less about love。  I got it into my foolish head that

I loved this man; and at his urgent request I ran away with him。

We were to have been married。

〃I was with him just three hours。  All in the daytime and

in public placesrailroad stations and upon a train。

When we reached our destination where we were to have been

married; two officers stepped up to my escort as we descended

from the train; and placed him under arrest。  They took me

also; but when I had told my story they did not detain me;

other than to send me back to the convent under the care of

a matron。  It seemed that the man who had wooed me was no

gentleman at all; but a deserter from the army as well as

a fugitive from civil justice。  He had a police record in

nearly every country in Europe。

〃The matter was hushed up by the authorities of the convent。

Not even my parents knew of it。  But Nikolas met the man

afterward; and learned the whole story。  Now he threatens

to tell the count if I do not do just as he wishes me to。〃

Tarzan laughed。  〃You are still but a little girl。  The story

that you have told me cannot reflect in any way upon your

reputation; and were you not a little girl at heart you would

know it。  Go to your husband tonight; and tell him the whole

story; just as you have told it to me。  Unless I am much mistaken

he will laugh at you for your fears; and take immediate steps

to put that precious brother of yours in prison

where he belongs。〃

〃I only wish that I dared;〃 she said; 〃but I am afraid。

I learned early to fear men。  First my father; then Nikolas;

then the fathers in the convent。  Nearly all my friends fear

their husbandswhy should I not fear mine?〃

〃It does not seem right that women should fear men;〃

said Tarzan; an expression of puzzlement on his face。

〃I am better acquainted with the jungle folk; and there it

is more often the other way around; except among the black men;

and they to my mind are in most ways lower in the scale than

the beasts。  No; I cannot understand why civilized women

should fear men; the beings that are created to protect them。

I should hate to think that any woman feared me。〃

〃I do not think that any woman would fear you; my friend;〃

said Olga de Coude softly。  〃I have known you but a short

while; yet though it may seem foolish to say it; you are

the only man I have ever known whom I think that I should

never fearit is strange; too; for you are very strong。

I wondered at the ease with which you handled Nikolas and

Paulvitch that night in my cabin。  It was marvellous。〃

As Tarzan was leaving her a short time later he wondered

a little at the clinging pressure of her hand at parting;

and the firm insistence with which she exacted a promise

from him that he would call again on the morrow。

The memory of her half…veiled eyes and perfect lips as she

had stood smiling up into his face as he bade her good…by

remained with him for the balance of the day。  Olga de

Coude was a very beautiful woman; and Tarzan of the Apes

a very lonely young man; with a heart in him that was in

need of the doctoring that only a woman may provide。

As the countess turned back into the room after Tarzan's

departure; she found herself face to face with Nikolas Rokoff。

〃How long have you been here?〃 she cried; shrinking away from him。

〃Since before your lover came;〃 he answered; with a nasty leer。

〃Stop!〃 she commanded。  〃How dare you say such a thing

to meyour sister!〃

〃Well; my dear Olga; if he is not your lover; accept my

apologies; but it is no fault of yours that he is not。

Had he one…tenth the knowledge of women that I have you

would be in his arms this minute。  He is a stupid fool; Olga。

Why; your every word and act was an open invitation to him;

and he had not the sense to see it。〃

The woman put her hands to her ears。

〃I will not listen。  You are wicked to say such things as that。

No matter what you may threaten me with; you know that I

am a good woman。  After tonight you will not dare to annoy

me; for I shall tell 

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