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- 上传日期:2017-03-20
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the return of tarzan
〖赞一下〗(0) 〖踩一下〗(0) 〖放入书架〗内容简介
The Return Of Tarzanby Edgar Rice BurroughsCONTENTSCHAPTER1 The Affair on the Liner2 Forging Bonds of Hate and ?3 What Happened in the Rue Maule4 The Countess Explains5 The Plot That Failed6 A Duel7 The Dancing Girl of Sidi Aissa8 The Fight in the Desert9 Numa "El Adrea"10 Through the Valley of the Shadow11 John Caldwell, London12 Ships That Pass13 The Wreck of the "Lady Alice"14 Back to the Primitive15 From Ape to Savage16 The Ivory Raiders17 The White Chief of the Waziri18 The Lottery of Death19 The City of Gold20 La21 The Castaways...
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