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- 上传日期:2017-03-20
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royalty restored
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Royalty Restored or London under Charles II.by J. Fitzgerald MolloyTO THOMAS HARDY, ESQ.DEAR MR. HARDY,In common with all readers of the English language, I owe you adebt of gratitude, the which I rejoice to acknowledge, even in sopoor a manner as by dedicating this work to you.Believe me,Faithfully yours always, J. FITZGERALD MOLLOY.*PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION.No social history of the court of Charles II. has heretofore been written. The Grammont Memoirs, devoid of date and detail, and addressed "to those who read only for amusement," present but brief imperfect sketches of the wits and beauties who thronged the court of the merry monarch whilst the brilliant Frenchman sojourned in Eng
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