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the divine comedy(神曲)-第59章

小说: the divine comedy(神曲) 字数: 每页4000字

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  And which too late by me was recognized。

A place there is below not sad with torments;
  But darkness only; where the lamentations
  Have not the sound of wailing; but are sighs。

There dwell I with the little innocents
  Snatched by the teeth of Death; or ever they
  Were from our human sinfulness exempt。

There dwell I among those who the three saintly
  Virtues did not put on; and without vice
  The others knew and followed all of them。

But if thou know and can; some indication
  Give us by which we may the sooner come
  Where Purgatory has its right beginning。〃

He answered: 〃No fixed place has been assigned us;
  'Tis lawful for me to go up and round;
  So far as I can go; as guide I join thee。

But see already how the day declines;
  And to go up by night we are not able;
  Therefore 'tis well to think of some fair sojourn。

Souls are there on the right hand here withdrawn;
  If thou permit me I will lead thee to them;
  And thou shalt know them not without delight。〃

〃How is this?〃 was the answer; 〃should one wish
  To mount by night would he prevented be
  By others? or mayhap would not have power?〃

And on the ground the good Sordello drew
  His finger; saying; 〃See; this line alone
  Thou couldst not pass after the sun is gone;

Not that aught else would hindrance give; however;
  To going up; save the nocturnal darkness;
  This with the want of power the will perplexes。

We might indeed therewith return below;
  And; wandering; walk the hill…side round about;
  While the horizon holds the day imprisoned。〃

Thereon my Lord; as if in wonder; said:
  〃Do thou conduct us thither; where thou sayest
  That we can take delight in tarrying。〃

Little had we withdrawn us from that place;
  When I perceived the mount was hollowed out
  In fashion as the valleys here are hollowed。

〃Thitherward;〃 said that shade; 〃will we repair;
  Where of itself the hill…side makes a lap;
  And there for the new day will we await。〃

'Twixt hill and plain there was a winding path
  Which led us to the margin of that dell;
  Where dies the border more than half away。

Gold and fine silver; and scarlet and pearl…white;
  The Indian wood resplendent and serene;
  Fresh emerald the moment it is broken;

By herbage and by flowers within that hollow
  Planted; each one in colour would be vanquished;
  As by its greater vanquished is the less。

Nor in that place had nature painted only;
  But of the sweetness of a thousand odours
  Made there a mingled fragrance and unknown。

〃Salve Regina;〃 on the green and flowers
  There seated; singing; spirits I beheld;
  Which were not visible outside the valley。

〃Before the scanty sun now seeks his nest;〃
  Began the Mantuan who had led us thither;
  〃Among them do not wish me to conduct you。

Better from off this ledge the acts and faces
  Of all of them will you discriminate;
  Than in the plain below received among them。

He who sits highest; and the semblance bears
  Of having what he should have done neglected;
  And to the others' song moves not his lips;

Rudolph the Emperor was; who had the power
  To heal the wounds that Italy have slain;
  So that through others slowly she revives。

The other; who in look doth comfort him;
  Governed the region where the water springs;
  The Moldau bears the Elbe; and Elbe the sea。

His name was Ottocar; and in swaddling…clothes
  Far better he than bearded Winceslaus
  His son; who feeds in luxury and ease。

And the small…nosed; who close in council seems
  With him that has an aspect so benign;
  Died fleeing and disflowering the lily;

Look there; how he is beating at his breast!
  Behold the other one; who for his cheek
  Sighing has made of his own palm a bed;

Father and father…in…law of France's Pest
  Are they; and know his vicious life and lewd;
  And hence proceeds the grief that so doth pierce them。

He who appears so stalwart; and chimes in;
  Singing; with that one of the manly nose;
  The cord of every valour wore begirt;

And if as King had after him remained
  The stripling who in rear of him is sitting;
  Well had the valour passed from vase to vase;

Which cannot of the other heirs be said。
  Frederick and Jacomo possess the realms;
  But none the better heritage possesses。

Not oftentimes upriseth through the branches
  The probity of man; and this He wills
  Who gives it; so that we may ask of Him。

Eke to the large…nosed reach my words; no less
  Than to the other; Pier; who with him sings;
  Whence Provence and Apulia grieve already

The plant is as inferior to its seed;
  As more than Beatrice and Margaret
  Costanza boasteth of her husband still。

Behold the monarch of the simple life;
  Harry of England; sitting there alone;
  He in his branches has a better issue。

He who the lowest on the ground among them
  Sits looking upward; is the Marquis William;
  For whose sake Alessandria and her war

Make Monferrat and Canavese weep。〃

Purgatorio: Canto VIII

'Twas now the hour that turneth back desire
  In those who sail the sea; and melts the heart;
  The day they've said to their sweet friends farewell;

And the new pilgrim penetrates with love;
  If he doth hear from far away a bell
  That seemeth to deplore the dying day;

When I began to make of no avail
  My hearing; and to watch one of the souls
  Uprisen; that begged attention with its hand。

It joined and lifted upward both its palms;
  Fixing its eyes upon the orient;
  As if it said to God; 〃Naught else I care for。〃

〃Te lucis ante〃 so devoutly issued
  Forth from its mouth; and with such dulcet notes;
  It made me issue forth from my own mind。

And then the others; sweetly and devoutly;
  Accompanied it through all the hymn entire;
  Having their eyes on the supernal wheels。

Here; Reader; fix thine eyes well on the truth;
  For now indeed so subtile is the veil;
  Surely to penetrate within is easy。

I saw that army of the gentle…born
  Thereafterward in silence upward gaze;
  As if in expectation; pale and humble;

And from on high come forth and down descend;
  I saw two Angels with two flaming swords;
  Truncated and deprived of their points。

Green as the little leaflets just now born
  Their garments were; which; by their verdant pinions
  Beaten and blown abroad; they trailed behind。

One just above us came to take his station;
  And one descended to the opposite bank;
  So that the people were contained between them。

Clearly in them discerned I the blond head;
  But in their faces was the eye bewildered;
  As faculty confounded by excess。

〃From Mary's bosom both of them have come;〃
  Sordello said; 〃as guardians of the valley
  Against the serpent; that will come anon。〃

Whereupon I; who knew not by what road;
  Turned round about; and closely drew myself;
  Utterly frozen; to the faithful shoulders。

And once again Sordello: 〃Now descend we
  'Mid the grand shades; and we will speak to them;
  Right pleasant will it be for them to see you。〃

Only three steps I think that I descended;
  And was below; and saw one who was looking
  Only at me; as if he fain would know me。

Already now the air was growing dark;
  But not so that between his eyes and mine
  It did not show what it before locked up。

Tow'rds me he moved; and I tow'rds him did move;
  Noble Judge Nino! how it me delighted;
  When I beheld thee not among the damned!

No greeting fair was left unsaid between us;
  Then asked he: 〃How long is it since thou camest
  O'er the far waters to the mountain's foot?〃

〃Oh!〃 said I to him; 〃through the dismal places
  I came this morn; and am in the first life;
  Albeit the other; going thus; I gain。〃

And on the instant my reply was heard;
  He and Sordello both shrank back from me;
  Like people who are suddenly bewildered。

One to Virgilius; and the other turned
  To one who sat there; crying; 〃Up; Currado!
  Come and behold what God in grace has willed!〃

Then; turned to me: 〃By that especial grace
  Thou owest unto Him; who so conceals
  His own first wherefore; that it has no ford;

When thou shalt be beyond the waters wide;

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