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hamlet, prince of denmark(哈姆雷特)-第6章

小说: hamlet, prince of denmark(哈姆雷特) 字数: 每页4000字

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and alleys of the body; And with a sudden vigour it doth posset And curd; 

like eager droppings into milk; The thin and wholesome blood。 So did it 

mine; And a most instant tetter bark'd about; Most lazar…like; with vile and 

loathsome crust All my smooth body。 Thus was I; sleeping; by a brother's 

hand Of life; of crown; of queen; at once dispatch'd; Cut off even in the 

blossoms   of   my   sin;   Unhous'led;   disappointed;   unanel'd;   No   reckoning 

made; but sent to my account With all my imperfections on my head。 Ham。 

O; horrible! O; horrible! most horrible! Ghost。 If thou hast nature in thee; 

bear it not。 Let not the royal bed of Denmark be A couch for luxury and 

damned incest。 But; howsoever thou pursuest this act; Taint not thy mind; 

nor let thy soul contrive Against thy mother aught。 Leave her to heaven; 

And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge To prick and sting her。 Fare 

thee well at once。 The glowworm shows the matin to be near And gins to 

pale his uneffectual fire。 Adieu; adieu; adieu! Remember me。Exit。 

     Ham。 O all you host of heaven! O earth! What else? And shall I couple 

hell? Hold; hold; my heart! And you; my sinews; grow not instant old; But 

bear me stiffly  up。 Remember thee? Ay; thou poor ghost; while   memory 

holds a seat In this distracted globe。 Remember thee? Yea; from the table 

of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records; All saws of books; 

all forms; all pressures past That youth and observation copied there; And 

thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my 

brain;   Unmix'd   with   baser   matter。   Yes;   by   heaven!   O   most   pernicious 

woman! O villain; villain; smiling; damned villain! My tables! Meet it is I 

set it down That one may smile; and smile; and be a villain; At least I am 

sure it may be so in Denmark。'Writes。' So; uncle; there you are。 Now to 


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my word: It is 'Adieu; adieu! Remember me。' I have sworn't。 Hor。 (within) 

My lord; my lord! 

       Enter Horatio and Marcellus。 

     Mar。 Lord Hamlet! Hor。 Heaven secure him! Ham。 So be it! Mar。 Illo; 

ho; ho; my lord! Ham。 Hillo; ho; ho; boy! Come; bird; come。 Mar。 How is't; 

my noble lord? Hor。 What news; my lord? Mar。 O; wonderful! Hor。 Good 

my lord; tell it。 Ham。 No; you will reveal it。 Hor。 Not I; my lord; by heaven! 

Mar。 Nor I; my lord。 Ham。 How say you then? Would heart of man once 

think it? But you'll be secret? Both。 Ay; by heaven; my lord。 Ham。 There's 

neer a villain dwelling in all Denmark But he's an arrant knave。 Hor。 There 

needs no ghost; my lord; come from the grave To tell us this。 Ham。 Why; 

right! You   are   in   the   right! And   so;   without   more   circumstance   at   all;   I 

hold it fit that we shake hands and part; You; as your business and desires 

shall point you; For every man hath business and desire; Such as it is; and 

for my own poor part; Look you; I'll go pray。 Hor。 These are but wild and 

whirling words; my lord。 Ham。 I am sorry they offend you; heartily; Yes; 

faith;   heartily。  Hor。   There's   no  offence;   my    lord。  Ham。    Yes;  by   Saint 

Patrick; but there is; Horatio; And much offence too。 Touching this vision 

here; It is an honest ghost; that let me tell you。 For your desire to know 

what is between us; O'ermaster't as you may。 And now; good friends; As 

you   are   friends;   scholars;   and   soldiers;   Give   me   one   poor   request。   Hor。 

What is't; my lord? We will。 Ham。 Never make known what you have seen 

to…night。 Both。 My lord; we will not。 Ham。 Nay; but swear't。 Hor。 In faith; 

My lord; not I。 Mar。 Nor I; my lord… in faith。 Ham。 Upon my sword。 Mar。 

We have sworn; my lord; already。 Ham。 Indeed; upon my sword; indeed。 

       Ghost cries under the stage。 

     Ghost。 Swear。 Ham。 Aha boy; say'st thou so? Art thou there; truepenny? 

Come   on! You   hear   this   fellow   in   the   cellarage。   Consent   to   swear。   Hor。 

Propose the oath; my lord。 Ham。 Never to speak of this that you have seen。 

Swear by my sword。 Ghost。 'beneath' Swear。 Ham。 Hic et ubique? Then 

we'll shift our ground。 Come hither; gentlemen; And lay your hands again 

upon my sword。 Never to speak of this that you have heard: Swear by my 

sword。 Ghost。 'beneath' Swear by his sword。 Ham。 Well said; old mole! 

Canst work i' th' earth so fast? A worthy pioner! Once more remove; good 


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friends。〃 Hor。 O  day and night;  but this is   wondrous strange! Ham。 And 

therefore as a stranger give it welcome。 There are more things in heaven 

and earth; Horatio; Than are dreamt of in your philosophy。 But come! Here; 

as   before;   never;   so   help   you   mercy;   How   strange   or   odd   soe'er   I   bear 

myself    (As   I  perchance    hereafter  shall  think   meet   To  put   an  antic 

disposition on); That you; at such times seeing me; never shall; With arms 

encumb'red thus; or this head…shake; Or by pronouncing of some doubtful 

phrase; As 'Well; well; we know;' or 'We could; an if we would;' Or 'If we 

list to speak;' or 'There be; an if they might;' Or such ambiguous giving out; 

to note That you know aught of me… this is not to do; So grace and mercy 

at your most need help you; Swear。 Ghost。 'beneath' Swear。'They swear。' 

Ham。   Rest;   rest;   perturbed   spirit!   So;   gentlemen;   With   all   my   love   I   do 

commend   me   to   you; And   what   so   poor   a   man   as   Hamlet   is   May   do   t' 

express his love and friending to you; God willing; shall not lack。 Let us 

go in together; And still your fingers on your lips; I pray。 The time is out 

of joint。 O cursed spite That ever I was born to set it right! Nay; come; let's 

go together。Exeunt。 



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                            ACT II。 


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             SCENE I。 Elsinore。 A room in the house of 


     Enter Polonius and Reynaldo。 

     Pol。 Give him this money and these notes; Reynaldo。 Rey。 I will; my 

lord。 Pol。 You shall do marvell's wisely; good Reynaldo; Before You visit 

him; to make inquire Of his behaviour。 Rey。 My lord; I did intend it。 Pol。 

Marry;   well   said;   very   well   said。   Look   you;   sir;   Enquire   me   first   what 

Danskers   are   in   Paris; And   how;   and   who;   what   means;   and   where   they 

keep;      What     company;       at   what     expense;      and     finding     By    this 

encompassment   and   drift   of   question   That   they   do   know   my   son;   come 

you more nearer Than your particular demands will touch it。 Take you; as 

'twere; some distant knowledge of him; As thus; 'I know his father and his 

friends; And in part him。' Do you mark this; Reynaldo? Rey。 Ay; very well; 

my lord。 Pol。 'And in part him; but;' yo

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