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the foundations of personality-第59章

小说: the foundations of personality 字数: 每页4000字

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id; whether it is hand…minded or word…minded; whether it is brave; loyal; honest; a leader or a follower; etc。 Moreover; the child's inclinations should play a part in the plans made。 A man who develops a strong will where his desires lead the way will hang back and be a slacker where dissatisfaction is aroused。 To that employer of labor who seeks more than dividends from his 〃hands;〃 who has in mind that he is merely an agent of the community; and is not obsessed with the idea that he is 〃boss;〃 I make bold to make the following suggestions: Any plan of efficiency must be based on sympathy and human feeling。 To avoid unnecessary fatigue is imperative; not only because it increases production; but because it increases happiness。 Fatigue may have its origin in little matters;in a bad bench; in a poor work table; or an inferior tool。 Chronic fatigue'1' alters character; the drudge and slave are not really human; and if your workers become drudges; to that degree have you lapsed from your stewardship。 Men react to fatigue in different ways: one is merely tired; weak and sleepy a 〃dope;〃 to use ordinary characterizationbut another becomes a dangerous rebel; ready to take fire at any time。 '1' The Gilbreths have written an excellent little book on this subject。 Doctor Charles E。 Myers' recent publication; 〃Mind and Work;〃 is less explicit; but worth reading。

More important than physical fatigue (or at least as important) is the fatigue of monotony。 If your shop is organized on a highly mechanical basis; then the worker must be allowed to interrupt his labors now and then; must have time for a chat; or to change his position or even to lie down or walk。 Monotony disintegrates mind and bodydisintegrates character and personalitybrings about a fierce desire for excitement; and the well…known fact that factory towns are very immoral is no accident; but the direct result of monotony and opportunity。 It's bad enough that men and women have to become parts of the machine and thus lowered in dignity; worth and achievement; it is adding cruelty to this to whitewash windows; prohibit any conversation and count every movement。 Before you may expect loyalty you must deserve it; and the record of the owners of industry warrants no great loyalty on the part of their employees。 Annoying restrictions are more than injuries; they are insults to the self…feeling of the worker and are never forgotten or forgiven。 That a nation is built on the work of its peopletheir steadiness; energy; originality and intelligence; is trite。 That anything is really gained by huge imports and exports when people live in slums and have their creative work impulses thwarted is not my idea of value。 Factories are necessary to a large production and a large population; but the idea of quantity seems somehow to have exercised a baleful magic on the minds of men。 England became 〃great〃 through its mills; and its working people were starved and stunted; body and soul。 Of what avail are our Lawrences and Haverhills when we learn that in the draft examinations the mill towns showed far more physical defects; tuberculosis and poor nutrition than the non…factory towns? Work is the joy of life; because through it we fulfill purposes of achievement and usefulness。 Society must have an organization to fit the man to his task and his task to the man; it must organize its rewards on an ethical basis and must find the way to eliminate unnecessary fatigue and monotony。 The machine which increases production decreases the joy of work; we cannot help that; therefore society must at least add other rewards to the labor that is robbed of its finest recompense。 A counsel of perfection! The sad part is that books galore are written about the ways of changing; but meanwhile the law of competition and 〃progress〃 adds machines to the world; still further enslaving men and women。 We cannot do without machines;nor can we do without free men and women。 The fact is that competition is a spur to production and to industrial malpractice; since the generous employer must adopt the tactics of his competitors whether in a Southern mill town or in Japan。 I must confess to a feeling of disgust when I read preachments on the joys of work; on consecrating one's self to one's task。 I can do that; because I do about what I please and when I please; and so do you; Mister Preacher; and so do the exceptional and the able and the fortunate here and there and everywhere。 But this is mathematically and socially impossible for the great majority; and unless a plan of life fits that majority it is best to call the plan what it is;an aristocratic creed; meant for the more able and the more fortunate。

CHAPTER XIII。 THE QUALITIES OF THE LEADER AND THE FOLLOWER The social group; in its descent from the herd; has become an intensely competitive; highly cooperative organization。 There are two sets of qualities essential to those phases of society that concern us as students of character。 Out of the mass there come the leaders; those who direct and organize the thought and action of the group。 The leader; in no matter what sphere he operates; excels in some quality: strength; courage; audacity; wisdom; organizing ability; eloquence;or in pretension to that quality。 The leader is a high variable and somehow is endowed with more of a desired or desirable character than others。 As fighter; thinker or preacher he has made the history of man。 A dozen million common men did not invent the wheel; it was one aboriginal genius who played with power and saw that the rolling log might transport his goods。 The shadow may have interested in a mild way every contemporary and ancestor of the one who discovered that it moved regularly with the sun。 And when a group is confronted by an unknown danger; it is not the half…courage of the crowd that adds up to bravery and fearless fighting spirit; it is the one man who responds to the challenge with courage and sagacity who inspires the rest with a similar feeling。 The leaders of the world stand on each other's shoulders; and not on the shoulders of the common man。 Democracy does not lie in an equal estimate of men's abilities and worth; it is in the recognition that the true aristocrat or leader may arise anywhere; that he must be allowed to develop; no matter who his ancestors and what his sex or color may be; and that he has no privileges but those of service and leadership。 The leadership qualities will always be determined by the character of the group that is to be led and the task to be performed。 Obviously he who is to lead a warrior group of small numbers in a fray needs be agile; quick of mind; strong and fearless; whereas a general who sits in a chair at a desk ten miles from the fighting front and controls a million men fighting with airships; guns and bayonets must be a technical engineer of executive ability and experience。 The leader whose task is to exhort a group into some plan of actionthe politician; the popular speakerneeds mainly to appeal to the sympathies and stir the emotions of his group; his desire to please must be efficiently yoked with qualities that please his group; and those qualities will not be the same for a group of East Side immigrants as for a select Fifth Avenue assemblage。 In the one instance an uncouth; unrestrained passion; fiercely emphasized; and a bold declaration of ideals of an altruistic type will be necessary; in the second all that will be ridiculous; but passion hinted at with suave polished speech and a careful outline of practical plans are essential。 The labor leader; the leader of a capitalist group; will be different in many qualities; but they will be alike in their vigor and energy of purpose; in their aggressive fighting spirit; their proneness to anger at opposition but controlled when necessary by tact and diplomacy。 They will impress the group they lead as being sincere; honest; able; knowing how to plan; choose and fight。 These last three qualities are those which the members of the group demand; the leader must know how to plan; choose and fight for them。 Nor; if he is to succeed easily; must he be too idealistic; he must not seek too distant purposes; the group must understand him; and though he must keep them in some awe and fear o

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