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01-the kreutzer sonata-第26章

小说: 01-the kreutzer sonata 字数: 每页4000字

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joined together by the bonds of love?  None。  Our conception of

life is inseparably bound up with the conception of a continual

striving after an unattainable ideal。

But even if we suppose the Christian ideal of perfect chastity

realized; what then?  We should merely find ourselves face to

face on the one hand with the familiar teaching of religion; one

of whose dogmas is that the world will have an end; and on the

other of so…called science; which informs us that the sun is

gradually losing its heat; the result of which will in time be

the extinction of the human race。

Now there is not and cannot be such an institution as Christian

marriage; just as there cannot be such a thing as a Christian

liturgy (Matt。 vi。 5…12; John iv。 21); nor Christian teachers;

nor church fathers (Matt。 xxiii。 8…10); nor Christian armies;

Christian law courts; nor Christian States。  This is what was

always taught and believed by true Christians of the first and

following centuries。  A Christian's ideal is not marriage; but

love for God and for his neighbor。  Consequently in the eyes of a

Christian relations in marriage not only do not constitute a

lawful; right; and happy state; as our society and our churches

maintain; but; on the contrary; are always a fall。

Such a thing as Christian marriage never was and never could be。 

Christ did not marry; nor did he establish marriage; neither did

his disciples marry。  But if Christian marriage cannot exist;

there is such a thing as a Christian view of marriage。  And this

is how it may be formulated: A Christian (and by this term I

understand not those who call themselves Christians merely

because they were baptized and still receive the sacrament once a

year; but those whose lives are shaped and regulated by the

teachings of Christ); I say; cannot view the marriage relation

otherwise than as a deviation from the doctrine of Christ;as a

sin。  This is clearly laid down in Matt。 v。 28; and the ceremony

called Christian marriage does not alter its character one jot。 

A Christian will never; therefore; desire marriage; but will

always avoid it。

If the light of truth dawns upon a Christian when he is already

married; or if; being a Christian; from weakness he enters into

marital relations with the ceremonies of the church; or without

them; he has no other alternative than to abide with his wife

(and the wife with her husband; if it is she who is a Christian)

and to aspire together with her to free themselves of their sin。 

This is the Christian view of marriage; and there cannot be any

other for a man who honestly endeavors to shape his life in

accordance with the teachings of Christ。

To very many persons the thoughts I have uttered here and in 〃The

Kreutzer Sonata〃 will seem strange; vague; even contradictory。

They certainly do contradict; not each other; but the whole tenor

of our lives; and involuntarily a doubt arises; 〃on which side is

truth;on the side of the thoughts which seem true and

well…founded; or on the side of the lives of others and myself?〃 

I; too; was weighed down by that same doubt when writing 〃The

Kreutzer Sonata。〃  I had not the faintest presentiment that the

train of thought I had started would lead me whither it did。  I

was terrified by my own conclusion; and I was at first disposed

to reject it; but it was impossible not to hearken to the voice

of my reason and my conscience。 And so; strange though they may

appear to many; opposed as they undoubtedly are to the trend and

tenor of our lives; and incompatible though they may prove with

what I have heretofore thought and uttered; I have no choice but

to accept them。  〃But man is weak;〃 people will object。  〃His

task should be regulated by his strength。〃

This is tantamount to saying; 〃My hand is weak。  I cannot draw a

straight line;that is; a line which will be the shortest line

between two given points;and so; in order to make it more easy

for myself; I; intending to draw a straight; will choose for my

model a crooked line。〃

The weaker my hand; the greater the need that my model should be



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