贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 01-the kreutzer sonata >


01-the kreutzer sonata-第24章

小说: 01-the kreutzer sonata 字数: 每页4000字

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〃I put the revolver back on the table; and hid it under my

newspaper。  I went to the door and drew back the bolt。

〃It was my wife's sister;a good and stupid widow。

〃'Basile; what does this mean?' said she; and her tears; always

ready; began to flow。

〃'What do you want?' I asked roughly。

〃I saw clearly that there was no necessity of being rough with

her; but I could not speak in any other tone。

〃'Basile; she is dying。  Ivan Fedorowitch says so。'

〃Ivan Fedorowitch was the doctor; HER doctor; her counsellor。

〃'Is he here?' I inquired。

〃And all my hatred of her arose anew。

〃Well; what?

〃'Basile; go to her!  Ah! how terrible it is!' said she。

〃'Go to her?' I asked myself; and immediately I made answer to

myself that I ought to go; that probably that was the thing that

is usually done when a husband like myself kills his wife; that

it was absolutely necessary that I should go and see her。

〃'If that is the proper thing; I must go;' I repeated to myself。 

'Yes; if it is necessary; I shall still have time;' said I to

myself; thinking of my intention of blowing my brains out。

〃And I followed my sister…in…law。  'Now there are going to be

phrases and grimaces; but I will not yield;' I declared to


〃'Wait;' said I to my sister…in…law; 'it is stupid to be without

boots。  Let me at least put on my slippers。'



〃Strange thing!  Again; when I had left my study; and was passing

through the familiar rooms; again the hope came to me that

nothing had happened。  But the odor of the drugs; iodoform and

phenic acid; brought me back to a sense of reality。

〃'No; everything has happened。'

〃In passing through the hall; beside the children's chamber; I

saw little Lise。  She was looking at me; with eyes that were full

of fear。  I even thought that all the children were looking at

me。  As I approached the door of our sleeping…room; a servant

opened it from within; and came out。  The first thing that I

noticed was HER light gray dress upon a chair; all dark with

blood。  On our common bed she was stretched; with knees drawn up。

She lay very high; upon pillows; with her chemise half open。 

Linen had been placed upon the wound。  A heavy smell of iodoform

filled the room。  Before; and more than anything else; I was

astonished at her face; which was swollen and bruised under the

eyes and over a part of the nose。  This was the result of the

blow that I had struck her with my elbow; when she had tried to

hold me back。  Of beauty there was no trace left。  I saw

something hideous in her。  I stopped upon the threshold。

〃'Approach; approach her;' said her sister。

〃'Yes; probably she repents;' thought I; 'shall I forgive her? 

Yes; she is dying; I must forgive her;' I added; trying to be


〃I approached the bedside。  With difficulty she raised her eyes;

one of which was swollen; and uttered these words haltingly:

〃'You have accomplished what you desired。  You have killed me。'

〃And in her face; through the physical sufferings; in spite of

the approach of death; was expressed the same old hatred; so

familiar to me。

〃'The children 。 。 。 I will not give them to you 。 。 。 all the

same。 。 。 。  She (her sister) shall take them。' 。 。 。

〃But of that which I considered essential; of her fault; of her

treason; one would have said that she did not think it necessary

to say even a word。

〃'Yes; revel in what you have done。'

〃And she sobbed。

〃At the door stood her sister with the children。

〃'Yes; see what you have done!'

〃I cast a glance at the children; and then at her bruised and

swollen face; and for the first time I forgot myself (my rights;

my pride); and for the first time I saw in her a human being; a


〃And all that which a moment before had been so offensive to me

now seemed to me so petty;all this jealousy;and; on the

contrary; what I had done seemed to me so important that I felt

like bending over; approaching my face to her hand; and saying:

〃'Forgive me!'

〃But I did not dare。  She was silent; with eyelids lowered;

evidently having no strength to speak further。  Then her deformed

face began to tremble and shrivel; and she feebly pushed me


〃'Why has all this happened?  Why?'

〃'Forgive me;' said I。

〃'Yes; if you had not killed me;' she cried suddenly; and her

eyes shone feverishly。  'Forgivenessthat is nothing。 。 。 。  If

I only do not die!  Ah; you have accomplished what you desired! 

I hate you!'

〃Then she grew delirious。  She was frightened; and cried:

〃'Fire; I do not fear 。 。 。 but strike them all 。 。 。  He has

gone。 。 。 。  He has gone。' 。 。 。

〃The delirium continued。  She no longer recognized the children;

not even little Lise; who had approached。  Toward noon she died。 

As for me; I was arrested before her death; at eight o'clock in

the morning。  They took me to the police station; and then to

prison; and there; during eleven months; awaiting the verdict; I

reflected upon myself; and upon my past; and I understood it。 

Yes; I began to understand from the third day。  The third day

they took me to the house。〃 。 。 。

Posdnicheff seemed to wish to add something; but; no longer

having the strength to repress his sobs; he stopped。  After a few

minutes; having recovered his calmness; he resumed:

〃I began to understand only when I saw her in the coffin。〃 。 。 。

He uttered a sob; and then immediately continued; with haste:

〃Then only; when I saw her dead face; did I understand all that I

had done。  I understood that it was I; I; who had killed her。  I

understood that I was the cause of the fact that she; who had

been a moving; living; palpitating being; had now become

motionless and cold; and that there was no way of repairing this

thing。 He who has not lived through that cannot understand it。〃


We remained silent a long time。  Posdnicheff sobbed and trembled

before me。  His face had become delicate and long; and his mouth

had grown larger。

〃Yes;〃 said he suddenly; 〃if I had known what I now know; I

should never have married her; never; not for anything。〃

Again we remained silent for a long time。

〃Yes; that is what I have done; that is my experience; We must

understand the real meaning of the words of the Gospel;Matthew;

V。 28;'that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath

committed adultery'; and these words relate to the wife; to the

sister; and not only to the wife of another; but especially to

one's own wife。〃


If the reading of this book has interested you; do not fail to

get its sequel; entitled 〃KREUTZER SONATA BEARING FRUIT; by

Pauline Grayson; which is an exceedingly interesting narrative

showing one of the results of the ideas set forth in 〃Kreutzer

Sonata。〃  It is bound in paper covers and will be sent by mail;

postage paid; upon receipt of 25 cents。  Address all orders to J。



I have received; and still continue to receive; numbers of

letters from persons who are perfect strangers to me; asking me

to state in plain and simple language my own views on the subject

handled in the story entitled 〃The Kreutzer Sonata。〃  With this

request I shall now endeavor to comply。

My views on the question may be succinctly stated as follows:

Without entering into details; it will be generally admitted that

I am accurate in saying that many people condone in young men a

course of conduct with regard to the other sex which is

incompatible with strict morality; and that this dissoluteness is

pardoned generally。  Both parents and the government; in

consequence of this view; may be said to wink at profligacy; and

even in the last resource to encourage its practice。  I am of

opinion that thi

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