贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > on fractures >


on fractures-第6章

小说: on fractures 字数: 每页4000字

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the inner bone of the leg which supports the most of the weight of the
body。 For along with the thigh; as being in a line with weight
thrown upon the thigh; the inner bone has more work to sustain;
inasmuch as it is the head of the thigh…bone which sustains the
upper part of the body; and it is on the inner and not on the outer
side of the thigh; being in a line with the tibia; and the other
half of the body approximates more to this line than to the external
one; and at the same time the inner bone is larger than the outer;
as in the fore…arm the bone in the line of the little finger is the
slenderer and longer。 But in the joint of the inferior extremity;
the disposition of the longer bone is not alike; for the elbow and the
ham are bent differently。 For these reasons when the external bone
is broken; the patients can soon walk about; but in fractures of the
inner; it is a long time before they can walk。
  19。 When the thigh…bone is broken; particular pains should be
taken with regard to the extension that it may not be insufficient;
for when excessive; no great harm results from it。 For; if one
should bandage a limb while the extremities of the bone are
separated to a distance from one another by the force of the
extension; the bandaging will not keep them separate; and so the bones
will come together again as soon as the persons stretching it let go
their hold; for the fleshy parts (muscles?) being thick and strong;
are more powerful than the bandaging; instead of being less so。 In the
case then which we are now treating of; nothing should be omitted in
order that the parts may be properly distended and put in a straight
line; for it is a great disgrace and an injury to exhibit a
shortened thigh。 For the arm; when shortened; might be concealed;
and the mistake would not be great; but a shortened thigh…bone would
exhibit the man maimed。 For when the sound limb is placed beside it;
being longer than the other; it exposes the mistake; and therefore
it would be to the advantage of a person who would be improperly
treated that both his legs should be broken; rather than either of
them; for in this case the one would be of the same length as the
other。 When; then; proper extension has been made; you must adjust the
parts with the palms of the hands; and bandage the limb in the
manner formerly described; placing the hands of the bandages as was
directed; and making the turns upward。 And the patient should return
the same answers to the same questions as formerly; should be pained
and recover in like manner; and should have the bandaging renewed in
the same way; and the application of the splints should be the same。
The thigh…bone is consolidated in forty days。
  20。 But this also should be known; that the thigh…bone is curved
rather to the outside than to the inside; and rather forward than
backward; when not properly treated; then; the distortions are in
these directions; and the bone is least covered with flesh at the same
parts; so that the distortion cannot be concealed。 If; therefore;
you suspect anything of this kind; you should have recourse to the
mechanical contrivances recommended in distortion of the arm。 And a
few turns of the bandage should be brought round by the hip and the
loins; so that the groin and the articulation near the perineum may be
included in the bandage; and moreover; it is expedient that the
extremities of the splints should not do mischief by being placed on
parts not covered with the bandages。 The splints; in fact; should be
carefully kept off the naked parts at both ends; and the arrangement
of them should be so managed; as that they may not be placed on the
natural protuberances of the bone at the knee…joint; nor on the tendon
which is situated there。
  21。 The swellings which arise in the ham; at the foot; or in any
other part from the pressure; should be well wrapped in unscoured
and carded wool; washed with wine and oil; and anointed with cerate;
before bandaging; and if the splints give pain they should be
slackened。 You may sooner reduce the swellings; by laying aside the
splints; and applying plenty of bandages to them; beginning from below
and rolling upward; for thus the swellings will be most speedily
reduced; and the humors be propelled to the parts above the former
bandages。 But this form of bandaging must not be used unless there
be danger of vesications or blackening in the swelling; and nothing of
the kind occurs unless the fracture be bound too tight; or unless
the limb be allowed to hang; or it be rubbed with the hand; or some
other thing of an irritant nature be applied to the skin。
  22。 More injury than good results from placing below the thigh a
canal which does not pass farther down than the ham; for it neither
prevents the body nor the leg from being moved without the thigh。
And it creates uneasiness by being brought down to the ham; and has
a tendency to produce what of all things should be avoided; namely;
flexion at the knee; for this completely disturbs the bandages; and
when the thigh and leg are bandaged; if one bend the limb at the knee;
the muscles necessarily assume another shape; and the broken bones are
also necessarily moved。 Every endeavor then should be made to keep the
ham extended。 But it appears to me; that a canal which embraces the
limb from the nates to the foot is of use。 And moreover; a shawl
should be put loosely round at the ham; along with the canal; as
children are swathed in bed; and then; if the thigh…bone gets
displaced either upward or to the side; it can be more easily kept
in position by this means along with the canal。 The canal then
should be made so as to extend all along the limb or not used at all。
  23。 The extremity of the heel should be particularly attended to; so
that it may be properly laid; both in fractures of the leg and of
the thigh。 For if the foot be placed in a dependent position; while
the rest of the body is supported; the limb must present a curved
appearance at the forepart of the leg; and if the heel be placed
higher than is proper; and if the rest of the leg be rather too low;
the bone at the forepart of the leg must present a hollow; more
especially if the heel of the patient be naturally large。 But all
the bones get consolidated more slowly; if not laid properly; and if
not kept steady in the same position; and in this case the callus is
more feeble。
  24。 These things relate to cases in which there is fracture of the
bones without protrusion of the same or wound of any other kind。 In
those cases in which the bones are simply broken across; and are not
comminuted; but protrude; if reduced the same day or next; and secured
in their place; and if there be no reason to anticipate that any
splintered bones will come away; and in those in which the broken
bones do not protrude; nor is the mode of fracture such that there
is reason to expect the splinters will come out; some physicians
heal the sores in a way which neither does much good nor harm; by
means of a cleansing application; applying pitch ointment; or some
of the dressings for fresh wounds; or anything else which they are
accustomed to do; and binding above them compresses wetted with
wine; or greasy wool; or something else of the like nature。 And when
the wounds become clean and are new healed; they endeavor to bind up
the limb with plenty of bandages; and keep it straight with
treatment does some good; and never much harm。 The bones; however; can
never be equally well restored to their place; but the part is a
little more swelled than it should be; and the limb will be somewhat
shortened; provided both bones either of the leg or fore…arm have been
  25。 There are others who treat such cases at first with bandages;
applying them on both sides of the seat of the injury; but omit them
there; and leave the wound uncovered; and afterward they apply to
the wound some cleansing medicine; and complete the dressing with
compresses dipped in wine and greasy wool。 This plan of treatment is
bad; and it is clear that those who adopt this mode of practice are
guilty of great mistakes in other cases of fracture as well as
these。 For it is a most importa

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