贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > on fractures >


on fractures-第3章

小说: on fractures 字数: 每页4000字

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middle of the time; or a little earlier; and apply them again。 A
diet slightly restricted will be sufficient in those cases in which
there was no external wound at first; or when the bone does not
protrude; but one should live rather sparingly until the tenth day; as
being now deprived of exercise; and tender articles of food should
be used; such as moderately loosen the bowels; but one should
abstain altogether from flesh and wine; and then by degrees resume a
more nourishing diet。 This diet。 may be laid down as a just rule in
the treatment of fractures; both as to how they should be treated; and
what will be the results of a proper plan of treatment; so that one
may know; that if things do not turn out thus; there has been some
defect or excess in the treatment。 And in this simple plan of
treatment it is necessary to attend also to the following
directions; which some physicians pay little attention to; although;
when improperly executed; they are capable of marring the whole
process of bandaging: for if both the bones be broken; or the lower
one only; and the patient who has got his arm bandaged keep it slung
in a shawl; and that the shawl is particularly loose at the
fracture; so that the arm is not properly suspended at this end or
that; in this case the bone must necessarily be found distorted
upwards; whereas; when both bones are thus broken; if the arm
recline in the shawl at the wrist and elbow; but the rest of it be not
kept up; the bone in this case will be distorted to the lower side。
The greater part of the arm and the wrist of the hand should therefore
be equally suspended in a broad soft shawl。
  8。 When the arm is broken; if one stretch the fore…arm and adjust it
while in this position; the muscle of the arm will be bound while
extended; but when the dressing is over; and the patient bends his arm
at the elbow; the muscle of the arm will assume a different shape。 The
following; then; is the most natural plan of setting the arm: having
got a piece of wood a cubit or somewhat less in length; like the
handles of spades; suspend it by means of a chain fastened to its
extremities at both ends; and having seated the man on some high
object; the arm is to be brought over; so that the armpit may rest
on the piece of wood; and the man can scarcely touch the seat; being
almost suspended; then having brought another seat; and placed one
or more leather pillows under the arm; so as to keep it a moderate
height while it is bent at a right angle; the best plan is to put
round the arm a broad and soft skin; or broad shawl; and to hang
some great weight to it; so as to produce moderate extension; or
otherwise; while the arm is in the position I have described; a strong
man is to take hold of it at the elbow and pull it downward。 But the
physician standing erect; must perform the proper manipulation; having
the one foot on some pretty high object; and adjusting the bone with
the palms of his hands; and it will readily be adjusted; for the
extension is good if properly applied。 Then let him bind the arm;
commencing at the fracture; and do otherwise as directed above; let
him put the same questions and avail himself of the same signs to
ascertain whether the arm be moderately tight or not; and every
third day let him bind it anew and make it tighter; and on the seventh
or ninth day let him bind it up with splints; and leave it so until
after the lapse of more than thirty days。 And if he suspect that the
bone is not lying properly; let him remove the bandages in the
interval; and having adjusted the arm; let him bind it up again。 The
bone of the arm is generally consolidated in forty days。 When these
are past; the dressing is to be removed; and fewer and slacker
bandages applied instead of it。 The patient is to be kept on a
stricter diet; and for a longer space of time than in the former case;
and we must form our judgment of it from the swelling in the hand;
looking also to the strength of the patient。 This also should be
known; that the arm is naturally inclined outward; to this side;
therefore; the distortion usually takes place; if not properly
treated; but indeed; all the other bones are usually distorted
during treatment for fracture to that side to which they naturally
incline。 When; therefore; anything of this kind is suspected; the
arm is to be encircled in a broad shawl; which is to be carried
round the breast; and when the patient goes to rest; a compress of
many folds; or some such thing; is to be folded and placed between the
elbow and the side; for thus the bending of the bone will be
rectified; but care must be taken lest it be inclined too much
  9。 The human foot is composed of several small bones like the
hand。 These bones therefore are scarcely ever broken; unless the
skin at the same time be wounded by some sharp and heavy body。 The
treatment of stich injuries; therefore; will be delivered under the
head of wounds。 But if any bone be moved from its place; or a joint of
the toes be luxated; or any of the bones of the part called the tarsus
be displaced; it must be forced back again to its place as described
with regard to the hand; and is to be treated with cerate; compresses;
and bandages; like the fractures; with the exception of the splints;
and is to be secured tightly in the same way; and the bandages renewed
on the third day; and the patient thus bandaged should return the same
answers as in fractures; as to the bandages feeling tight or slack。
All these bones recover perfectly in twenty days; except those that
are connected with the bones of the leg; and are in a line with
them。 It is advantageous to lie in bed during the whole of this
time; but the patients; thinking light of the complaint; have not
perseverance to do this; and they walk about before they get well;
wherefore many of these do not make a perfect recovery。 And often
the pain puts them in mind of the injury; and deservedly; for the feet
sustain the weight of the whole body。 When; therefore; they walk about
before they are whole; the joints which have been luxated are cured
incompletely; and; on that account; while walking about; they have
pains in the leg from time to time。
  10。 But those bones which are connected with the bones of the leg
are larger than the others; and the cure of them when luxuated is more
protracted。 The mode of treatment then is the same; but we must use
more bandages and more splints; and the bandage is to be carried round
to this side and to that; and pressure is to be made as in the other
cases; particularly at the seat of the luxation; and the first circles
of the bandages are to be made there。 And at each time the bandages
are taken off; much hot water is to be used; for in all injuries at
joints the affusion of hot water in large quantity is to be had
recourse to。 And the same symptoms of compression and relaxation
should manifest themselves in the same times; as in the cases formerly
treated of; and the subsequent bandagings should be conducted in
like manner。 These cases get completely well for the most part in
forty days; if the patients have resolution to keep their bed; but
if not; they are subjected to the complaints formerly described; or
still worse。
  11。 In persons who jumping from any high object pitch upon their
heel with great force; the bones are separated; and the veins pour
forth their contents; owing to the contusion of the flesh
surrounding the bone; and hence a swelling and much pain supervene。
For this bone (os calcis) is not a small one; protrudes beyond the
line of the leg; and is connected with important veins and tendons;
for the back tendon of the leg is inserted into this bone。 Such
cases are to be treated with cerate; and with compresses and bandages;
and hot water is to be used in large quantity; and they require many
bandages; which ought to be particularly good and appropriate。 And
if the patient happen to have a tender skin about the heel; nothing is
to be done to it; but if; as some have it; the skin be thick and
hardened; it is to be pared down smoothly and thinned; but without
wounding it。 It is not everybody who can apply the bandage properly in
such cases

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