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villa rubein and other stories-第68章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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have I ever had?〃

Hemmings swayed; recovered; and with a forced smile replied that; if

this were true; he had been standing on his head for years; he did

not believe the attitude possible for such a length of time;

personally he would have thought that he too had had a little

something to say to the company's position; but no matter。。。!  His

irony was crushing。。。。  It was possible that Mr。 Pippin hoped to

reverse the existing laws of the universe with regard to limited

companies; he would merely say that he must not begin with a company

of which he (Hemmings) happened to be secretary。  Mr。 Scorrier had

hinted at excuses; for his part; with the best intentions in the

world; he had great difficulty in seeing them。  He would go further

he did not see them!  The explosion。。。!  Pippin shrank so visibly

that Hemmings seemed troubled by a suspicion that he had gone too


〃We know;〃 he said; 〃that it was trying for you。。。。〃

〃Trying!〃 〃burst out Pippin。

〃No one can say;〃 Hemmings resumed soothingly; 〃that we have not

dealt liberally。〃  Pippin made a motion of the head。  〃We think we

have a good superintendent; I go further; an excellent

superintendent。  What I say is: Let's be pleasant!  I am not making

an unreasonable request!〃  He ended on a fitting note of jocularity;

and; as if by consent; all three withdrew; each to his own room;

without another word。

In the course of the next day Pippin said to Scorrier: 〃It seems I

have been very wicked。  I must try to do better〃; and with a touch of

bitter humour; 〃They are kind enough to think me a good

superintendent; you see!  After that I must try hard。〃

Scorrier broke in: 〃No man could have done so much for them;〃 and;

carried away by an impulse to put things absolutely straight; went on

〃But; after all; a letter now and thenwhat does it amount to?〃

Pippin besieged him with a subtle glance。  〃You too?〃 he said

〃I must indeed have been a wicked man!〃 and turned away。

Scorrier felt as if he had been guilty of brutality; sorry for

Pippin; angry with himself; angry with Pippin; sorry for himself。  He

earnestly desired to see the back of Hemmings。  The secretary

gratified the wish a few days later; departing by steamer with

ponderous expressions of regard and the assurance of his goodwill。

Pippin gave vent to no outburst of relief; maintaining a courteous

silence; making only one allusion to his late guest; in answer to a

remark of Scorrier:

〃Ah! don't tempt me! mustn't speak behind his back。〃

A month passed; and Scorrier stillremained Pippin's guest。  As each

mail…day approached he experienced a queer suppressed excitement。  On

one of these occasions Pippin had withdrawn to his room; and when

Scorrier went to fetch him to dinner he found him with his head

leaning on his hands; amid a perfect fitter of torn paper。  He looked

up at Scorrier。

〃I can't do it;〃 he said; 〃I feel such a hypocrite; I can't put

myself into leading…strings again。  Why should I ask these people;

when I've settled everything already?  If it were a vital matter they

wouldn't want to hearthey'd simply wire; 'Manage this somehow!'〃

Scorrier said nothing; but thought privately 'This is a mad

business!'  What was a letter?  Why make a fuss about a letter?  The

approach of mail…day seemed like a nightmare to the superintendent;

he became feverishly nervous like a man under a spell; and; when the

mail had gone; behaved like a respited criminal。  And this had been

going on two years!  Ever since that explosion。  Why; it was


One day; a month after Hemmings' departure; Pippin rose early from

dinner; his face was flushed; he had been drinking wine。  〃I won't be

beaten this time;〃 he said; as he passed Scorrier。  The latter could

hear him writing in the next room; and looked in presently to say

that he was going for a walk。  Pippin gave him a kindly nod。

It was a cool; still evening: innumerable stars swarmed in clusters

over the forests; forming bright hieroglyphics in the middle heavens;

showering over the dark harbour into the sea。  Scorrier walked

slowly。  A weight seemed lifted from his mind; so entangled had he

become in that uncanny silence。  At last Pippin had broken through

the spell。  To get that; letter sent would be the laying of a

phantom; the rehabilitation of commonsense。  Now that this silence

was in the throes of being broken; he felt curiously tender towards

Pippin; without the hero…worship of old days; but with a queer

protective feeling。  After all; he was different from other men。  In

spite of his feverish; tenacious energy; in spite of his ironic

humour; there was something of the woman in him!  And as for this

silence; this horror of controlall geniuses had 〃bees in their

bonnets;〃 and Pippin was a genius in his way!

He looked back at the town。  Brilliantly lighted it had a thriving

air…difficult to believe of the place he remembered ten years back;

the sounds of drinking; gambling; laughter; and dancing floated to

his ears。  'Quite a city!' he thought。

With this queer elation on him he walked slowly back along the

street; forgetting that he was simply an oldish mining expert; with a

look of shabbiness; such as clings to men who are always travelling;

as if their 〃nap〃 were for ever being rubbed off。  And he thought of

Pippin; creator of this glory。

He had passed the boundaries of the town; and had entered the forest。

A feeling of discouragement instantly beset him。  The scents and

silence; after the festive cries and odours of the town; were

undefinably oppressive。  Notwithstanding; he walked a long time;

saying to himself that he would give the letter every chance。  At

last; when he thought that Pippin must have finished; he went back to

the house。

Pippin had finished。  His forehead rested on the table; his arms hung

at his sides; he was stone…dead!  His face wore a smile; and by his

side lay an empty laudanum bottle。

The letter; closely; beautifully written; lay before him。  It was a

fine document; clear; masterly; detailed; nothing slurred; nothing

concealed; nothing omitted; a complete review of the company's

position; it ended with the words: 〃Your humble servant; RICHARD


Scorrier took possession of it。  He dimly understood that with those

last words a wire had snapped。  The border…line had been overpassed;

the point reached where that sense of proportion; which alone makes

life possible; is lost。  He was certain that at the moment of his

death Pippin could have discussed bimetallism; or any intellectual

problem; except the one problem of his own heart; that; for some

mysterious reason; had been too much for him。  His death had been the

work of a moment of supreme revolta single instant of madness on a

single subject!  He found on the blotting…paper; scrawled across the

impress of the signature; 〃Can't stand it!〃  The completion of that

letter had been to him a struggle ungraspable by Scorrier。  Slavery?

Defeat?  A violation of Nature?  The death of justice?  It were

better not to think of it!  Pippin could have toldbut he would

never speak again。  Nature; at whom; unaided; he had dealt so many

blows; had taken her revenge。。。!

In the night Scorrier stole down; and; with an ashamed face; cut off

a lock of the fine grey hair。  'His daughter might like it!' he


He waited till Pippin was buried; then; with the letter in his

pocket; started for England。

He arrived at Liverpool on a Thursday morning; and travelling to

town; drove straight to the office of the company。  The Board were

sitting。  Pippin's successor was already being interviewed。  He

passed out as Scorrier came in; a middle…aged man with a large; red

beard; and a foxy; compromising face。  He also was a Cornishman。

Scorrier wished him luck with a very heavy heart。

As an unsentimental man; who had a proper horror of emotion; whose

living depende

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