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villa rubein and other stories-第64章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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fine wire sound…recording instrument。

'Suppose he were to snap!' he thought。  Impelled to justify this

fancy; he blurted out: 〃You're a nervous chap。  The way you look at

those poor devils!〃

Pippin hustled him along the deck。  〃Come; come; you took me off my

guard;〃 he murmured; with a sly; gentle smile; 〃that's not fair。〃

He found it a continual source of wonder that Pippin; at his age;

should cut himself adrift from the associations and security of

London life to begin a new career in a new country with dubious

prospect of success。  'I always heard he was doing well all round;'

he thought; 'thinks he'll better himself; perhaps。  He's a true


The morning of arrival at the mines was grey and cheerless; a cloud

of smoke; beaten down by drizzle; clung above the forest; the wooden

houses straggled dismally in the unkempt semblance of a street;

against a background of endless; silent woods。  An air of blank

discouragement brooded over everything; cranes jutted idly over empty

trucks; the long jetty oozed black slime; miners with listless faces

stood in the rain; dogs fought under their very legs。  On the way to

the hotel they met no one busy or serene except a Chinee who was

polishing a dish…cover。

The late superintendent; a cowed man; regaled them at lunch with his

forebodings; his attitude toward the situation was like the food;

which was greasy and uninspiring。  Alone together once more; the two

newcomers eyed each other sadly。

〃Oh dear!〃 sighed Pippin。  〃We must change all this; Scorrier; it

will never do to go back beaten。  I shall not go back beaten; you

will have to carry me on my shield;〃 and slyly: 〃Too heavy; eh?  Poor

fellow!〃  Then for a long time he was silent; moving his lips as if

adding up the cost。  Suddenly he sighed; and grasping Scorrier's arm;

said: 〃Dull; aren't I?  What will you do?  Put me in your report;

'New Superintendentsad; dull dognot a word to throw at a cat!'〃

And as if the new task were too much for him; he sank back in

thought。  The last words he said to Scorrier that night were: 〃Very

silent here。  It's hard to believe one's here for life。  But I feel I

am。  Mustn't be a coward; though!〃 and brushing his forehead; as

though to clear from it a cobweb of faint thoughts; he hurried off。

Scorrier stayed on the veranda smoking。  The rain had ceased; a few

stars were burning dimly; even above the squalor of the township the

scent of the forests; the interminable forests; brooded。  There

sprang into his mind the memory of a picture from one of his

children's fairy booksthe picture of a little bearded man on

tiptoe; with poised head and a great sword; slashing at the castle of

a giant。  It reminded him of Pippin。  And suddenly; even to Scorrier…

…whose existence was one long encounter with strange placesthe

unseen presence of those woods; their heavy; healthy scent; the

little sounds; like squeaks from tiny toys; issuing out of the gloomy

silence; seemed intolerable; to be shunned; from the mere instinct of

self…preservation。  He thought of the evening he had spent in the

bosom of 〃Down…by…the…starn〃 Hemmings' family; receiving his last

instructionsthe security of that suburban villa; its discouraging

gentility; the superior acidity of the Miss Hemmings; the noble names

of large contractors; of company promoters; of a peer; dragged with

the lightness of gun…carriages across the conversation; the autocracy

of Hemmings; rasped up here and there; by some domestic

contradiction。  It was all so nice and safeas if the whole thing

had been fastened to an anchor sunk beneath the pink cabbages of the

drawing…room carpet!  Hemmings; seeing him off the premises; had said

with secrecy: 〃Little Pippin will have a good thing。  We shall make

his salary L。  He'll be a great man…quite a king。  Ha…ha!〃

Scorrier shook the ashes from his pipe。  'Salary!' he thought;

straining his ears; 'I wouldn't take the place for five thousand

pounds a year。  And yet it's a fine country;' and with ironic

violence he repeated; 'a dashed fine country!'

Ten days later; having finished his report on the new mine; he stood

on the jetty waiting to go abroad the steamer for home。

〃God bless you!〃 said Pippin。  〃Tell them they needn't be afraid; and

sometimes when you're at home think of me; eh?〃

Scorrier; scrambling on board; had a confused memory of tears in his

eyes; and a convulsive handshake。


It was eight years before the wheels of life carried Scorrier back to

that disenchanted spot; and this time not on the business of the New

Colliery Company。  He went for another company with a mine some

thirty miles away。  Before starting; however; he visited Hemmings。

The secretary was surrounded by pigeon…holes and finer than ever;

Scorrier blinked in the full radiance of his courtesy。  A little man

with eyebrows full of questions; and a grizzled beard; was seated in

an arm…chair by the fire。

〃You know Mr。 Booker;〃 said Hemmings〃one of my directors。  This is

Mr。 Scorrier; sirwho went out for us。〃

These sentences were murmured in a way suggestive of their uncommon

value。  The director uncrossed his legs; and bowed。  Scorrier also

bowed; and Hemmings; leaning back; slowly developed the full

resources of his waistcoat。

〃So you are going out again; Scorrier; for the other side?  I tell

Mr。 Scorrier; sir; that he is going out for the enemy。  Don't find

them a mine as good as you found us; there's a good man。〃

The little director asked explosively: 〃See our last dividend?

Twenty per cent; eh; what?〃

Hemmings moved a finger; as if reproving his director。  〃I will not

disguise from you;〃 he murmured; 〃that there is friction between us

andthe enemy; you know our position too welljust a little too

well; eh?  'A nod's as good as a wink。'〃

His diplomatic eyes flattered Scorrier; who passed a hand over his

browand said: 〃Of course。〃

〃Pippin doesn't hit it off with them。  Between ourselves; he's a

leetle too big for his boots。  You know what it is when a man in his

position gets a sudden rise!〃

Scorrier caught himself searching on the floor for a sight of

Hemmings' boots; he raised his eyes guiltily。  The secretary

continued: 〃We don't hear from him quite as often as we should like;

in fact。〃

To his own surprise Scorrier murmured: 〃It's a silent place!〃

The secretary smiled。  〃Very good!  Mr。 Scorrier says; sir; it's a

silent place; ha…ha! I call that very good!〃  But suddenly a secret

irritation seemed to bubble in him; he burst forth almost violently:

〃He's no business to let it affect him; now; has he?  I put it to

you; Mr。 Scorrier; I put it to you; sir!〃

But Scorrier made no reply; and soon after took his leave: he had

been asked to convey a friendly hint to Pippin that more frequent

letters would be welcomed。  Standing in the shadow of the Royal

Exchange; waiting to thread his way across; he thought: 'So you must

have noise; must youyou've got some here; and to spare。。。。'

On his arrival in the new world he wired to Pippin asking if he might

stay with him on the way up country; and received the answer: 〃Be

sure and come。〃

A week later he arrived (there was now a railway) and found Pippin

waiting for him in a phaeton。  Scorrier would not have known the

place again; there was a glitter over everything; as if some one had

touched it with a wand。  The tracks had given place to roads; running

firm; straight; and black between the trees under brilliant sunshine;

the wooden houses were all painted; out in the gleaming harbour

amongst the green of islands lay three steamers; each with a fleet of

busy boats; and here and there a tiny yacht floated; like a sea…bird

on the water。  Pippin drove his long…tailed horses furiously; his

eyes brimmed with subtle kindness; as if according Scorrier a

continual welcome。  During the two days of his stay Scorrier never

lost that sen

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