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villa rubein and other stories-第61章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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knight…errant then!〃

〃Good God!〃 said Swithin。  Boleskey; flogging his dejected steed;

cantered forward in the moonlight。  He came back; bringing an old

cloak; which he insisted on wrapping round Swithin's shoulders。  He

handed him; too; a capacious flask。

〃How cold you look!〃 he said。  〃Wonderful! Wonderful! you English!〃

His grateful eyes never left Swithin for a moment。  They had come up

to the heels of the other carriage now; but Swithin; hunched in the

cloak; did not try to see what was in front of him。  To the bottom of

his soul he resented the Hungarian's gratitude。  He remarked at last;

with wasted irony:

〃You're in a hurry; it seems!〃

〃If we had wings;〃 Boleskey answered; 〃we would use them。〃

〃Wings!〃 muttered Swithin thickly; 〃legs are good enough for me。〃


Arrived at the inn where they were to pass the night; Swithin waited;

hoping to get into the house without a 〃scene;〃 but when at last he

alighted the girls were in the doorway; and Margit greeted him with

an admiring murmur; in which; however; he seemed to detect irony。

Rozsi; pale and tremulous; with a half…scared look; gave him her

hand; and; quickly withdrawing it; shrank behind her sister。  When

they had gone up to their room Swithin sought Boleskey。  His spirits

had risen remarkably。  〃Tell the landlord to get us supper;〃 he said;

〃we'll crack a bottle to our luck。〃  He hurried on the landlord's

preparations。  The window of the; room faced a wood; so near that he

could almost touch the trees。  The scent from the pines blew in on

him。  He turned away from that scented darkness; and began to draw

the corks of winebottles。  The sound seemed to conjure up Boleskey。

He came in; splashed all over; smelling slightly of stables; soon

after; Margit appeared; fresh and serene; but Rozsi did not come。

〃Where is your sister?〃 Swithin said。  Rozsi; it seemed; was tired。

〃It will do her good to eat;〃 said Swithin。  And Boleskey; murmuring;

〃She must drink to our country;〃 went out to summon her; Margit

followed him; while Swithin cut up a chicken。  They came back without

her。  She had 〃a megrim of the spirit。〃

Swithin's face fell。  〃Look here!〃 he said; 〃I'll go and try。  Don't

wait for me。〃

〃Yes;〃 answered Boleskey; sinking mournfully into a chair; 〃try;

brother; try…by all means; try。〃

Swithin walked down the corridor with an odd; sweet; sinking

sensation in his chest; and tapped on Rozsi's door。  In a minute; she

peeped forth; with her hair loose; and wondering eyes。

〃Rozsi;〃 he stammered; 〃what makes you afraid of me; now?〃

She stared at him; but did not answer。

〃Why won't you come?〃

Still she did not speak; but suddenly stretched out to him her bare

arm。  Swithin pressed his face to it。  With a shiver; she whispered

above him; 〃I will come;〃 and gently shut the door。

Swithin stealthily retraced his steps; and paused a minute outside

the sitting…room to regain his self…control。

The sight of Boleskey with a bottle in his hand steadied him。

〃She is coming;〃 he said。  And very soon she did come; her thick hair

roughly twisted in a plait。

Swithin sat between the girls; but did not talk; for he was really

hungry。  Boleskey too was silent; plunged in gloom; Rozsi was dumb;

Margit alone chattered。

〃You will come to our Father…town?  We shall have things to show you。

Rozsi; what things we will show him!〃  Rozsi; with a little appealing

movement of her hands; repeated; 〃What things we will show you!〃  She

seemed suddenly to find her voice; and with glowing cheeks; mouths

full; and eyes bright as squirrels'; they chattered reminiscences of

the 〃dear Father…town;〃 of 〃dear friends;〃 of the 〃dear home。〃

'A poor place!' Swithin could not help thinking。  This enthusiasm

seemed to him common; but he was careful to assume a look of

interest; feeding on the glances flashed at him from Rozsi's restless


As the wine waned Boleskey grew more and more gloomy; but now and

then a sort of gleaming flicker passed over his face。  He rose to his

feet at last。

〃Let us not forget;〃 he said; 〃that we go perhaps to ruin; to death;

in the face of all this we go; because our country needsin this

there is no credit; neither to me nor to you; my daughters; but for

this noble Englishman; what shall we say?  Give thanks to God for a

great heart。  He comesnot for country; not for fame; not for money;

but to help the weak and the oppressed。  Let us drink; then; to him;

let us drink again and again to heroic Forsyte!〃  In the midst of the

dead silence; Swithin caught the look of suppliant mockery in Rozsi's

eyes。  He glanced at the Hungarian。  Was he laughing at him?  But

Boleskey; after drinking up his wine; had sunk again into his seat;

and there suddenly; to the surprise of all; he began to snore。

Margit rose and; bending over him like a mother; murmured: 〃He is

tiredit is the ride!〃  She raised him in her strong arms; and

leaning on her shoulder Boleskey staggered from the room。  Swithin

and Rozsi were left alone。  He slid his hand towards her hand that

lay so close; on the rough table…cloth。  It seemed to await his

touch。  Something gave way in him; and words came welling up; for the

moment he forgot himself; forgot everything but that he was near her。

Her head dropped on his shoulder; he breathed the perfume of her

hair。  〃Good…night!〃 she whispered; and the whisper was like a kiss;

yet before he could stop her she was gone。  Her footsteps died away

in the passage; but Swithin sat gazing intently at a single bright

drop of spilt wine quivering on the table's edge。  In that moment

she; in her helplessness and emotion; was all in all to himhis life

nothing; all the real thingshis conventions; convictions; training;

and himselfall seemed remote; behind a mist of passion and strange

chivalry。  Carefully with a bit of bread he soaked up the bright

drop; and suddenly he thought: 'This is tremendous!'  For a long time

he stood there in the window; close to the dark pine…trees。


In the early morning he awoke; full of the discomfort of this strange

place and the medley of his dreams。  Lying; with his nose peeping

over the quilt; he was visited by a horrible suspicion。  When he

could bear it no longer; he started up in bed。  What if it were all a

plot to get him to marry her?  The thought was treacherous; and

inspired in him a faint disgust。  Still; she might be ignorant of it!

But was she so innocent?  What innocent girl would have come to his

room like that?  What innocent girl?  Her father; who pretended to be

caring only for his country?  It was not probable that any man was

such a fool; it was all part of the game…a scheming rascal!

Kasteliz; toohis threats!  They intended him to marry her!  And the

horrid idea was strengthened by his reverence for marriage。  It was

the proper; the respectable condition; he was genuinely afraid of

this other sort of liaisonit was somehow too primitive!  And yet

the thought of that marriage made his blood run cold。  Considering

that she had already yielded; it would be all the more monstrous!

With the cold; fatal clearness of the morning light he now for the

first time saw his position in its full bearings。  And; like a fish

pulled out of water; he gasped at what was disclosed。  Sullen

resentment against this attempt to force him settled deep into his


He seated himself on the bed; holding his head in his hands; solemnly

thinking out what such marriage meant。  In the first place it meant

ridicule; in the next place ridicule; in the last place ridicule。

She would eat chicken bones with her fingersthose fingers his lips

still burned to kiss。  She would dance wildly with other men。  She

would talk of her 〃dear Father…town;〃 and all the time her eyes would

look beyond him; some where or other into some dd place he knew

nothing of。  He sprang up and paced the room; and

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