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villa rubein and other stories-第59章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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from me; you know。〃

Rozsi laughed。  Swithin withdrew his arm; a desire to shake her

seized him。  He walked some way before he said; 〃Will you have the

goodness to tell me what you came to that seat for?〃

Rozsi flashed a look at him。  〃To…morrow is the fete;〃 she answered。

Swithin muttered; 〃Is that all?〃

〃If you do not take us; we cannot go。〃

〃Suppose I refuse;〃 he said sullenly; 〃there are plenty of others。〃

Rozsi bent her head; scurrying along。  〃No;〃 she murmured; 〃if you do

not goI do not wish。〃

Swithin drew her hand back within his arm。  How round and soft it

was!  He tried to see her face。  When she was nearly home he said

goodbye; not wishing; for some dark reason; to be seen with her。  He

watched till she had disappeared; then slowly retraced his steps to

the Mirabell Garden。  When he came to where she had been sitting; he

slowly lighted his cigar; and for a long time after it was smoked out

remained there in the silent presence of the statues。


A crowd of people wandered round the booths; and Swithin found

himself obliged to give the girls his arms。  'Like a little Cockney

clerk!' he thought。  His indignation passed unnoticed; they talked;

they laughed; each sight and sound in all the hurly…burly seemed to

go straight into their hearts。  He eyed them ironicallytheir eager

voices; and little coos of sympathy seemed to him vulgar。  In the

thick of the crowd he slipped his arm out of Margit's; but; just as

he thought that he was free; the unwelcome hand slid up again。  He

tried again; but again Margit reappeared; serene; and full of

pleasant humour; and his failure this time appeared to him in a comic

light。  But when Rozsi leaned across him; the glow of her round

cheek; her curving lip; the inscrutable grey gleam of her eyes; sent

a thrill of longing through him。  He was obliged to stand by while

they parleyed with a gipsy; whose matted locks and skinny hands

inspired him with a not unwarranted disgust。  〃Folly!〃 he muttered;

as Rozsi held out her palm。  The old woman mumbled; and shot a

malignant look at him。  Rozsi drew back her hand; and crossed

herself。  ' Folly!' Swithin thought again; and seizing the girls'

arms; he hurried them away。

〃What did the old hag say?〃 he asked。

Rozsi shook her head。

〃You don't mean that you believe?〃

Her eyes were full of tears。  〃The gipsies are wise;〃 she murmured。

〃Come; what did she tell you?〃

This time Rozsi looked hurriedly round; and slipped away into the

crowd。  After a hunt they found her; and Swithin; who was scared;

growled: 〃You shouldn't do such thingsit's not respectable。〃

On higher ground; in the centre of a clear space; a military band was

playing。  For the privilege of entering this charmed circle Swithin

paid three kronen; choosing naturally the best seats。  He ordered

wine; too; watching Rozsi out of the corner of his eye as he poured

it out。  The protecting tenderness of yesterday was all lost in this

medley。  It was every man for himself; after all!  The colour had

deepened again in her cheeks; she laughed; pouting her lips。

Suddenly she put her glass aside。  〃Thank you; very much;〃 she said;

〃it is enough!〃

Margit; whose pretty mouth was all smiles; cried; 〃Lieber Gott! is it

not good…life?〃  It was not a question Swithin could undertake to

answer。  The band began to play a waltz。  〃Now they will dance。

Lieber Gott! and are the lights not wonderful?〃  Lamps were

flickering beneath the trees like a swarm of fireflies。  There was a

hum as from a gigantic beehive。  Passers…by lifted their faces; then

vanished into the crowd; Rozsi stood gazing at them spellbound; as if

their very going and coming were a delight。

The space was soon full of whirling couples。  Rozsi's head began to

beat time。  〃O Margit!〃 she whispered。

Swithin's face had assumed a solemn; uneasy expression。  A man

raising his hat; offered his arm to Margit。  She glanced back across

her shoulder to reassure Swithin。  〃It is a friend;〃 she said。

Swithin looked at Rozsiher eyes were bright; her lips tremulous。

He slipped his hand along the table and touched her fingers。  Then

she flashed a look at himappeal; reproach; tenderness; all were

expressed in it。  Was she expecting him to dance?  Did she want to

mix with the rift…raff there; wish him to make an exhibition of

himself in this hurly…burly?  A voice said; 〃Good…evening!〃  Before

them stood Kasteliz; in a dark coat tightly buttoned at the waist。

〃You are not dancing; Rozsi Kozsanony?〃 (Miss Rozsi)。  〃Let me; then;

have the pleasure。〃  He held out his arm。  Swithin stared in front of

him。  In the very act of going she gave him a look that said as plain

as words: 〃Will you not?〃  But for answer he turned his eyes away;

and when he looked again she was gone。  He paid the score and made

his way into the crowd。  But as he went she danced by close to him;

all flushed and panting。  She hung back as if to stop him; and he

caught the glistening of tears。  Then he lost sight of her again。  To

be deserted the first minute he was alone with her; and for that

jackanapes with the small head and the volcanic glances!  It was too

much!  And suddenly it occurred to him that she was alone with

Kastelizalone at night; and far from home。  ' Well;' he thought;

'what do I care?' and shouldered his way on through the crowd。  It

served him right for mixing with such people here。  He left the fair;

but the further he went; the more he nursed his rage; the more

heinous seemed her offence; the sharper grew his jealousy。  〃A

beggarly baron!〃 was his thought。

A figure came alongsideit was Boleskey。  One look showed Swithin

his condition。  Drunk again!  This was the last straw!

Unfortunately Boleskey had recognised him。  He seemed violently

excited。  〃Wherewhere are my daughters?〃 he began。

Swithin brushed past; but Boleskey caught his arm。  〃Listen

brother!〃 he said; 〃news of my country!  After to…morrow。。。。〃

〃Keep it to yourself!〃 growled Swithin; wrenching his arm free。  He

went straight to his lodgings; and; lying on the hard sofa of his

unlighted sitting…room; gave himself up to bitter thoughts。  But in

spite of all his anger; Rozsi's supply…moving figure; with its

pouting lips; and roguish appealing eyes; still haunted him。


Next morning there was not a carriage to be had; and Swithin was

compelled to put off his departure till the morrow。  The day was grey

and misty; he wandered about with the strained; inquiring look of a

lost dog in his eyes。

Late in the afternoon he went back to his lodgings。  In a corner of

the sitting…room stood Rozsi。  The thrill of triumph; the sense of

appeasement; the emotion; that seized on him; crept through to his

lips in a faint smile。  Rozsi made no sound; her face was hidden by

her hands。  And this silence of hers weighed on Swithin。  She was

forcing him to break it。  What was behind her hands?  His own face

was visible!  Why didn't she speak?  Why was she here?  Alone?  That

was not right surely。

Suddenly Rozsi dropped her hands; her flushed face was quiveringit

seemed as though a word; a sign; even; might bring a burst of tears。

He walked over to the window。  'I must give her time!' he thought;

then seized by unreasoning terror at this silence; spun round; and

caught her by the arms。  Rozsi held back from him; swayed forward and

buried her face on his breast。。。。

Half an hour later Swithin was pacing up and down his room。  The

scent of rose leaves had not yet died away。  A glove lay on the

floor; he picked it up; and for a long time stood weighing it in his

hand。  All sorts of confused thoughts and feelings haunted him。  It

was the purest and least selfish moment of his life; this moment

after she had yielded。  But that pure gratitude at her fiery; simple

abnegation did not last; it was followed by a petty sense of triumph

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