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villa rubein and other stories-第57章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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Margit; with a pale face; stood like a statue。

'What can they see in it?' thought Swithin; 'it's not a tune。'  He

took up his hat。  Rozsi saw him and stopped; her lips had parted with

a faintly dismayed expression。  His sense of personal injury

diminished; he even felt a little sorry for her。  She jumped up from

her seat and twirled round with a pout。  An inspiration seized on

Swithin。  〃Come and dine with me;〃 he said to Boleskey; 〃to…morrow

the Goldene Alpbring your friend。〃  He felt the eyes of the whole

room on himthe Hungarian's fine eyes; Margit's wide glance; the

narrow; hot gaze of Kasteliz; and lastlyRozsi's。  A glow of

satisfaction ran down his spine。  When he emerged into the street

he thought gloomily; 'Now I've done it!' And not for some paces did

he look round; then; with a forced smile; turned and removed his hat

to the faces at the window。

Notwithstanding this moment of gloom; however; he was in an exalted

state all day; and at dinner kept looking at his brother and Traquair

enigmatically。  'What do they know of life?' he thought; 'they might

be here a year and get no farther。'  He made jokes; and pinned the

menu to the waiter's coat…tails。  〃I like this place;〃 he said; 〃I

shall spend three weeks here。〃  James; whose lips were on the point

of taking in a plum; looked at him uneasily。


On the day of the dinner Swithin suffered a good deal。  He reflected

gloomily on Boleskey's clothes。  He had fixed an early hourthere

would be fewer people to see them。  When the time approached he

attired himself with a certain neat splendour; and though his arm was

still sore; left off the sling。。。。

Nearly three hours afterwards he left the Goldene Alp between his

guests。  It was sunset; and along the riverbank the houses stood out;

unsoftened by the dusk; the streets were full of people hurrying

home。  Swithin had a hazy vision of empty bottles; of the ground

before his feet; and the accessibility of all the world。  Dim

recollections of the good things he had said; of his brother and

Traquair seated in the background eating ordinary meals with

inquiring; acid visages; caused perpetual smiles to break out on his

face; and he steered himself stubbornly; to prove that he was a

better man than either' of his guests。  He knew; vaguely; that he was

going somewhere with an object; Rozsi's face kept dancing before him;

like a promise。  Once or twice he gave Kasteliz a glassy stare。

Towards Boleskey; on the other hand; he felt quite warm; and recalled

with admiration the way he had set his glass down empty; time after

time。  'I like to see him take his liquor;' he thought; 'the fellow's

a gentleman; after all。'  Boleskey strode on; savagely inattentive to

everything; and Kasteliz had become more like a cat than ever。  It

was nearly dark when they reached a narrow street close to the

cathedral。  They stopped at a door held open by an old woman。  The

change from the fresh air to a heated corridor; the noise of the door

closed behind him; the old woman's anxious glances; sobered Swithin。

〃I tell her;〃 said Boleskey; 〃that I reply for you as for my son。〃

Swithin was angry。  What business had this man to reply for him!

They passed into a large room; crowded with men all women; Swithin

noticed that they all looked fit him。  He stared at them in turn

they seemed of all classes; some in black coats or silk dresses;

others in the clothes of work…people; one man; a cobbler; still wore

his leather apron; as if he had rushed there straight from his work。

Laying his hand on Swithin's arm; Boleskey evidently began explaining

who he was; hands were extended; people beyond reach bowed to him。

Swithin acknowledged the greetings with a stiff motion of his head;

then seeing other people dropping into seats; he; too; sat down。

Some one whispered his nameMargit and Rozsi were just behind him。

〃Welcome!〃 said Margit; but Swithin was looking at Rozsi。  Her face

was so alive and quivering!  'What's the excitement all about?' he

thought。  'How pretty she looks!'  She blushed; drew in her hands

with a quick tense movement; and gazed again beyond him into the

room。  'What is it?' thought Swithin; he had a longing to lean back

and kiss her lips。  He tried angrily to see what she was seeing in

those faces turned all one way。

Boleskey rose to speak。  No one moved; not a sound could be heard but

the tone of his deep voice。  On and on he went; fierce and solemn;

and with the rise of his voice; all those faces…fair or swarthy

seemed to be glowing with one and the same feeling。  Swithin felt the

white heat in those facesit was not decent!  In that whole speech

he only understood the one word〃Magyar〃 which came again and again。

He almost dozed off at last。  The twang of a czymbal woke him。

'What?' he thought; 'more of that infernal music!' Margit; leaning

over him; whispered: 〃Listen! Racoczy! It is forbidden!〃 Swithin saw

that Rozsi was no longer in her seat; it was she who was striking

those forbidden notes。  He looked roundeverywhere the same unmoving

faces; the same entrancement; and fierce stillness。  The music

sounded muffled; as if it; too; were bursting its heart in silence。

Swithin felt within him a touch of panic。  Was this a den of tigers?

The way these people listened; the ferocity of their stillness; was

frightful。。。!  He gripped his chair and broke into a perspiration;

was there no chance to get away?  'When it stops;' he thought;

'there'll be a rush!'  But there was only a greater silence。  It

flashed across him that any hostile person coming in then would be

torn to pieces。  A woman sobbed。  The whole thing was beyond words

unpleasant。  He rose; and edged his way furtively towards the

doorway。  There was a cry of 〃Police!〃  The whole crowd came pressing

after him。  Swithin would soon have been out; but a little behind he

caught sight of Rozsi swept off her feet。  Her frightened eyes

angered him。  'She doesn't deserve it;' he thought sulkily; 'letting

all this loose!' and forced his way back to her。  She clung to him;

and a fever went stealing through his veins; he butted forward at the

crowd; holding her tight。  When they were outside he let her go。

〃I was afraid;〃 she said。

〃Afraid!〃 muttered Swithin; 〃I should think so。〃  No longer touching

her; he felt his grievance revive。

〃But you are so strong;〃 she murmured。

〃This is no place for you;〃 growled Swithin; 〃I'm going to see you


〃Oh!〃 cried Rozsi; 〃but papa andMargit!〃

〃That's their look…out!〃 and he hurried her away。

She slid her hand under his arm; the soft curves of her form brushed

him gently; each touch only augmented his ill…humour。  He burned with

a perverse rage; as if all the passions in him were simmering and

ready to boil over; it was as if a poison were trying to work its way

out of him; through the layers of his stolid flesh。  He maintained a

dogged silence; Rozsi; too; said nothing; but when they reached the

door; she drew her hand away。

〃You are angry!〃 she said。

〃Angry;〃 muttered Swithin; 〃no! How d'you make that out?〃  He had a

torturing desire to kiss her。

〃Yes; you are angry;〃 she repeated; 〃 I wait here for papa and


Swithin also waited; wedged against the wall。  Once or twice; for his

sight was sharp; he saw her steal a look at him; a beseeching look;

and hardened his heart with a kind of pleasure。  After five minutes

Boleskey; Margit; and Kasteliz appeared。  Seeing Rozsi they broke

into exclamations of relief; and Kasteliz; with a glance at Swithin;

put his lips to her hand。  Rozsi's look said; 〃Wouldn't you like to

do that?〃  Swithin turned short on his heel; and walked away。


All night he hardly slept; suffering from fever; for the first time

in his life。  Once he jumped out of bed; lighted a candle; and going

to the glass; scrutinised himself long and anxiously。  After this he


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