贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > villa rubein and other stories >


villa rubein and other stories-第56章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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〃What?〃 said Swithin; 〃and you gave it to a beggar?〃

〃My name is BoleskeyStefan;〃 the Hungarian said; raising his head;

〃of the Komorn Boleskeys。〃  The simplicity of this phraseas who

shall say: What need of further description?made an impression on

Swithin; he stopped to listen。  Boleskey's story went on and on。

〃There were many abuses;〃 boomed his deep voice; 〃much wrong done

much cowardice。  I could see clouds gatheringrolling over our

plains。  The Austrian wished to strangle the breath of our mouthsto

take from us the shadow of our libertythe shadowall we had。  Two

years agothe year of '48; when every man and boy answered the great

voicebrother; a dog's life!to use a pen when all of your blood

are fighting; but it was decreed for me!  My son was killed; my

brothers takenand myself was thrown out like a dogI had written

out my heart; I had written out all the blood that was in my body!〃

He seemed to tower; a gaunt shadow of a man; with gloomy; flickering

eyes staring at the wall。

Swithin rose; and stammered; 〃Much obligedvery interesting。〃

Boleskey made no effort to detain him; but continued staring at the

wall。  〃Good…night!〃 said Swithin; and stamped heavily downstairs。


When at last Swithin reached the Goldene Alp; he found his brother

and friend standing uneasily at the door。  Traquair; a prematurely

dried…up man; with whiskers and a Scotch accent; remarked; 〃Ye're

airly; man!〃  Swithin growled something unintelligible; and swung up

to bed。  He discovered a slight cut on his arm。  He was in a savage

temperthe elements had conspired to show him things he did not want

to see; yet now and then a memory of Rozsi; of her soft palm in his;

a sense of having been stroked and flattered; came over him。  During

breakfast next morning his brother and Traquair announced their

intention of moving on。  James Forsyte; indeed; remarked that it was

no place for a 〃collector;〃 since all the 〃old〃 shops were in the

hands of Jews or very grasping personshe had discovered this at

once。  Swithin pushed his cup aside。  〃You may do what you like;〃 he

said; 〃I'm staying here。〃

James Forsyte replied; tumbling over his own words: 〃Why! what do you

want to stay here for?  There's nothing for you to do herethere's

nothing to see here; unless you go up the Citadel; an' you won't do


Swithin growled; 〃Who says so?〃  Having gratified his perversity; he

felt in a better temper。  He had slung his arm in a silk sash; and

accounted for it by saying he had slipped。  Later he went out and

walked on to the bridge。  In the brilliant sunshine spires were

glistening against the pearly background of the hills; the town had a

clean; joyous air。  Swithin glanced at the Citadel and thought;

'Looks a strong place! Shouldn't wonder if it were impregnable!'  And

this for some occult reason gave him pleasure。  It occurred to him

suddenly to go and look for the Hungarian's house。

About noon; after a hunt of two hours; he was gazing about him

blankly; pale with heat; but more obstinate than ever; when a voice

above him called; 〃Mister!〃 He looked up and saw Rozsi。  She was

leaning her round chin on her round hand; gazing down at him with her

deepset; clever eyes。  When Swithin removed his hat; she clapped her

hands。  Again he had the sense of being admired; caressed。  With a

careless air; that sat grotesquely on his tall square person; he

walked up to the door; both girls stood in the passage。  Swithin felt

a confused desire to speak in some foreign tongue。  〃Maam'selles;〃 he

began; 〃erbong jour…er; your fatherpare; comment?〃

〃We also speak English;〃 said the elder girl; 〃will you come in;


Swithin swallowed a misgiving; and entered。  The room had a worn

appearance by daylight; as if it had always been the nest of tragic

or vivid lives。  He sat down; and his eyes said: 〃I am a stranger;

but don't try to get the better of me; pleasethat is impossible。〃

The girls looked at him in silence。  Rozsi wore a rather short skirt

of black stuff; a white shirt; and across her shoulders an

embroidered yoke; her sister was dressed in dark green; with a coral

necklace; both girls had their hair in plaits。  After a minute Rozsi

touched the sleeve of his hurt arm。

〃It's nothing!〃 muttered Swithin。

〃Father fought with a chair; but you had no chair;〃 she said in a

wondering voice。

He doubled the fist of his sound arm and struck a blow at space。  To

his amazement she began to laugh。  Nettled at this; he put his hand

beneath the heavy table and lifted it。  Rozsi clapped her hands。  〃Ah

I now I seehow strong you are!〃  She made him a curtsey and whisked

round to the window。  He found the quick intelligence of her eyes

confusing; sometimes they seemed to look beyond him at something

invisiblethis; too; confused him。  From Margit he learned that they

had been two years in England; where their father had made his living

by teaching languages; they had now been a year in Salzburg。

〃We wait;〃 suddenly said。  Rozsi; and Margit; with a solemn face;

repeated; 〃We wait。〃

Swithin's eyes swelled a little with his desire to see what they were

waiting for。  How queer they were; with their eyes that gazed beyond

him!  He looked at their figures。  'She would pay for dressing;' he

thought; and he tried to imagine Rozsi in a skirt with proper

flounces; a thin waist; and hair drawn back over her ears。  She would

pay for dressing; with that supple figure; fluffy hair; and little

hands!  And instantly his own hands; face; and clothes disturbed him。

He got up; examined the pistols on the wall; and felt resentment at

the faded; dusty room。  'Smells like a pot…house!' he thought。  He

sat down again close to Rozsi。

〃Do you love to dance?〃 she asked; 〃to dance is to live。  First you

hear the musichow your feet itch!  It is wonderful!  You begin

slow; quickquicker; you flyyou know nothingyour feet are in the

air。  It is wonderful!〃

A slow flush had mounted into Swithin's face。

〃Ah!〃 continued Rozsi; her eyes fixed on him; 〃when I am dancingout

there I see the plainsyour feet go onetwothreequick; quick;

quick; quickeryou fly。〃

She stretched herself; a shiver seemed to pass all down her。

〃Margit! dance!〃 and; to Swithin's consternation; the two girls

their hands on each other's shouldersbegan shuffling their feet and

swaying to and fro。  Their heads were thrown back; their eyes half…

closed; suddenly the step quickened; they swung to one side; then to

the other; and began whirling round in front of him。  The sudden

fragrance of rose leaves enveloped him。  Round they flew again。

While they were still dancing; Boleskey came into the room。  He

caught Swithin by both hands。

〃Brother; welcome! Ah! your arm is hurt! I do not forget。〃  His

yellow face and deep…set eyes expressed a dignified gratitude。  〃Let

me introduce to you my friend Baron Kasteliz。〃

Swithin bowed to a man with a small forehead; who had appeared

softly; and stood with his gloved hands touching his waist。  Swithin

conceived a sudden aversion for this catlike man。  About Boleskey

there was that which made contempt impossiblethe sense of

comradeship begotten in the fight; the man's height; something lofty

and savage in his face; and an obscure instinct that it would not pay

to show distaste; but this Kasteliz; with his neat jaw; low brow; and

velvety; volcanic look; excited his proper English animosity。  〃Your

friends are mine;〃 murmured Kasteliz。  He spoke with suavity; and

hissed his s's。  A long; vibrating twang quavered through the room。

Swithin turned and saw Rozsi sitting at the czymbal; the notes rang

under the little hammers in her hands; incessant; metallic; rising

and falling with that strange melody。  Kasteliz had fixed his glowing

eyes on her; Boleskey; nodding his head; was staring at the floor;

Margit; with a pale face; stood like a statue。

'What can they see in i

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