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villa rubein and other stories-第53章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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that old frock…coat。  His great dog jumped into the carriage; but he

bade her get out; took her paws on his shoulders; and whispered in

her ear some Italian words; a charm; hein! and back she went; the

tail between the legs。  We drove slowly; so as not to shake his arm。

He was more gay than I。  All the way he talked to me of you: how kind

you were! how good you had been to him!  'You do not speak of

yourself!' I said。  'Have you no friends; nothing to say?  Sometimes

an accident will happen!'  'Oh!' he answered; 'there is no danger;

but if by any chancewell; there is a letter in my pocket。'  'And if

you should kill him?' I said。  'But I shall not;' he answered slyly:

'do you think I am going to fire at him?  No; no; he is too young。'

'But;' I said; 'I 'I am not going to stand that!'  'Yes;' he

replied; 'I owe him a shot; but there is no dangernot the least

danger。'  We had arrived; already they were there。  Ah bah!  You know

the preliminaries; the politenessthis duelling; you know; it is

absurd; after all。  We placed them at twenty paces。  It is not a bad

place。  There are pine…trees round; and rocks; at that hour it was

cool and grey as a church。  I handed him the pistol。  How can I

describe him to you; standing there; smoothing the barrel with his

fingers!  'What a beautiful thing a good pistol!' he said。  'Only a

fool or a madman throws away his life;' I said。  'Certainly;' he

replied; 'certainly; but there is no danger;' and he regarded me;

raising his moustachette。

〃There they stood then; back to back; with the mouths of their

pistols to the sky。  ' Un!' I cried; 'deux! tirez!' They turned; I

saw the smoke of his shot go straight up like a prayer; his pistol

dropped。  I ran to him。  He looked surprised; put out his hand; and

fell into my arms。  He was dead。  Those fools came running up。  'What

is it?' cried one。  I made him a bow。  'As you see;' I said; 'you

have made a pretty shot。  My friend fired in the air。  Messieurs; you

had better breakfast in Italy。'  We carried him to the carriage; and

covered him with a rug; the others drove for the frontier。  I brought

him to his room。  Here is his letter。〃  Jules stopped; tears were

running down his face。  〃He is dead; I have closed his eyes。  Look

here; you know; we are all of us cadsit is the rule; but this

this; perhaps; was the exception。〃  And without another word he

rushed away。。。。

Outside the old fellow's lodging a dismounted cocher was standing

disconsolate in the sun。 〃How was I to know they were going to fight

a duel?〃 he burst out on seeing me。  〃He had white hairI call you

to witness he had white hair。  This is bad for me: they will ravish

my licence。  Aha! you will seethis is bad for me!〃  I gave him the

slip and found my way upstairs。  The old fellow was alone; lying on

the bed; his feet covered with a rug as if he might feel cold; his

eyes were closed; but in this sleep of death; he still had that air

of faint surprise。  At full length; watching the bed intently; Freda

lay; as she lay nightly when he was really asleep。  The shutters were

half open; the room still smelt slightly of rum。  I stood for a long

time looking at the face: the little white fans of moustache brushed

upwards even in death; the hollows in his cheeks; the quiet of his

figure; he was like some old knight。。。。  The dog broke the spell。

She sat up; and resting her paws on the bed; licked his face。  I went

downstairsI couldn't bear to hear her howl。  This was his letter to

me; written in a pointed handwriting:

〃MY DEAR SIR;Should you read this; I shall be gone。  I am ashamed

to trouble youa man should surely manage so as not to give trouble;

and yet I believe you will not consider me importunate。  If; then;

you will pick up the pieces of an old fellow; I ask you to have my

sword; the letter enclosed in this; and the photograph that stands on

the stove buried with me。  My will and the acknowledgments of my

property are between the leaves of the Byron in my tin chest; they

should go to Lucy Toraddress thereon。  Perhaps you will do me the

honour to retain for yourself any of my books that may give you

pleasure。  In the Pilgrim's Progress you will find some excellent

recipes for Turkish coffee; Italian and Spanish dishes; and washing

wounds。  The landlady's daughter speaks Italian; and she would; I

know; like to have Freda; the poor dog will miss me。  I have read of

old Indian warriors taking their horses and dogs with them to the

happy hunting…grounds。  Freda would comenoble animals are dogs! She

eats once a daya good large mealand requires much salt。  If you

have animals of your own; sir; don't forgetall animals require

salt。  I have no debts; thank God!  The money in my pockets would

bury me decentlynot that there is any danger。  And I am ashamed to

weary you with detailsthe least a man can do is not to make a fuss…

…and yet he must be found ready。Sir; with profound gratitude; your



Everything was as he had said。  The photograph on the stove was that

of a young girl of nineteen or twenty; dressed in an old…fashioned

style; with hair gathered backward in a knot。  The eyes gazed at you

with a little frown; the lips were tightly closed; the expression of

the face was eager; quick; wilful; and; above all; young。

The tin trunk was scented with dry fragments of some herb; the

history of which in that trunk man knoweth not。。。。  There were a few

clothes; but very few; all older than those he usually wore。  Besides

the Byron and Pilgrim's Progress were Scott's Quentin Durward;

Captain Marryat's Midshipman Easy; a pocket Testament; and a long and

frightfully stiff book on the art of fortifying towns; much thumbed;

and bearing date 1863。  By far the most interesting thing I found;

however; was a diary; kept down to the preceding Christmas。  It was a

pathetic document; full of calculations of the price of meals;

resolutions to be careful over this or that; doubts whether he must

not give up smoking; sentences of fear that Freda had not enough to

eat。  It appeared that he had tried to live on ninety pounds a year;

and send the other hundred pounds home to Lucy for the child; in this

struggle he was always failing; having to send less than the amount…

the entries showed that this was a nightmare to him。  The last words;

written on Christmas Day; were these 〃What is the use of writing

this; since it records nothing but failure!〃

The landlady's daughter and myself were at the funeral。  The same

afternoon I went into the concert…room; where I had spoken to him

first。  When I came out Freda was lying at the entrance; looking into

the faces of every one that passed; and sniffing idly at their heels。

Close by the landlady's daughter hovered; a biscuit in her hand; and

a puzzled; sorry look on her face。

September 1900。






Swithin Forsyte lay in bed。  The corners of his mouth under his white

moustache drooped towards his double chin。  He panted:

〃My doctor says I'm in a bad way; James。〃

His twin…brother placed his hand behind his ear。  〃I can't hear you。

They tell me I ought to take a cure。  There's always a cure wanted

for something。  Emily had a cure。〃

Swithin replied: 〃You mumble so。  I hear my man; Adolph。  I trained

him。。。。  You ought to have an ear…trumpet。  You're getting very

shaky; James。〃

There was silence; then James Forsyte; as if galvanised; remarked: 〃I

s'pose you've made your will。  I s'pose you've left your money to the

family; you've nobody else to leave it to。  There was Danson died the

other day; and left his money to a hospital〃

The hairs of Swithin's white moustache bristled。  〃My fool of a

doctor told me to make my will;〃 he said; 〃I hate a fellow who tells

you to make your will。  My appetite's good; I ate a partridge last

night。  I

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