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villa rubein and other stories-第51章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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were silent toogreat trees have that effect on me。。。。

〃Who can say when changes come?  Like a shift of the wind; the old

passes; the new is on you。  I am telling you now of a change like

that。  Without a sign of warning; Eilie put her horse into a gallop。

'What are you doing?' I shouted。  She looked back with a smile; then

he dashed past me too。  A hornet might have stung them both: they

galloped over fallen trees; under low hanging branches; up hill and

down。  I had to watch that madness!  My horse was not so fast。  I

rode like a demon; but fell far behind。  I am not a man who takes

things quietly。  When I came up with them at last; I could not speak

for rage。  They were riding side by side; the reins on the horses'

necks; looking in each other's faces。  'You should take care;' I

said。  'Care!' she cried; 'life is not all taking care!'  My anger

left me。  I dropped behind; as grooms ride behind their mistresses。。。

Jealousy!  No torture is so ceaseless or so black。。。。  In those

minutes a hundred things came up in mea hundred memories; true;

untrue; what do I know?  My soul was poisoned。  I tried to reason

with myself。  It was absurd to think such things!  It was unmanly。。。。

Even if it were true; one should try to be a gentleman!  But I found

myself laughing; yes; sir; laughing at that word。〃  He spoke faster;

as if pouring his heart out not to a live listener; but to the night。

〃I could not sleep that night。  To lie near her with those thoughts

in my brain was impossible!  I made an excuse; and sat up with some

papers。  The hardest thing in life is to see a thing coming and be

able to do nothing to prevent it。  What could I do?  Have you noticed

how people may become utter strangers without a word?  It only needs

a thought。。。。  The very next day she said: 'I want to go to Lucy's。'

'Alone?'  'Yes。'  I had made up my mind by then that she must do just

as she wished。  Perhaps I acted wrongly; I do not know what one ought

to do in such a case; but before she went I said to her: 'Eilie; what

is it?'  'I don't know;' she answered; and I kissed herthat was

all。。。。  A month passed; I wrote to her nearly every day; and I had

short letters from her; telling me very little of herself。  Dalton

was a torture to me; for I could not tell him; he had a conviction

that she was going to become a mother。  'Ah; Brune!' he said; 'my

poor wife was just like that。'  Life; sir; is a somewhat ironical

affair。。。!  HeI find it hard to speak his namecame to the school

two or three times a week。  I used to think I saw a change; a purpose

growing up through his recklessness; there seemed a violence in him

as if he chafed against my blade。  I had a kind of joy in feeling I

had the mastery; and could toss the iron out of his hand any minute

like a straw。  I was ashamed; and yet I gloried in it。  Jealousy is a

low thing; sira low; base thing!  When he asked me where my wife

was; I told him; I was too proud to hide it。  Soon after that he came

no more to the school。

〃One morning; when I could bear it no longer; I wrote; and said I was

coming down。  I would not force myself on her; but I asked her to

meet me in the orchard of the old house we called the Convent。  I

asked her to be there at four o'clock。  It has always been my; belief

that a man must neither beg anything of a woman; nor force anything

from her。  Women are generousthey will give you what they can。  I

sealed my letter; and posted it myself。  All the way down I kept on

saying to myself; 'She must comesurely she will come!'


〃I was in high spirits; but the next moment trembled like a man with

ague。  I reached the orchard before my time。  She was not there。  You

know what it is like to wait?  I stood still and listened; I went to

the point whence I could see farthest; I said to myself; 'A watched

pot never boils; if I don't look for her she will come。'  I walked up

and down with my eyes on the ground。  The sickness of it!  A hundred

times I took out my watch。。。。 Perhaps it was fast; perhaps hers was

slowI can't tell you a thousandth part of my hopes and fears。

There was a spring of water; in one corner。  I sat beside it; and

thought of the last time I had been thereand something seemed to

burst in me。  It was five o'clock before I lost all hope; there comes

a time when you're glad that hope is dead; it means rest。  'That's

over;' you say; 'now I can act。'  But what was I to do?  I lay down

with my face to the ground; when one's in trouble; it's the only

thing that helpssomething to press against and cling to that can't

give way。  I lay there for two hours; knowing all the time that I

should play the coward。  At seven o'clock I left the orchard and went

towards the inn; I had broken my word; but I felt happy。。。。 I should

see herand; sir; nothingnothing seemed to matter beside that。

Tor was in the garden snipping at his roses。  He came up; and I could

see that he couldn't look me in the face。  'Where's my wife?' I said。

He answered; 'Let's get Lucy。'  I ran indoors。  Lucy met me with two

letters; the firstmy ownunopened; and the second; this:

〃'I have left you。  You were good to me; but nowit is no use。


〃She told me that a boy had brought a letter for my wife the day

before; from a young gentleman in a boat。  When Lucy delivered it she

asked; 'Who is he; Miss Eilie?  What will Mr。 Brune say?'  My wife

looked at her angrily; but gave her no answerand all that day she

never spoke。  In the evening she was gone; leaving this note on the

bed。。。。  Lucy cried as if her heart would break。  I took her by the

shoulders and put her from the room; I couldn't bear the noise。  I

sat down and tried to think。  While I was sitting there Tor came in

with a letter。  It was written on the notepaper of an inn twelve

miles up the river: these were the words。

〃'Eilie is mine。  I am ready to meet you where you like。'〃

He went on with a painful evenness of speech。  〃When I read those

words; I had only one thoughtto reach them; I ran down to the

river; and chose out the lightest boat。  Just as I was starting; Tor

came running。  'You dropped this letter; sir;' be said。  'Two pair of

arms are better than one。'  He came into the boat。  I took the sculls

and I pulled out into the stream。  I pulled like a madman; and that

great man; with his bare arms crossed; was like a huge; tawny bull

sitting there opposite me。  Presently he took my place; and I took

the rudder lines。  I could see his chest; covered with hair; heaving

up and down; it gave me a sort of comfortit meant that we were

getting nearer。  Then it grew dark; there was no moon; I could barely

see the bank; there's something in the dark which drives one into

oneself。  People tell you there comes a moment when your nature is

decided'saved' or 'lost' as they call itfor good or evil。  That

is not true; your self is always with you; and cannot be altered;

but; sir; I believe that in a time of agony one finds out what are

the things one can do; and what are those one cannot。  You get to

know yourself; that's all。  And so it was with me。  Every thought and

memory and passion was so clear and strong!  I wanted to kill him。  I

wanted to kill myself。  But herno!  We are taught that we possess

our wives; body and soul; we are brought up in that faith; we are

commanded to believe itbut when I was face to face with it; those

words had no meaning; that belief; those commands; they were without

meaning to me; they werevile。  Oh yes; I wanted to find comfort in

them; I wanted to hold on to thembut I couldn't。  You may force a

body; how can you force a soul?  No; nocowardly!  But I wanted to

I wanted to kill him and force her to come back to me!  And then;

suddenly; I felt as if I were pressing right on the most secret nerve

of my heart。  I seemed to see her face; white and quivering; as if

I'd stamped my heel on it。  They say this world is ruled by force; it

may be trueI know I

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