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villa rubein and other stories-第5章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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appear at Botzen; driving his own horses by easy stages from the

Italian Riviera; where he spent the coldest months。  He always stayed

till June before going back to his London Club; and during all that

time he let no day pass without growling at foreigners; their habits;

food; drink; and raiment; with a kind of big dog's growling that did

nobody any harm。  The illness had broken him very much; he was

seventy; but looked more。  He had a servant; a Luganese; named

Dominique; devoted to him。  Nicholas Treffry had found him overworked

in an hotel; and had engaged him with the caution: 〃Lookhere;

Dominique! I swear!〃  To which Dominique; dark of feature; saturnine

and ironical; had only replied: 〃Tres biens; M'sieur!〃


Harz and his host sat in leather chairs; Herr Paul's square back was

wedged into a cushion; his round legs crossed。  Both were smoking;

and they eyed each other furtively; as men of different stamp do when

first thrown together。  The young artist found his host extremely new

and disconcerting; in his presence he felt both shy and awkward。

Herr Paul; on the other hand; very much at ease; was thinking


'Good…looking young fellowcomes of the people; I expect; not at all

the manner of the world; wonder what he talks about。'

Presently noticing that Harz was looking at a photograph; he said:

〃Ah! yes! that was a woman!  They are not to be found in these days。

She could dance; the little Coralie!  Did you ever see such arms?

Confess that she is beautiful; hein?〃

〃She has individuality;〃 said Harz。  〃A fine type!〃

Herr Paul blew out a cloud of smoke。

〃Yes;〃 he murmured; 〃she was fine all over!〃  He had dropped his

eyeglasses; and his full brown eyes; with little crow's…feet at the

corners; wandered from his visitor to his cigar。

'He'd be like a Satyr if he wasn't too clean;' thought Harz。  'Put

vine leaves in his hair; paint him asleep; with his hands crossed;


〃When I am told a person has individuality;〃 Herr Paul was saying in

a rich and husky voice; 〃I generally expect boots that bulge; an

umbrella of improper colour; I expect a creature of 'bad form' as

they say in England; who will shave some days and some days will not

shave; who sometimes smells of India…rubber; and sometimes does not

smell; which is discouraging!〃

〃You do not approve of individuality?〃 said Harz shortly。

〃Not if it means doing; and thinking; as those who know better do not

do; or think。〃

〃And who are those who know better?〃

〃Ah! my dear; you are asking me a riddle?  Well; thenSociety; men

of birth; men of recognised position; men above eccentricity; in a

word; of reputation。〃

Harz looked at him fixedly。  〃Men who haven't the courage of their

own ideas; not even the courage to smell of India…rubber; men who

have no desires; and so can spend all their time making themselves


Herr Paul drew out a red silk handkerchief and wiped his beard。  〃I

assure you; my dear;〃 he said; 〃it is easier to be flat; it is more

respectable to be flat。  Himmel! why not; then; be flat?〃

〃Like any common fellow?〃

〃Certes; like any common fellowlike me; par exemple!〃  Herr Paul

waved his hand。  When he exercised unusual tact; he always made use

of a French expression。

Harz flushed。  Herr Paul followed up his victory。  〃Come; come!〃 he

said。  〃Pass me my men of repute! que diable! we are not anarchists。〃

〃Are you sure?〃 said Harz。

Herr Paul twisted his moustache。  〃I beg your pardon;〃 he said

slowly。  But at this moment the door was opened; a rumbling voice

remarked: 〃Morning; Paul。  Who's your visitor?〃  Harz saw a tall;

bulky figure in the doorway。

〃Come in;〃' called out Herr Paul。  〃Let me present to you a new

acquaintance; an artist: Herr HarzMr。 Nicholas Treffry。  Psumm

bumm! All this introducing is dry work。〃  And going to the sideboard

he poured out three glasses of a light; foaming beer。

Mr。 Treffry waved it from him: 〃Not for me;〃 he said: 〃Wish I could!

They won't let me look at it。〃  And walking over; to the window with

a heavy tread; which trembled like his voice; he sat down。  There was

something in his gait like the movements of an elephant's hind legs。

He was very tall (it was said; with the customary exaggeration of

family tradition; that there never had been a male Treffry under six

feet in height); but now he stooped; and had grown stout。  There was

something at once vast and unobtrusive about his personality。

He wore a loose brown velvet jacket; and waistcoat; cut to show a

soft frilled shirt and narrow black ribbon tie; a thin gold chain was

looped round his neck and fastened to his fob。  His heavy cheeks had

folds in them like those in a bloodhound's face。  He wore big;

drooping; yellow…grey moustaches; which he had a habit of sucking;

and a goatee beard。  He had long loose ears that might almost have

been said to gap。  On his head there was a soft black hat; large in

the brim and low in the crown。  His grey eyes; heavy…lidded; twinkled

under their bushy brows with a queer; kind cynicism。  As a young man

he had sown many a wild oat; but he had also worked and made money in

business; he had; in fact; burned the candle at both ends; but he had

never been unready to do his fellows a good turn。  He had a passion

for driving; and his reckless method of pursuing this art had caused

him to be nicknamed: 〃The notorious Treffry。〃

Once; when he was driving tandem down a hill with a loose rein; the

friend beside him had said: 〃For all the good you're doing with those

reins; Treffry; you might as well throw them on the horses' necks。〃

〃Just so;〃 Treffry had answered。  At the bottom of the hill they had

gone over a wall into a potato patch。  Treffry had broken several

ribs; his friend had gone unharmed。

He was a great sufferer now; but; constitutionally averse to being

pitied; he had a disconcerting way of humming; and this; together

with the shake in his voice; and his frequent use of peculiar

phrases; made the understanding of his speech depend at times on

intuition rather than intelligence。

The clock began to strike eleven。  Harz muttered an excuse; shook

hands with his host; and bowing to his new acquaintance; went away。

He caught a glimpse of Greta's face against the window; and waved his

hand to her。  In the road he came on Dawney; who was turning in

between the poplars; with thumbs as usual hooked in the armholes of

his waistcoat。

〃Hallo!〃 the latter said。

〃Doctor!〃 Harz answered slyly; 〃the Fates outwitted me; it seems。〃

〃Serve you right;〃 said Dawney; 〃for your confounded egoism! Wait

here till I come out; I shan't be many minutes。〃

But Harz went on his way。  A cart drawn by cream…coloured oxen was

passing slowly towards the bridge。  In front of the brushwood piled

on it two peasant girls were sitting with their feet on a mat of

grassthe picture of contentment。

〃I'm wasting my time!〃 he thought。  〃I've done next to nothing in two

months。  Better get back to London!  That girl will never make a

painter!〃  She would never make a painter; but there was something in

her that he could not dismiss so rapidly。  She was not exactly

beautiful; but she was sympathetic。  The brow was pleasing; with

dark…brown hair softly turned back; and eyes so straight and shining。

The two sisters were very different!  The little one was innocent;

yet mysterious; the elder seemed as clear as crystal!

He had entered the town; where the arcaded streets exuded their

peculiar pungent smell of cows and leather; wood…smoke; wine…casks;

and drains。  The sound of rapid wheels over the stones made him turn

his head。  A carriage drawn by red…roan horses was passing at a great

pace。  People stared at it; standing still; and looking alarmed。  It

swung from side to side and vanished round a corner。  Harz saw Mr。

Nicholas Treffry in a long; whitish dust…coat; 

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