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villa rubein and other stories-第45章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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fallen leaves。。。。

May; 1900。






At Monte Carlo; in the spring of the year 189…; I used to notice an

old fellow in a grey suit and sunburnt straw hat with a black ribbon。

Every morning at eleven o'clock; he would come down to the Place;

followed by a brindled German boarhound; walk once or twice round it;

and seat himself on a bench facing the casino。  There he would remain

in the sun; with his straw hat tilted forward; his thin legs apart;

his brown hands crossed between them; and the dog's nose resting on

his knee。  After an hour or more he would get up; and; stooping a

little from the waist; walk slowly round the Place and return up

hill。  Just before three; he would come down again in the same

clothes and go into the casino; leaving the dog outside。

One afternoon; moved by curiosity; I followed him。  He passed through

the hall without looking at the gambling…rooms; and went into the

concert。  It became my habit after that to watch for him。  When he

sat in the Place I could see him from the window of my room。  The

chief puzzle to me was the matter of his nationality。

His lean; short face had a skin so burnt that it looked like leather;

his jaw was long and prominent; his chin pointed; and he had hollows

in his cheeks。  There were wrinkles across his forehead; his eyes

were brown; and little white moustaches were brushed up from the

corners of his lips。  The back of his head bulged out above the lines

of his lean neck and high; sharp shoulders; his grey hair was cropped

quite close。  In the Marseilles buffet; on the journey out; I had met

an Englishman; almost his counterpart in featuresbut somehow very

different!  This old fellow had nothing of the other's alert;

autocratic self…sufficiency。  He was quiet and undemonstrative;

without looking; as it were; insulated against shocks and foreign

substances。  He was certainly no Frenchman。  His eyes; indeed; were

brown; but hazel…brown; and gentlenot the red…brown sensual eye of

the Frenchman。  An American?  But was ever an American so passive?  A

German?  His moustache was certainly brushed up; but in a modest;

almost pathetic way; not in the least Teutonic。  Nothing seemed to

fit him。  I gave him up; and named him 〃the Cosmopolitan。〃

Leaving at the end of April; I forgot him altogether。  In the same

month; however; of the following year I was again at Monte Carlo; and

going one day to the concert found myself seated next this same old

fellow。  The orchestra was playing Meyerbeer's 〃Prophete;〃 and my

neighbour was asleep; snoring softly。  He was dressed in the same

grey suit; with the same straw hat (or one exactly like it) on his

knees; and his hands crossed above it。  Sleep had not disfigured

him …his little white moustache was still brushed up; his lips

closed; a very good and gentle expression hovered on his face。  A

curved mark showed on his right temple; the scar of a cut on the side

of his neck; and his left hand was covered by an old glove; the

little forger of which was empty。  He woke up when the march was over

and brisked up his moustache。

The next thing on the programme was a little thing by Poise from Le

joli Gilles; played by Mons。 Corsanego on the violin。  Happening to

glance at my old neighbour; I saw a tear caught in the hollow of his

cheek; and another just leaving the corner of his eye; there was a

faint smile on his lips。  Then came an interval; and while orchestra

and audience were resting; I asked him if he were fond of music。  He

looked up without distrust; bowed; and answered in a thin; gentle

voice: 〃Certainly。  I know nothing about it; play no instrument;

could never sing a note; but fond of it!  Who would not be?〃  His

English was correct enough; but with an emphasis not quite American

nor quite foreign。  I ventured to remark that he did not care for

Meyerbeer。  He smiled。

〃Ah!〃 he said; 〃I was asleep?  Too bad of me。  He is a little noisy

I know so little about music。  There is Bach; for instance。  Would

you believe it; he gives me no pleasure?  A great misfortune to be no

musician!〃  He shook his head。

I murmured; 〃Bach is too elevating for you perhaps。〃

〃To me;〃 he answered; 〃any music I like is elevating。  People say

some music has a bad effect on them。  I never found any music that

gave me a bad thoughtnonoquite the opposite; only sometimes; as

you see; I go to sleep。  But what a lovely instrument the violin!〃

A faint flush came on his parched cheeks。  〃The human soul that has

left the body。  A curious thing; distant bugles at night have given

me the same feeling。〃  The orchestra was now coming back; and;

folding his hands; my neighbour turned his eyes towards them。  When

the concert was over we came out together。  Waiting at the entrance

was his dog。

〃You have a beautiful dog!〃

〃Ah! yes。  Freda。  mia cara; da su mano!〃  The dog squatted on her

haunches; and lifted her paw in the vague; bored way of big dogs when

requested to perform civilities。  She was a lovely creaturethe

purest brindle; without a speck of white; and free from the

unbalanced look of most dogs of her breed。

〃Basta! basta!〃  He turned to me apologetically。  〃We have agreed to

speak Italian; in that way I keep up the language; astonishing the

number of things that dog will understand!〃  I was about to take my

leave; when he asked if I would walk a little way with him〃If you

are free; that is。〃  We went up the street with Freda on the far side

of her master。

〃Do you never 'play' here?〃 I asked him。

〃Play?  No。  It must be very interesting; most exciting; but as a

matter of fact; I can't afford it。  If one has very little; one is

too nervous。〃

He had stopped in front of a small hairdresser's shop。  〃I live

here;〃 he said; raising his hat again。  〃Au revoir!unless I can

offer you a glass of tea。  It's all ready。  Come! I've brought you

out of your way; give me the pleasure!〃

I have never met a man so free from all self…consciousness; and yet

so delicate and diffident the combination is a rare one。  We went up

a steep staircase to a room on the second floor。  My companion threw

the shutters open; setting all the flies buzzing。  The top of a

plane…tree was on a level with the window; and all its little brown

balls were dancing; quite close; in the wind。  As he had promised; an

urn was hissing on a table; there was also a small brown teapot; some

sugar; slices of lemon; and glasses。  A bed; washstand; cupboard; tin

trunk; two chairs; and a small rug were all the furniture。  Above the

bed a sword in a leather sheath was suspended from two nails。  The

photograph of a girl stood on the closed stove。  My host went to the

cupboard and produced a bottle; a glass; and a second spoon。  When

the cork was drawn; the scent of rum escaped into the air。  He

sniffed at it and dropped a teaspoonful into both glasses。

〃This is a trick I learned from the Russians after Plevna; they had

my little finger; so I deserved something in exchange。〃  He looked

round; his eyes; his whole face; seemed to twinkle。  〃I assure you it

was worth itmakes all the difference。  Try!〃  He poured off the


〃Had you a sympathy with the Turks?〃

〃The weaker side〃  He paused abruptly; then added: 〃But it was not

that。〃  Over his face innumerable crow's…feet had suddenly appeared;

his eyes twitched; he went on hurriedly; 〃I had to find something to

do just thenit was necessary。〃  He stared into his glass; and it

was some time before I ventured to ask if he had seen much fighting。

〃Yes;〃 he replied gravely; 〃nearly twenty years altogether; I was one

of Garibaldi's Mille in '60。〃

〃Surely you are not Italian?〃

He leaned forward with his hands on his knees。  〃I was in Genoa at

that time learning banking; Garibaldi was a wonderful man!  One could

not help it。〃  He spoke

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