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villa rubein and other stories-第44章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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well in a few daysa sprain! D' you think the sea…voyage。。。。  Is she

strong enough to be moved now at once?〃

It was painful to see his face; so twisted by the struggle between

his instinct and his vitality。  The sweat poured down his forehead。

He turned round as we walked up the path; and pointed out to sea。

There was his steamer。  〃I could get her on board in no time。

Impossible!  What is it; then?  Spine?  Good God!  The doctors。。。。

Sometimes they'll do wonders!〃  It was pitiful to see his efforts to

blind himself to the reality。

〃It can't be; she's too young。  We're walking very slow。〃  I told him

she was dying。

For a second I thought he was going to run away。  Then he jerked up

his head; and rushed on towards the house。  At the foot of the

staircase he gripped me by the shoulder。

〃It's not true!〃 he said; 〃she'll get better now I'm here。  I'll

stay。  Let everything go。  I'll stay。〃

〃Now's the time;〃 I said; 〃to show you loved her。  Pull yourself

together; man!〃  He shook all over。

〃Yes!〃 was all he answered。  We went into her room。  It seemed

impossible she was going to die; the colour was bright in her cheeks;

her lips trembling and pouted as if she had just been kissed; her

eyes gleaming; her hair so dark and crisp; her face so young。。。。

Half an hour later I stole to the open door of her room。  She was

still and white as the sheets of her bed。  John Ford stood at the

foot; and; bowed to the level of the pillows; his head on his

clenched fists; sat Zachary。  It was utterly quiet。  The guttering of

the leaves had ceased。  When things have come to a crisis; how little

one feelsno fear; no pity; no sorrow; rather the sense; as when a

play is over; of anxiety to get away!

Suddenly Zachary rose; brushed past me without seeing; and ran


Some hours later I went out on the path leading to the cove。  It was

pitch…black; the riding light of the Pied Witch was still there;

looking no bigger than a firefly。  Then from in front I heard

sobbinga man's sobs; no sound is quite so dreadful。  Zachary Pearse

got up out of the bank not ten paces off。

I had no heart to go after him; and sat down in the hedge。  There was

something subtly akin to her in the fresh darkness of the young

night; the soft bank; the scent of honeysuckle; the touch of the

ferns and brambles。  Death comes to all of us; and when it's over

it's over; but this blind businessof those left behind

A little later the ship whistled twice; her starboard light gleamed

faintlyand that was all。。。。


〃TORQUAY; 30th October 。

。。。。Do you remember the letters I wrote you from Moor Farm nearly

three years ago?  To…day I rode over there。  I stopped at Brixham on

the way for lunch; and walked down to the quay。  There had been a

showerbut the sun was out again; shining on the sea; the brown…red

sails; and the rampart of slate roofs。

A trawler was lying there; which had evidently been in a collision。

The spiky…bearded; thin…lipped fellow in torn blue jersey and sea…

boots who was superintending the repairs; said to me a little


〃Bane in collision; zurr; like to zee over her?〃  Then suddenly

screwing up his little blue eyes; he added:

〃Why; I remembers yu。  Steered yu along o' the young lady in this yer

very craft。〃

It was Prawle; Zachary Pearse's henchman。

〃Yes;〃 he went on; 〃that's the cutter。〃

〃And Captain Pearse?〃

He leant his back against the quay; and spat。  〃He was a pra…aper

man; I never zane none like 'en。〃

〃Did you do any good out there?〃

Prawle gave me a sharp glance。

〃Gude?  No; t'was arrm we done; vrom ztart to finishhad trouble all

the time。  What a man cude du; the skipper did。  When yu caan't du

right; zome calls it 'Providence'!  'Tis all my eye an' Betty Martin!

What I zay es; 'tis these times; there's such a dale o' folk; a dale

of puzzivantin' fellers; the world's to small。〃

With these words there flashed across me a vision of Drake crushed

into our modern life by the shrinkage of the world; Drake caught in

the meshes of red tape; electric wires; and all the lofty appliances

of our civilization。  Does a type survive its age; live on into times

that have no room for it?  The blood is thereand sometimes there's

a throw…back。。。。  All fancy!  Eh?

〃So;〃 I said; 〃you failed?〃

Prawle wriggled。

〃I wudden' goo for to zay that; zurr'tis an ugly word。  Da…am!〃 he

added; staring at his boots; 〃'twas thru me tu。  We were along among

the haythen; and I mus' nades goo for to break me leg。  The capt'n he

wudden' lave me。  'One Devon man;' he says to me; 'don' lave

anotherr。'  We werr six days where we shuld ha' been tu; when we got

back to the ship a cruiser had got her for gun…runnin'。〃

〃And what has become of Captain Pearse?〃

Prawle answered; 〃Zurr; I belave 'e went to China; 'tis onsartin。〃

〃He's not dead?〃

Prawle looked at me with a kind of uneasy anger。

〃Yu cudden' kell 'en!  'Tis true; mun 'll die zome day。  But therr's

not a one that'll show better zport than Capt'n Zach'ry Pearse。〃

I believe that; he will be hard to kill。  The vision of him comes up;

with his perfect balance; defiant eyes; and sweetish smile; the way

the hair of his beard crisped a little; and got blacker on the

cheeks; the sort of desperate feeling he gave; that one would never

get the better of him; that he would never get the better of himself。

I took leave of Prawle and half a crown。  Before I was off the quay I

heard him saying to a lady; 〃Bane in collision; marm!  Like to zee

over her?〃

After lunch I rode on to Moor。  The old place looked much the same;

but the apple…trees were stripped of fruit; and their leaves

beginning to go yellow and fall。  One of Pasiance's cats passed me in

the orchard hunting a bird; still with a ribbon round its neck。  John

Ford showed me all his latest improvements; but never by word or sign

alluded to the past。  He inquired after Dan; back in New Zealand now;

without much interest; his stubbly beard and hair have whitened; he

has grown very stout; and I noticed that his legs are not well under

control; he often stops to lean on his stick。  He was very ill last

winter; and sometimes; they say; will go straight off to sleep in the

middle of a sentence。

I managed to get a few minutes with the Hopgoods。  We talked of

Pasiance sitting in the kitchen under a row of plates; with that

clinging smell of wood…smoke; bacon; and age bringing up memories; as

nothing but scents can。  The dear old lady's hair; drawn so nicely

down her forehead on each side from the centre of her cap; has a few

thin silver lines; and her face is a thought more wrinkled。  The

tears still come into her eyes when she talks of her 〃lamb。〃

Of Zachary I heard nothing; but she told me of old Pearse's death。

〃Therr they found 'en; zo to spake; deadin th' sun; but Ha…apgood

can tell yu;〃 and Hopgood; ever rolling his pipe; muttered something;

and smiled his wooden smile。

He came to see me off from the straw…yard。  〃'Tis like death to the

varrm; zurr;〃 he said; putting all the play of his vast shoulders

into the buckling of my girths。  〃Mister Fordwell!  And not one of

th' old stock to take it when 'e's garn。。。。  Ah! it werr cruel; my

old woman's never been hersel' since。  Tell 'ee what 'tisdon't du

t' think to much。〃

I went out of my way to pass the churchyard。  There were flowers;

quite fresh; chrysanthemums; and asters; above them the white stone;

already stained:



        'The Lord hatb given; and the Lord hatb taken away。〃'

The red cows were there too; the sky full of great white clouds; some

birds whistling a little mournfully; and in the air the scent of

fallen leaves。。。。

May; 1900。




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