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villa rubein and other stories-第41章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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promise that I'd take her out there; and we'd have gone off on

Wednesday quietly enough; if you hadn't come and nosed the whole

thing out with your infernal dog。  The fat's in the fire!  There's no

reason why I should take her now。  I'll come back to her a rich man;

or not at all。〃

〃And in the meantime?〃 I slipped in。

He turned to me; in an ingratiating way。

〃I would have taken her to save the fussI really wouldit's not my

fault the thing's come out。  I'm on a risky job。  To have her with me

might ruin the whole thing; it would affect my nerve。  It isn't safe

for her。〃

〃And what's her position to be;〃 I said; 〃while you're away?  Do you

think she'd have married you if she'd known you were going to leave

her like this?  You ought to give up this business。

You stole her。  Her life's in your hands; she's only a child!〃

A quiver passed over his face; it showed that he was suffering。

〃Give it up!〃 I urged。

〃My last farthing's in it;〃 he sighed; 〃the chance of a lifetime。〃

He looked at me doubtfully; appealingly; as if for the first time in

his life he had been given a glimpse of that dilemma of consequences

which his nature never recognises。  I thought he was going to give

in。  Suddenly; to my horror; Dan growled; 〃Play the man!〃

Pearse turned his head。  〃I don't want your advice anyway;〃 he said;

〃I'll not be dictated to。〃

〃To your last day;〃 said Dan; 〃you shall answer to me for the way you

treat her。〃

Zachary smiled。

〃Do you see that fly?〃 he said。  〃WelI care for you as little as

this;〃 and he flicked the fly off his white trousers。  〃Good…


The noble mariners who manned our boat pulled lustily for the shore;

but we had hardly shoved off' when a storm of rain burst over the

ship; and she seemed to vanish; leaving a picture on my eyes of the

mate waving his cap above the rail; with his tanned young face bent

down at us; smiling; keen; and friendly。

。。。。。。 We reached the shore drenched; angry with ourselves; and with

each other; I started sulkily for home。

As I rode past an orchard; an apple; loosened by the rainstorm; came

down with a thud。

〃The apples were ripe and ready to fall;

Oh! heigh…ho! and ready to fall。〃

I made up my mind to pack; and go away。  But there's a strangeness; a

sort of haunting fascination in it all。  To you; who don't know the

people; it may only seem a piece of rather sordid folly。  But it

isn't the good; the obvious; the useful that puts a spell on us in

life。  It's the bizarre; the dimly seen; the mysterious for good or


The sun was out again when I rode up to the farm; its yellow thatch

shone through the trees as if sheltering a store of gladness and good

news。  John Ford himself opened the door to me。

He began with an apology; which made me feel more than ever an

intruder; then he said:

〃I have not spoken to my granddaughterI waited to see Dan Treffry。〃

He was stern and sad…eyed; like a man with a great weight of grief on

his shoulders。  He looked as if he had not slept; his dress was out

of order; he had not taken his clothes off; I think。  He isn't a man

whom you can pity。  I felt I had taken a liberty in knowing of the

matter at all。  When I told him where we had been; he said:

〃It was good of you to take this trouble。  That you should have had

to!  But since such things have come to pass〃 He made a gesture

full of horror。  He gave one the impression of a man whose pride was

struggling against a mortal hurt。  Presently he asked:

〃You saw him; you say?  He admitted this marriage?  Did he give an


I tried to make Pearse's point of view clear。  Before this old man;

with his inflexible will and sense of duty; I felt as if I held a

brief for Zachary; and must try to do him justice。

〃Let me understand;〃 he said at last。  〃He stole her; you say; to

make sure; and deserts her within a fortnight。〃

〃He says he meant to take her〃

〃Do you believe that?〃

Before I could answer; I saw Pasiance standing at the window。  How

long she had been there I don't know。

〃Is it true that he is going to leave me behind?〃 she cried out。

I could only nod。

〃Did you hear him your own self?〃


She stamped her foot。

〃But he promised! He promised!〃

John Ford went towards her。

〃Don't touch me; grandfather!  I hate every one!  Let him do what he

likes; I don't care。〃

John Ford's face turned quite grey。

〃Pasiance;〃 he said; 〃did you want to leave me so much?〃

She looked straight at us; and said sharply:

〃What's the good of telling stories。  I can't help its hurting you。〃

〃What did you think you would find away from here?〃

She laughed。

〃Find?  I don't knownothing; I wouldn't be stifled anyway。  Now I

suppose you'll shut me up because I'm a weak girl; not strong like


〃Silence!〃 said John Ford; 〃I will make him take you。〃

〃You shan't!〃 she cried; 〃I won't let you。  He's free to do as he

likes。  He's freeI tell you all; everybodyfree!〃

She ran through the window; and vanished。

John Ford made a movement as if the bottom had dropped out of his

world。  I left him there。

I went to the kitchen; where Hopgood was sitting at the table; eating

bread and cheese。  He got up on seeing me; and very kindly brought me

some cold bacon and a pint of ale。

〃I thart I shude be seeing yu; zurr;〃 he said between his bites;

〃Therr's no thart to 'atin' 'bout the 'ouse to…day。  The old wumman's

puzzivantin' over Miss Pasiance。  Young girls are skeery critters〃

he brushed his sleeve over his broad; hard jaws; and filled a pipe

〃specially when it's in the blood of 'em。  Squire Rick Voisey werr a

dandy; an' Mistress Voiseywell; she werr a nice lady tu; but〃

rolling the stem of his pipe from corner to corner of his mouth〃she

werr a pra…aper vixen。〃

Hopgood's a good fellow; and I believe as soft as he looks hard; but

he's not quite the sort with whom one chooses to talk over a matter

like this。  I went upstairs; and began to pack; but after a bit

dropped it for a book; and somehow or other fell asleep。

I woke; and looked at my watch; it was five o'clock。  I had been

asleep four hours。  A single sunbeam was slanting across from one of

my windows to the other; and there was the cool sound of milk

dropping into pails; then; all at once; a stir as of alarm; and heavy


I opened my door。  Hopgood and a coast…guardsman were carrying

Pasiance slowly up the stairs。  She lay in their arms without moving;

her face whiter than her dress; a scratch across the forehead; and

two or three drops there of dried blood。  Her hands were clasped; and

she slowly crooked and stiffened out her fingers。  When they turned

with her at the stair top; she opened her lips; and gasped; 〃All

right; don't put me down。  I can bear it。〃  They passed; and; with a

half…smile in her eyes; she said something to me that I couldn't

catch; the door was shut; and the excited whispering began again

below。  I waited for the men to come out; and caught hold of Hopgood。

He wiped the sweat off his forehead。

〃Poor young thing!〃 he said。  〃She felldown the cliffs'tis her

backcoastguard saw her 'twerr they fetched her in。  The Lord 'elp

her mebbe she's not broken up much!  An' Mister Ford don't know!  I'm

gwine for the doctor。〃

There was an hour or more to wait before he came; a young fellow;

almost a boy。  He looked very grave; when he came out of her room。

〃The old woman there fond of her?  nurse her well。。。?  Fond as a

dog!good!  Don't knowcan't tell for certain!  Afraid it's the

spine; must have another opinion!  What a plucky girl!  Tell Mr。 Ford

to have the best man he can get in Torquaythere's C…。  I'll be

round the first thing in the morning。  Keep her dead quiet。  I've

left a sleeping draught; she'll have fever tonight。〃

John Ford

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