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villa rubein and other stories-第34章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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little streams wherever there's a place for one; but the downs along

the cliff; all gorse and ferns; are wild。  The combe ends in a sandy

cove with black rock on one side; pinkish cliffs away to the headland

on the other; and a coastguard station。  Just now; with the harvest

coming on; everything looks its richest; the apples ripening; the

trees almost too green。  It's very hot; still weather; the country

and the sea seem to sleep in the sun。  In front of the farm are half…

a…dozen pines that look as if they had stepped out of another land;

but all round the back is orchard as lush; and gnarled; and orthodox

as any one could wish。  The house; a long; white building with three

levels of roof; and splashes of brown all over it; looks as if it

might be growing down into the earth。  It was freshly thatched two

years agoand that's all the newness there is about it; they say the

front door; oak; with iron knobs; is three hundred years old at

least。  You can touch the ceilings with your hand。  The windows

certainly might be largera heavenly old place; though; with a

flavour of apples; smoke; sweetbriar; bacon; honeysuckle; and age;

all over it。

The owner is a man called John Ford; about seventy; and seventeen

stone in weightvery big; on long legs; with a grey; stubbly beard;

grey; watery eyes; short neck and purplish complexion; he is

asthmatic; and has a very courteous; autocratic manner。  His clothes

are made of Harris tweedexcept on Sundays; when he puts on blacka

seal ring; and a thick gold cable chain。  There's nothing mean or

small about John Ford; I suspect him of a warm heart; but he doesn't

let you know much about him。  He's a north…country man by birth; and

has been out in New Zealand all his life。  This little Devonshire

farm is all he has now。  He had a large 〃station〃 in the North

Island; and was much looked up to; kept open house; did everything;

as one would guess; in a narrow…minded; large…handed way。  He came to

grief suddenly; I don't quite know how。  I believe his only son lost

money on the turf; and then; unable to face his father; shot himself;

if you had seen John Ford; you could imagine that。  His wife died;

too; that year。  He paid up to the last penny; and came home; to live

on this farm。  He told me the other night that he had only one

relation in the world; his granddaughter; who lives here with him。

Pasiance Voiseyold spelling for Patience; but they pronounce; it

Pash…yenceis sitting out here with me at this moment on a sort of

rustic loggia that opens into the orchard。  Her sleeves are rolled

up; and she's stripping currants; ready for black currant tea。  Now

and then she rests her elbows on the table; eats a berry; pouts her

lips; and; begins again。  She has a round; little face; a long;

slender body; cheeks like poppies; a bushy mass of black…brown hair;

and dark…brown; almost black; eyes; her nose is snub; her lips quick;

red; rather full; all her motions quick and soft。  She loves bright

colours。  She's rather like a little cat; sometimes she seems all

sympathy; then in a moment as hard as tortoise…shell。  She's all

impulse; yet she doesn't like to show her feelings; I sometimes

wonder whether she has any。  She plays the violin。

It's queer to see these two together; queer and rather sad。  The old

man has a fierce tenderness for her that strikes into the very roots

of him。  I see him torn between it; and his cold north…country horror

of his feelings; his life with her is an unconscious torture to him。

She's a restless; chafing thing; demure enough one moment; then

flashing out into mocking speeches or hard little laughs。  Yet she's

fond of him in her fashion; I saw her kiss him once when he was

asleep。  She obeys him generallyin a way as if she couldn't breathe

while she was doing it。  She's had a queer sort of education

history; geography; elementary mathematics; and nothing else; never

been to school; had a few lessons on the violin; but has taught

herself most of what she knows。  She is well up in the lore of birds;

flowers; and insects; has three cats; who follow her about; and is

full of pranks。  The other day she called out to me; 〃I've something

for you。  Hold out your hand and shut your eyes!〃  It was a large;

black slug!  She's the child of the old fellow's only daughter; who

was sent home for schooling at Torquay; and made a runaway match with

one Richard Voisey; a yeoman farmer; whom she met in the hunting…

field。  John Ford was furioushis ancestors; it appears; used to

lead ruffians on the Cumberland side of the Borderhe looked on

〃Squire〃 Rick Voisey as a cut below him。  He was called 〃Squire;〃 as

far as I can make out; because he used to play cards every evening

with a parson in the neighbourhood who went by the name of 〃Devil〃

Hawkins。  Not that the Voisey stock is to be despised。  They have had

this farm since it was granted to one Richard Voysey by copy dated

8th September; 13 Henry VIII。  Mrs。 Hopgood; the wife of the bailiff…

…a dear; quaint; serene old soul with cheeks like a rosy; withered

apple; and an unbounded love of Pasianceshowed me the very


〃I kape it;〃 she said。  〃Mr。 Ford be tu proudbut other folks be

proud tu。  'Tis a pra…aper old fam'ly: all the women is Margery;

Pasiance; or Mary; all the men's Richards an' Johns an' Rogers; old

as they apple…trees。〃

Rick Voisey was a rackety; hunting fellow; and 〃dipped〃 the old farm

up to its thatched roof。  John Ford took his revenge by buying up the

mortgages; foreclosing; and commanding his daughter and Voisey to go

on living here rent free; this they dutifully did until they were

both killed in a dog…cart accident; eight years ago。  Old Ford's

financial smash came a year later; and since then he's lived here

with Pasiance。  I fancy it's the cross in her blood that makes her so

restless; and irresponsible: if she had been all a native she'd have

been happy enough here; or all a stranger like John Ford himself; but

the two strains struggling for mastery seem to give her no rest。

You'll think this a far…fetched theory; but I believe it to be the

true one。  She'll stand with lips pressed together; her arms folded

tight across her narrow chest; staring as if she could see beyond the

things round her; then something catches her attention; her eyes will

grow laughing; soft; or scornful all in a minute! She's eighteen;

perfectly fearless in a boat; but you can't get her to mount a horse…

…a sore subject with her grandfather; who spends most of his day on a

lean; half…bred pony; that carries him like a feather; for all his


They put me up here as a favour to Dan Treffry; there's an

arrangement of L。 s。 d。 with Mrs。 Hopgood in the background。  They

aren't at all well off; this is the largest farm about; but it

doesn't bring them in much。  To look at John Ford; it seems

incredible he should be short of moneyhe's too large。

We have family prayers at eight; then; breakfastafter that freedom

for writing or anything else till supper and evening prayers。  At

midday one forages for oneself。  On Sundays; two miles to church

twice; or you get into John Ford's black books。。。。  Dan Treffry

himself is staying at Kingswear。  He says he's made his pile; it

suits him down herelike a sleep after years of being too wide…

awake; he had a rough time in New Zealand; until that mine made his

fortune。  You'd hardly remember him; he reminds me of his uncle; old

Nicholas Treffry; the same slow way of speaking; with a hesitation;

and a trick of repeating your name with everything he says; left…

handed too; and the same slow twinkle in his eyes。  He has a dark;

short beard; and red…brown cheeks; is a little bald on the temples;

and a bit grey; but hard as iron。  He rides over nearly every day;

attended by a black spaniel with a wonderful nose and a horror of

petticoats。  He has told me lots of good stories of John Ford in the

early squatter's times; his feats with horses live

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