贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > villa rubein and other stories >


villa rubein and other stories-第13章

小说: villa rubein and other stories 字数: 每页4000字

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Have you ever been hungry?  Have you ever had your soul down on its


〃Soul on its back?  That is good!〃

〃A man's no use;〃 cried Harz; 〃if he's always thinking of what others

think; he must stand on his own legs。〃

〃He must not then consider other people?〃

〃Not from cowardice anyway。〃

Sarelli drank。

〃What would you do;〃 he said; striking his chest; 〃if you had a

devil…here?  Would you go to bed?〃

A sort of pity seized on Harz。  He wanted to say something that would

be consoling but could find no words; and suddenly he felt disgusted。

What link was there between him and this man; between his love and

this man's love?

〃Harz!〃 muttered Sarelli; 〃Harz means 'tar;' hein?  Your family is

not an old one?〃

Harz glared; and said: 〃My father is a peasant。〃

Sarelli lifted the kummel bottle and emptied it into his glass; with

a steady hand。

〃You're honestand we both have devils。  I forgot; I brought you in

to see a picture!〃

He threw wide the shutters; the windows were already open; and a rush

of air came in。

〃Ah!〃 he said; sniffing; 〃smells of the earth; nicht wahr; Herr

Artist?  You should knowit belongs to your father。。。。  Come; here's

my picture; a Correggio!  What do you think of it?〃

〃It is a copy。〃

〃You think?〃

〃I know。〃

〃Then you have given me the lie; Signor;〃 and drawing out his

handkerchief SareIIi flicked it in the painter's face。

Harz turned white。

〃Duelling is a good custom!〃 said Sarelli。  〃I shall have the honour

to teach you just this one; unless you are afraid。  Here are pistols…

…this room is twenty feet across at least; twenty feet is no bad


And pulling out a drawer he took two pistols from a case; and put

them on the table。

〃The light is goodbut perhaps you are afraid。〃

〃Give me one!〃 shouted the infuriated painter; 〃and go to the devil

for a fool〃

〃One moment!〃 Sarelli murmured: 〃I will load them; they are more

useful loaded。〃

Harz leaned out of the window; his head was in a whirl。  'What on

earth is happening?' he thought。  'He's mador I am!  Confound him!

I'm not going to be killed!'  He turned and went towards the table。

Sarelli's head was sunk on his arms; he was asleep。  Harz

methodically took up the pistols; and put them back into the drawer。

A sound made him turn his head; there stood a tall; strong young

woman in a loose gown caught together on her chest。  Her grey eyes

glanced from the painter to the bottles; from the bottles to the

pistol…case。  A simple reasoning; which struck Harz as comic。

〃It is often like this;〃 she said in the country patois; 〃der Herr

must not be frightened。〃

Lifting the motionless Sarelli as if he were a baby; she laid him on

a couch。

〃Ah!〃 she said; sitting down and resting her elbow on the table; 〃he

will not wake!〃

Harz bowed to her; her patient figure; in spite of its youth and

strength; seemed to him pathetic。  Taking up his knapsack; he went


The smoke of cottages rose straight; wisps of mist were wandering

about the valley; and the songs of birds dropping like blessings。

All over the grass the spiders had spun a sea of threads that bent

and quivered to the pressure of the air; like fairy tight…ropes。

All that day he tramped。

Blacksmiths; tall stout men with knotted muscles; sleepy eyes; and

great fair beards; came out of their forges to stretch and wipe their

brows; and stare at him。

Teams of white oxen; waiting to be harnessed; lashed their tails

against their flanks; moving their heads slowly from side to side in

the heat。  Old women at chalet doors blinked and knitted。

The white houses; with gaping caves of storage under the roofs; the

red church spire; the clinking of hammers in the forges; the slow

stamping of oxen…all spoke of sleepy toil; without ideas or ambition。

Harz knew it all too well; like the earth's odour; it belonged to

him; as Sarelli had said。

Towards sunset coming to a copse of larches; he sat down to rest。  It

was very still; but for the tinkle of cowbells; and; from somewhere

in the distance; the sound of dropping logs。

Two barefooted little boys came from the wood; marching earnestly

along; and looking at Harz as if he were a monster。  Once past him;

they began to run。

'At their age;' he thought; 'I should have done the same。'  A hundred

memories rushed into his mind。

He looked down at the village straggling belowwhite houses with

russet tiles and crowns of smoke; vineyards where the young leaves

were beginning to unfold; the red…capped spire; a thread of bubbling

stream; an old stone cross。  He had been fourteen years struggling up

from all this; and now just as he had breathing space; and the time

to give himself wholly to his workthis weakness was upon him!

Better; a thousand times; to give her up!

In a house or two lights began to wink; the scent of wood smoke

reached him; the distant chimes of bells; the burring of a stream。


Next day his one thought was to get back to work。  He arrived at the

studio in the afternoon; and; laying in provisions; barricaded the

lower door。  For three days he did not go out; on the fourth day he

went to Villa Rubein。。。。

Schloss Runkelsteingrey; blind; strengthlessstill keeps the

valley。  The windows which once; like eyes; watched men and horses

creeping through the snow; braved the splutter of guns and the gleam

of torches; are now holes for the birds to nest in。  Tangled creepers

have spread to the very summits of the walls。  In the keep; instead

of grim men in armour; there is a wooden board recording the history

of the castle and instructing visitors on the subject of

refreshments。  Only at night; when the cold moon blanches everything;

the castle stands like the grim ghost of its old self; high above the


After a long morning's sitting the girls had started forth with Harz

and Dawney to spend the afternoon at the ruin; Miss Naylor; kept at

home by headache; watched them depart with words of caution against

sunstroke; stinging nettles; and strange dogs。

Since the painter's return Christian and he had hardly spoken to each

other。  Below the battlement on which they sat; in a railed gallery

with little tables; Dawney and Greta were playing dominoes; two

soldiers drinking beer; and at the top of a flight of stairs the

Custodian's wife sewing at a garment。  Christian said suddenly: 〃I

thought we were friends。〃

〃Well; Fraulein Christian; aren't we?〃

〃You went away without a word; friends don't do that。〃

Harz bit his lips。

〃I don't think you care;〃 she went on with a sort of desperate haste;

〃whether you hurt people or not。  You have been here all this time

without even going to see your father and mother。〃

〃Do you think they would want to see me?〃

Christian looked up。

〃It's all been so soft for you;〃 he said bitterly; 〃you don't


He turned his head away; and then burst out: 〃I'm proud to come

straight from the soilI wouldn't have it otherwise; but they are of

'the people;' everything is narrow with themthey only understand

what they can see and touch。〃

〃I'm sorry I spoke like that;〃 said Christian softly; 〃you've never

told me about yourself。〃

There was something just a little cruel in the way the painter looked

at her; then seeming to feel compunction; he said quickly: 〃I always

hatedthe peasant lifeI wanted to get away into the world; I had a

feeling in hereI wantedI don't know what I wanted!  I did run

away at last to a house…painter at Meran。  The priest wrote me a

letter from my fatherthey threw me off; that's all。〃

Christian's eyes were very bright; her lips moved; like the lips of a

child listening to a story。

〃Go on;〃 she said。

〃I stayed at Meran two years; till I'd learnt all I could there; then

a brother of my mother'

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